*Finally, after all the animosity and tension of the previous encounters had subsided, tonight would be the night where everything would be resolved. The Hulking Hawaiian never had any form of animosity towards her competition; Kat was merely an obstacle in her path that she needed to overcome, not someone she intended to establish some deep-seeded animosity towards. However, when her reputation as a wrestler was put on the line, her entire demeanor changed- She needed to remind everyone of how monstrous and intimidating she was, and given how mortifying her previous loss was, she had an insatiable desire to redeem herself.*
"I cannot underestimate her ability within the ropes." *Moa quietly reflected on the impending brawl, taking a moment to ruminate to herself.*
"She is swift, skillful, and more experienced than I. This shall be a war of attrition, and one that I have no intentions of losing." *And with that, Moa vacated the locker room and strolled down the hallway, receiving multiple gawks and glares from the unknown rookies as she did so. Waiting for her cue, she eventually emerged from backstage to a mixed response of both detestation and applause.*
*As the gargantuan being strolled down the ramp, her mind continued to race with contrasting thoughts pertaining to how she should go about approaching this volatile situation- Given how nimble Kat was, should she rely on her technique and guile? Or perhaps a full frontal assault would behoove her more? While these notions continued to bounce around in her brain, she suddenly realized that her feet had reached their destination without her noticing.*
"Hmm..her psychological warfare is already working." *Without hesitation, Moa ascended up the metallic ramp and bent the ropes to her will, stepping in between them to enter the arena.*
*Finally making her way towards her neutral corner, Moa stretched her backside across it while folding her arms, maintaing a confident grin that easily masked her trepidation.*
"I'm eager to see how the crowd reacts to her presence, given how beloved she is." *The islander remarked, trying to sooth her anxiety by opening and shutting her hands while she waited.*