"JJ" Janella Johnson vs. Yuki Onna

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Re: "JJ" Janella Johnson vs. Yuki Onna

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JJ stood up, holding one arm high while her other was held over her abdomen as she winced in pain. JJ hobbled over to Yuki and offered a hand to help her up.

"You really know how to hammer someone. You offense is scary!" JJ said to Yuki as she smiled at her.

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Re: "JJ" Janella Johnson vs. Yuki Onna

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Bit by bit, Yuki could feel that she was recovering. As she was still on the mat, she heard JJ talking to her, and she focused on her. Hearing her words, she just smiled tiredly as she accepted the offered hand, letting herself to be pulled back up onto her feet.

"Still no match against you, though. Congratulations." Yuki said before she gave JJ a brief hug. Then, after patting on her shoulder, Yuki would make her exit. Despite her walking out a loser, the crowd still cheered for her, though JJ was still the star in this match as they cheered for her more.

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Re: "JJ" Janella Johnson vs. Yuki Onna

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Winner via pinfall: JJ Janella Johnson

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