Semi-Open Match/Thread Idea

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Semi-Open Match/Thread Idea

Unread post by winner3 »

Hey guys. Winner back at it again with the crackpot ideas.

So over the course of life taking it's toll on me and keeping me busy, and in the wake of learning folks really want to get more events and titles sorted, I've been giving thought to some a match idea that could help involve several characters without being difficult to pull off. Real pro wrestling usually features multiman/multiwoman matches as a way of adding multiple characters to stories and accelerating stories. But traditionally, forum-based RP like ours is much more easily executed in a 1 v 1 format. One character controlled by one poster, each person posting when they can. Interactions locked between those two characters for the duration of the thread. It's tried and true and it works. That's why we've done many tournaments or events where it's simply a series of one on one matches. Sometimes tag matches or with one additional character at ringside. That kinda stuff.

It's pretty difficult to add to that in a practical manner where the thread actually gets seen through to completion. What's more, open threads are notoriously difficult to pull off. Life happens and that's okay. So what's my idea to sorta circumvent that and make it work, at least for 1 particular type of match? Well, bear with me for now. Please hear me out.

Imagine a lumberjack/lumberjill match. Pro wrestling fans on the forum will be familiar with the idea. But the long and short of it is that it's a match between two people with several wrestlers at ringside. The wrestlers around the ring act as enforcers. Should a wrestler competing inside the ring be thrown out or try to run away, the ones around the ring serve to force them back into the ring, usually dishing some punishment out to them in the process of doing so. This lead to fun interactions. One of the ladies in the ring intentionally throwing the other out of the ring, for example, so that the wrestler's at ringside do some of their work for them. Or a heel wrestler fighting to stay in the ring before finally being thrown out and being forced to endure some of their own medicine. Fun stuff like that.

What I propose is two threads that run sorta parallel to one another. You could have two wrestlers competing and whenever one is thrown out, that wrestler temporarily enters another thread, where the girls at ringside (it can be different wrestlers partaking each time depending on which side of ring the out-of-bounds wrestler was thrown out of). And I think coordinating on discord for who gets involved in that thread and what spots there can be would be a really cool way to make sure that other people get involved in brief spots and get their turn so to speak, all while still having an official match seen through in the ring.

Biggest hangup with this is that if one girl is thrown out of the ring in the 1 v 1 match happening there, the thread kinda has to come to a halt until they make it back into the ring or are thrown back into the ring. So to overcome this (again bear with me), what I have in mind is add a third person to the ring and make it a triple threat. Finally, allow the lumberjacks/lumberjills to legally (within the match rules and the canon) keep one member of the triple threat match occupied outside the ring with them, so that they aren't necessarily forced to allow them back into the match right away like in a normal lumberjack match.

This accomplishes 2 things. It allows the open thread to continue with one girl on the outside without stalling the main thread with the match between the in-ring competitors. And it allows the match to complete without having to wrap up the open portion first (the need to both girls in a 1 v 1 present in the ring and outside of the open thread to that the match can finish properly.

Please let me know what your thoughts are and if it's a good idea. In my head, it can be fun and a great way to get many characters to interact in ways that they wouldn't usually or if they normally wouldn't get the chance. I'd definitely moderate it and try to see it to completion, and I'd look after a discord server to plan spots for the match.
TLDR/Recap of Match idea
  • Triple Threat Lumberjack Match
  • Girls on the outside legally allowed to keep a competitor in the match outide with them at ringside and out of the match until they find their way back in or until they're thrown back in
  • A semi-open thread running in tandem with the in-ring match. The open thread would cover the events outside the ring (e.g. banter, pulling someone in the ring outside the ring, ambushing someone that falls out the ring, hopping on the apron to interfere etc
  • spots coordinated on discord and everyone having a heads up on who's plans the post what and what spots to set up. Of course, we'd figure out a bunch of that stuff before the actual match
  • Feedback/ideas appreciated
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Re: Semi-Open Match/Thread Idea

Unread post by Bare »

Hmm pretty interesting. It would def be a challenge to coordinate so much happening at once but I could see it working for integrating multiperson matches, you could even expand it out to four ways or potentially even a royal rumble depending on how well this works at least once its tried. But overall I like it, there’s definitely some tweaks that will probably have to be made but I can see it working out well and count me in to participre if/when this happens ^^

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Re: Semi-Open Match/Thread Idea

Unread post by CaptainL »

As someone who's attempted to make a battle royal work before and having that be brought to a halt by one of the participants leaving the forum, I think the idea of making it a triple threat and having it so things would happen simultaneously between the two threads would be a good way to keep things going. And having it so that two people can be in the ring at a given time while the third is involved in another thread definitely would make it easier to coordinate. I think this should be a good trial run for if something like this can work, and hopefully it can lead to more developments like this in the future.

