Debut Match: Momo vs Hua

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Debut Match: Momo vs Hua

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Normal Match
Victory via Submission, ko or pinfall


Helping someone debut, that was a nice thing to do… or at least hua hoped it was a nice thing. The mature woman was standing backstage in her skin-tight outfit and would stretch herself. Tonight was a great night for a match. The moviestar would hear how the music started to play and it was her turn to enter. The would look around one last time to make sure it was really her time. A lot of the stuff workers would wave her that she should get moving.
Under loud clapping and cheering the movie star would step onto the stage and smile for a moment. She would wave the fans before striking a pose bringing her hands together behind her head. She would stay for this for a moment before she started moving past the fans, handing out highfives and a few hugs. The Chinese woman loved these events, being so close with the fans and having a good time and a good match. She would slowly climb up the stairs into the ring, waiting for her opponent to make her entrance.

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Re: Debut Match: Momo vs Hua

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Momo Kazan stood behind the gorilla position doing some last minute stretches with a huge grin on her face. It was finally time for her LAW debut! She'd been building up to this for... like a few months. But that didn't make the girl any less excited as she bounced up and down on her feet. She was not alone backstage, standing beside her was a dark haired man with the same chestnut-brown eyes as Momo wearing a suit. This man was Natsu Kazan, Momo's father and her manager, who was currently nervously checking his watch with every chance he had "We're late. We've missed our cue and we're late." Momo would turn to her father and frown at him with her cheeks puffed out "Ugh you're such a worrywart dad!"

Before Natsu could retort a stagehand would solve the dispute by informing them that Momo was on in ten seconds. Momo's grin found its way back on her face as she got ready to go, her father getting ready to follow closely behind her. As soon as her entrance theme started playing the blonde would make a run for it, leaving her father in the dust as she came out and started waving energetically at the audience, mostly met with the kind of lukewarm reception you'd expect from a wrestler only just making their LAW debut, save for a small minority of the audience who suddenly burst into very enthusiastic applause at the sight of the girl. These were Momo's fans from the federation she was at before LAW, and apparently they had come to welcome her to her LAW debut.

Even if only a small amount of the audience were her fans it still made Momo happy, so she would smile brightly at them before jogging down the ramp. At one point she would stop to pick out a girl in the audience who seemed to be one of her fans and come up to her, she would then fistbump the girl before completing her journey down to the ring and climbing in. Meanwhile her father was jogging behind her, trying to get to the ring quickly without bringing attention to himself since Momo had accidentally left him behind in her excitement.

Once in the ring Momo would get her first look at Hua Shin, and all she could think at the sight of her was "wow, she's gorgeous." Momo would behold the mature woman with widened eyes and slightly reddened cheeks for a few moments before quickly recovering, flashing her signature cheeky smile and letting out a little laugh at her own expense "Woops. Sorry for staring, shishishi." It was a well known fact that LAW's roster was filled with beautiful women, that was one of the biggest draws of the company after all, but Momo hadn't seriously been expecting to be facing a hot babe who was just her type in her very first match. This was gonna be fun.

A few seconds later Momo's father would reach the ring and stand on the ring apron beside the corner Momo was against, he was about to scold his daughter for leaving him behind when he caught sight of Hua for the first time and his eyes widened, but for a different reason "Woah, that's Hua Shin" the man would whisper, quiet enough that Hua wouldn't hear him "Huh!?! You mean the actress from that space show you like!?!" the girl yelled, loud enough that Hua would definitely be able to hear her. This gave Momo an idea, smiling as she skipped out of the corner towards Hua while leaving her father behind to cringe in embarrassment at her words.

Assuming Hua let her get close enough Momo would hold out a hand to offer a handshake "Hi, I'm Momo! Nice to meetcha!" she would say, flashing her perfectly white teeth with a beaming smile. Once they shook hands Momo would then lean in closer and whisper so that only Hua would hear her "My dad's a big fan. If I win will ya give him an autograph?" she asked innocently, while her dad was on the other side of the ring having no idea what was being said. He was just praying that Momo wasn't saying something stupid.
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Re: Debut Match: Momo vs Hua

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Hua would lean backwards against the ropes when suddenly a new music was playing, oh she was finally here. The mature woman was looking forward to this as a small kid to Christmas eve. She would smile happily when she would see her opponent enter. She would see her enter the arena… but she wasn´t alone. The mature woman was lifting an eyebrow okay this was rather rear that someone wasn´t entering alone. When her opponent reached the ring hua would shove herself away from the ropes and walk towards her foe. She would eye her foe directly and stare her down as good as she could when she was closing in slowly.
When hua was close enough she would giggle. “don´t worry about staring… I don´t mind… it’s a compliment for a woman my age!” would hua state offering her opponent her hand. “nice to meet you my name is Hua… but you knew that already Momo, nice name.” would hua say with her usual friendly tone. Hua would look her opponent up and down and damn this girls workout routine. The thing hua´s eyes would stay stuck on where her abs. Damn these abs… you could grind rocks on them…
Hua would try to look away from them and look the younger woman into the eyes. “of course I will give him an autograph if you win… you better give your best I won´t hold back just to make a fan happy… and don´t worry I will give you one too!” would she say with a smirk heading back to her own corner.

When the bell opened the match Hua would leave the corner ready to go. She got her arms up besides her head in a open guard and was leaning forwards. She would try ot keep her eyes locked onto her opponent while slowly closing in. She was moving around the ring in circular movement and when she was thinking she was close enough she would shoot forwards and try to do the fist attack by jumping at her opponent with a fast knee strike.

