Moira P. Vs. May - Metal Smothers

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Re: Moira P. Vs. May - Metal Smothers

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Of course, while laying there, May would groan before start doing the first thing she thought, she start punching the side of Moira with her fist as she hope it can force Moira off, while she was suffocating under Moira, of course, at the same time, she would kick around, hoping that the punching and kicking around would free her soon

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Re: Moira P. Vs. May - Metal Smothers

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Moira tried to stay tight with her hold but against all that struggling there was nought for her to do. Rolling off she'd clench her sides - her face a picture as she moaned and groaned from those heavy hits.

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Re: Moira P. Vs. May - Metal Smothers

Unread post by Void-Effect »

May would pants as she lay there, before slowly, she pull herself back up as she glare at Moira, she would walk to her and decide to finish this, she would give her few stomp before she decide to lay on top of Moira, using her breast to smother Moira once again as she lay on top of her, pressing herself down as she pants

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Re: Moira P. Vs. May - Metal Smothers

Unread post by Devilish53 »

With those hard stomps Moira was laid out flat - her eyes a little askew as the heavyweight foe before her laid across her. Breasts to her face, she was utterly trapped and restrained, as all the breath and life poured out from her with that smother.

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Re: Moira P. Vs. May - Metal Smothers

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Of course, she would wiggle left and right a bit, trapping Moira under her, attempt to force Moira to tap out with a smirk on her face as she lay on top of her, with a few grunt, she would press down harder with a smirk on her face as she attempt to force to give up

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Re: Moira P. Vs. May - Metal Smothers

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Completely trapped, the end was nigh for Moira. Knowing she was done in, and favouring the idea of not being knocked out, she'd extend her hand to tap out on May's side. The match over, as Moira signalled for her submission.

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Re: Moira P. Vs. May - Metal Smothers

Unread post by Void-Effect »

May would pants as she felt Moira tap out, she would smile as she slowly get up before she bend down and extend her hand to the downed Moira, with a smile on her face, she would try to help her up as a sign of good will

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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Re: Moira P. Vs. May - Metal Smothers

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Moira however was too out of it to register what was happening. Her eyes shut and her breathing laboured, there was nought said from the brunette as she eventually rolled to her side, and onto her front. For what was a slow and steady retreat after her match.

Winner By Submission: May

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