My only concern is that it might be hard to follow two threads going at a time if the action is switching back and forth between them, but perhaps that could work if people dropped links to the relevant posts when a character got taken from one thread to another? Like, link to the corresponding moments in the posts where a transition happens so it's clear what the order of events is.
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Re: Semi-Open Match/Thread Idea

Unread post by The Riders »

I think it be fun to do

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Re: Semi-Open Match/Thread Idea

Unread post by winner3 »

Thank you very much for the constructive criticism, guys. I appreciate it and I'm willing to amend and tweak things where needed to make it work if the interest in the match type is high enough. I'll continue to ask around, post in this thread, and refine things until I feel like it's viable, if folks are still interested.
CaptainL wrote:
Sun Oct 11, 2020 10:44 pm
As someone who's attempted to make a battle royal work before and having that be brought to a halt by one of the participants leaving the forum, I think the idea of making it a triple threat and having it so things would happen simultaneously between the two threads would be a good way to keep things going. And having it so that two people can be in the ring at a given time while the third is involved in another thread definitely would make it easier to coordinate. I think this should be a good trial run for if something like this can work, and hopefully it can lead to more developments like this in the future.

My only concern is that it might be hard to follow two threads going at a time if the action is switching back and forth between them, but perhaps that could work if people dropped links to the relevant posts when a character got taken from one thread to another? Like, link to the corresponding moments in the posts where a transition happens so it's clear what the order of events is.
This is a perfectly valid concern. In my mind, the main match thread would serve as a point of reference for the open/parallel thread. With the folks in the second thread using who's currently inside or outside the thread as a point of reference. So maybe, every time someone enters or exits the ring, it's said so in bold at the bottom of a post both threads to help everyone have a point of reference for what's going on. Naturally, too much banter/fluff happening would make it easier to lose track. And that's something I would hope to mitigate by syncing with folks on discord and having a channel where everyone runs their prospective ideas/posts by everyone before posting them.

I also feel that things get easier if whoever comes out third in the triple threat is ambushed right away, and the match starts with one person already outside of the ring. But that's just me. I'd love to hear more thoughts.
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Re: Semi-Open Match/Thread Idea

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

This man comes in big dick swinging after vanishing act part 4 with an interesting idea. Honestly the two thread thing I can get behind keeps the match from being cluttered with lumberjill posts (because let’s be honest that would get us 5 pages before the first sequence.) biggest issue is that taking someone out so much just seems like it limits the point of the match being a triple threat, I know the alternative is a match that is slow but isn’t that why such an undertaking should be reliable posters?

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Re: Semi-Open Match/Thread Idea

Unread post by winner3 »

Taskmaster12 wrote:
Mon Oct 12, 2020 12:41 am
This man comes in big dick swinging after vanishing act part 4 with an interesting idea.
Ooof cutting me real deep there, Task. But I deserve that one so I'll take it on the chin like a champ.
Taskmaster12 wrote:
Mon Oct 12, 2020 12:41 am
Honestly the two thread thing I can get behind keeps the match from being cluttered with lumberjill posts (because let’s be honest that would get us 5 pages before the first sequence.) biggest issue is that taking someone out so much just seems like it limits the point of the match being a triple threat, I know the alternative is a match that is slow but isn’t that why such an undertaking should be reliable posters?
I agree that this makes making the match a triple threat a bit of misnomer since the idea of 3 people competing back and forth really isn't the point of the match itself. Perhaps the match can be billed under a name to take focus off the triple threat aspect. Something like "Lumberjill Mayhem" or "Trial by LAW" or something. Idk I'm not good with naming things.

The 3 active participants in the match for sure would have to be active posters. I think some of the lumberjills being inactive would be less of an issue but hey maybe I'll be wrong. We can see, if this idea gets off the ground, that is.
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Re: Semi-Open Match/Thread Idea

Unread post by Bare »

It is possible a fatal four way would work better than a triple thret. Two active match participants at any one point in time. One person that can be taken out of tbe ring for lumberjill stuff, and then the fourth could be a wild card that can keep the match going if/when it stalls or pretty much act in anyway that the thread demands.

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