Angela Gil "The Golden Queen" VS Lee Tenille "The Untouchable"

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Angela Gil "The Golden Queen" VS Lee Tenille "The Untouchable"

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Angla would be seen cracking her knuckles in the locker room, she would hop around few time to ready herself with a smirk on her face with her signature costume on, a simple white and blue bra and a biker shorts and gold short skirt, a pair of black and gold color glove with a pair of gold and black color boots, she would does few quick hope before heard her theme, she would walk out of the locker room and onto the ramp as she does a quick spin while wave at everyone
She would simply walk and slide into the ring before goes into her corner, waiting for her opponent to appear as she lean on her corner with a relax and confident smirk as she wait, confident in herself, she wouldn't be too worried as she lean there, of course, with a smug and confident smirk as she lean there with a relaxed manner

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Re: Angela Gil "The Golden Queen" VS Lee Tenille "The Untouchable"

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"Alright baby, you GOT this!"

Lee was set to make her LAW debut, and while she would've preferred if it were with her best friend in her corner, she was going to go at it alone. "I know I do! Just.. butterflies." The short woman huffed as she bounced on the balls of her feet, hearing her opponent's music play and sucking in a breath in anticipation. This was her dream after all, before she met Ash, to debut in a big company and show off what she can do, but ever since meeting the bigger woman, she wanted to share the moment with her.

"Well... digest them! You're going to kill it, you always do, if I'm out there or not!" Ash told her with a smack on the back, before pushing her forward once Angela's music wrapped up, and Lee was nearly shoved out onto the stage. "Ok ok ok! Calm down!" She said with a laugh, before closing her eyes, absorbing the moment.. and walking out.
She did little on her way to the ring, waving and slapping a few hands of the younger fans, before leaping up onto the apron and climbing the top rope to wave her arms and hype the crowd up, before cartwheeling off the turnbuckle into the ring.

"Good luck, little lady!" Lee said with a two-fingered salute, waiting in her corner for the bell to ring.

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Re: Angela Gil "The Golden Queen" VS Lee Tenille "The Untouchable"

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Of course, with a smirk, Angela would use her own two finger to salute back as the bell before she would tell the new girl "Alright, Don't think I would go easy" She said with a smirk

And as the bell ring ring, Angela would be the one try to make the first move as she would charge at the new girl, of course, she would raise her right arm and goes for a clotheslines, since it is a basic move it would be very easy to dodge, so she suspect herself to miss

If Angela did miss, she would use the rope to bouncer herself back as she use the rope's momentum and bounce herself back, she would then jump and goes for a drop kick to her back or chest depend on if she turn around or no, and if Angela miss, she would fall to the mat with a grunt before pull herself back up

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Re: Angela Gil "The Golden Queen" VS Lee Tenille "The Untouchable"

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Lee heard that bell ring and figured that things would start out normally, with a lock-up, and thus approached as such, but once she saw Angela charge forward, her eyes widened and she ducked down in order to avoid the incoming hit.

And turn herself around to catch the blonde bouncing off the ropes, it was sheer coincidence that the two were thinking the same thing. Angela jumped up for a dropkick, and Lee matched her, leaping and thrusting the soles of her boots right against her opponent's for a dueling dropkick!

Shaking her head at that, the smaller woman rolled onto her hands and knees and sprung forward in a leaping clothesline.

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Re: Angela Gil "The Golden Queen" VS Lee Tenille "The Untouchable"

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Of Course, Angela's Clothesline and Dropkick would both missed and blocked, the latter which result both girl try to go for dropkick, and both collapse back down to the mat, while Lee would go for another clotheslines, Angela would simply roll away with a smirk

If her dodge is good enough, she would go behind Lee and grab her waist before lift her up, going for a German Suplex as she lock her arms around Lee's Waist and lift her up then slam her down as she grunt

Angela would then let go before roll away and stand up

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Re: Angela Gil "The Golden Queen" VS Lee Tenille "The Untouchable"

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Lee flew over the head of Angela as she went for that flying clothesline, crashing down onto her knees in the process. "Urgh.." Yeah, ok, maybe that was a bit dumb. Still, she should just be able to grab onto the ropes, get to the apron and-

Those arms wrapped around her way too quick in order for her to even grip onto the cables, going wide-eyed at the hold and struggling for a bit before she was eventually launched overhead for that German Suplex!


And Lee landed head and neck first onto the mat, her body folding over completely, before her body eventually completed the roll and smacked down face-down to the mat, the exposed parts of her jiggling just a bit as she groaned and raised a hand to cup her neck.

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Re: Angela Gil "The Golden Queen" VS Lee Tenille "The Untouchable"

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Angela would smile as she stand up, so far so good, she thought to herself as she hop around few times, with a smirk on her face as her suplex work it's magic as she saw Lee collapse and rub her neck

She would try to follow it up with few kick to her while she is down of course, she isn't going to let Lee go that easily just because this is her debut, as she attempt to give her a few kicks while she is down, she would even give her a stomp as she smirk

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Re: Angela Gil "The Golden Queen" VS Lee Tenille "The Untouchable"

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Lee wasn't quite used to being taken down so early in the match-up. Usually, she was either on the apron with Ash doing the work, or she was flying high and hitting impressive aerial moves. But it seemed that life in LAW wasn't as easy as the indies she worked at, as she was now clutching at her neck and squirming on the ground.

But it got worse, when those kicks drove against the side and caused her to groan out in pain. But seeing her opponent's foot lift up for a stomp, Lee had to get out of the way, rolling her body in an attempt to dodge the incoming stomp. And if successful, she'd launch herself off of her feet, looking for a mini spear!

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Re: Angela Gil "The Golden Queen" VS Lee Tenille "The Untouchable"

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Of course, since Lee is a rookie, Angela would have more experience, but she would also know that doesn't underestimate Lee or be overconfident as she give her few kicks, before she would lift her foot and go for a stomp, Lee would roll out of the way before she was launch by Lee's spear, causing her to groan in pain

Of course, if nothing stop her, Angela would get up as she pants few time, causing her to smirk as she look at her, as she nod her head at her before said "Not bad girl, not bad" She said before charge as she goes for a right leg spin kick to her head, hoping it would surprise Lee and aim for right side of Lee's head

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