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Re: Debut Match: Momo vs Hua

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Momo smiled brightly as the two of them shook hands, Hua would notice that she had quite a strong grip despite her small hands. Momo wouldn't miss the glances Hua took at her abs, her smile getting just a bit wider in pride. Momo was very proud of her body, especially her abs, and the sight of such a beautiful woman admiring them gave the girl a huge ego boost. Perhaps that ego boost was making Momo feel bold, because when Hua offered to give Momo an autograph as well she would shake her head and give the TV star a cheeky grin "Shishi, I don't need it. You can give me a kiss on the cheek instead!" With that she would had back to her own corner, chuckling to herself.

Soon after the bell would ring to signal the start of the match, Momo would slowly come out of the corner, bouncing on her feet energetically. Normally she would have just burst out and ran right at Hua, but seeing the slow pace her foe was moving at inspired caution, worried that if she rushed in too fast she'd be playing right into her hands. As the two of them closed in on each other Hua would suddenly lunge forward with a quick knee strike, Momo danced to the side to avoid the attack, though she only did so by a hair "Woah!" Now standing on Hua's right side Momo would attempt to grab her by the right arm and Irish Whip her over to the nearest ropes. If she was successful she would wait for Hua to be rebounded towards her before jumping up at the last moment and attempting to plant her boots into Hua's chest with a dropkick!
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Re: Debut Match: Momo vs Hua

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Hua´s first attack missed the mark, what was a big problem. She learned that the start of a fight was very important and could already determent the end of the fight. The mature woman would land back on her feet again and tried to turn around, not wanting to give her opponent her blindside. But before she could get in a fighting position again she would feel her opponent grabbing her arm and pulling her over. She was thrown across the ring towards the next ropes. Hua couldn´t stop the pure power of her opponent. So she would jump right into the ropes and the steel ropes would bounce her back so she was running back to her foe and running right into her boots. Hua was kicked hard in the chest, feeling the unbelievable strength of her oppennt´s legs as they were compressing her chest and ribs before sending her flying backwards. Hua screamed out in pain while flying backwards before hitting the mat back first.
The mature woman wasn´t done though instead she tried to use the momentum that threw her backwards to roll over the mat and put her hands into it to do a handstand jump back to her feet and back into a fighting potion. “strong and fast… damn you will be tough!” would hua say with a smirk eyeing her opponent. Her chest was meanwhile hurting rather badly and pulsed a bit.

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Re: Debut Match: Momo vs Hua

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With a meaty smack Momo's boots would crash against Hua's chest, causing a cry of pain to slip out of the woman's throat and knocking her down to the mat. Though as Momo rolled up to her feet following her dropkick she would see Hua recovering just as quickly using the momentum from Momo's attack. Momo's grin widened slightly at the sight, now more than ever she was convinced that Hua was going to be a fun opponent "Shishi, you took that pretty well... but how're you gonna feel about this!?!"

After somewhat foolishly declaring her attack Momo would run over to Hua and jump up like before, though instead of pressing her feet into Hua's chest she would instead spread them out and instead try and wrap her legs around Hua's head. If she was successful she would throw her bodyweight backwards, hoping to use the momentum to toss Hua back with her legs, delivering a Hurricana!
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Re: Debut Match: Momo vs Hua

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Hua would be surprised that her opponent actually were calling out her attack and so she would try to get ready. But Momo was still able to surprise her. Hua was expecting anything like a jumping kick or punch, but instead her opponent jumped at her and would warp her legs around the neck of Hua. The mature Chinese woman was pulled forwards and spun around. She had no chance to do anything about it before she was slammed back first into the mat. Hua cried out in pain as this happened, unable to get back up to her feet right after it again. She would stay down and rub her back after this.
The crowed meanwhile started to cheer and clap loudly for momo and her high agile offense.

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Re: Debut Match: Momo vs Hua

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After taking Hua off guard with with her acrobatic throw Momo would look down at her mature foe and grin as she stood over her. The blonde would take a moment to gloat, turning to the audience and flexing her right arm while giggling, earning cheers from the crowd who were amused by her display. She then turned around and ran to the ropes closest to Hua, jumping at the last moment to bounce off of them and propel herself through the air, doing a backflip through the air. As she came down at Hua she would bend her knees, hoping to land her knees on Hua's stomach to force the breath from the woman's body.
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Re: Debut Match: Momo vs Hua

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Hua would feel the mat starting to shake and heard how the wood would start to hit the metal of the ring. She would slowly turn her head to see that the smaller woman was jumping into the air over her and spin around fast. Without having much time to prepair herself, both of Momo´s knees would smash down into hr barly flexed abs. Hua screamed out in pain loudly as she would sit up for a moment before dropping back down onto the mat. She would try to roll over to her side and started to cough out loudly. She would hold her belly for a moment and curl up right in front of her opponents legs. She would not be able to push herself up to her hands and knees right away and would keep collapsing over and over again.

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Re: Debut Match: Momo vs Hua

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Having not given her mature opponent enough time to really react Momo would jump up and crash her knees into Hua's abs, causing her to scream in pain and roll over holding her stomach. For once Momo didn't have a grin on her face, it was never fun to watch women writhing in pain like this, but getting hurt was an unavoidable part of the job and Hua had signed up for this. That's why Momo wouldn't hesitate to grab Hua and pull her up to her feet, attempting to shove the woman's head under her armpit. If she was able to do this the girl would point up and cheer, prompting the audience to cheer back "Here we go, Hua-san!!"

This would be Hua's last chance to do something about this situation before Momo would fall back and attempt to have Hua fall with her, slamming her head into the mat with a DDT if she was successful. The DDT wasn't the flashiest of moves, but it was simple and effective.
Last edited by pikazard on Thu Nov 12, 2020 1:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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