The house of heels welcomes rosy as a guest (Lilly and the heels vs Rosy)

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Re: The house of heels welcomes rosy as a guest (Lilly and the heels vs Rosy)

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Kitty would giggle as she made the girl climax twice in a row. She would easily get her into the scissoring position before starting to hump her wildly at her own pace. Kitty would be surprised as Rosy started humping back. The girls moaning was music to her ears. She would hump and thrust harder and harder, matching Rosy's rhythm perfectly. The two would become synchronized.

Kitty's moans got louder and louder until she was about to burst. She would grip Rosy's legs and pull her as tight to her as she could before cumming at the same time as Rosy, mixing their juices into a mess on the mat. Kitty would continue thrusting and humping until the orgasm finally subsided.

She would unhook their legs and slide back. "Look at the mess you made! Thats a bad kitty! We've gotta clean up the ring for your next playmate!" Kitty would say in a stern tone. She would grab Rosy's hair and pull her up before pushing her face into the puddle they made. "Clean it up!" Kitty would demand, giving the blonde a spank waiting for her to obey. Once she did, Kitty would pull Rosy away from the mess and lay her down once again.

"This is the final part of my turn with you okay my Kitten? Gotta give you a nice cat bath..." Kitty would say as she started at Rosy's face, licking her all over before going down to her neck, followed by her chest and her belly. She would lick down Rosy's thighs and calfs before getting to her feet. She would lick all over Rosy before pausing. "Now for the dirtiest part!" Kitty would tease before once again eating Rosy out, licking and kissing Rosy's pussy, making her climax as many times as it took to get her to pass out.

Once Rosy passed out, Kitty would stand up and exit the ring.

Marissa would come in and kneel next to the passed out blonde, putting her hands on Rosy's chest before pumping the girl's chest a few times, she would then go down and kiss the girl, preforming a sensual form of CPR. She would do this even after Rosy woke up.

After a few minutes, she would sit Rosy up before sitting on Rosy's lap. "I'm gonna give you a short break of all this pleasure! We're gonna have a little squeezing session before I introduce you to our newest girl cookie..." Marissa would whisper as she wrapped her thick massive thighs around Rosy's waist. She would put her hands on the blonde's shoulders, holding her steady, wanting to see her reaction as she slowly added more and more pressure to the body scissors that most women she faced couldn't stand. Rosy seemed different from most women.

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Re: The house of heels welcomes rosy as a guest (Lilly and the heels vs Rosy)

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Rosy would let out a loud moan as she finished, a massive puddle of semen in the middle as she would pant. However it wasn't long before her face was shoved into the sticky cream, Rosy mumbling making bubbles out of the puddle before cleaning it up, her tongue rubbing up and down the sweaty and cum covered matting as she was humiliated by the kitty.

Right after this she would pant, laying on the ground before she would the be licked by the kitty. She let out a mix of giggles and moans as she was teased, before letting out more of her weak moans. She would fall back, passing out from the excitement and taking a moment to breath. However this breath got taken away by Marissa, who began preforming some sensual CPR on the girl, getting her to wake up again.

She would pant like a dog in heat, before getting a big squeeze. At this point ROsy should have been begging for a break, but the perv refused this idea, grinning and letting out a moan "Oh yes. HARDER! Crush me more~" She said kicking her feet in pain as she enjoyed getting the squeeze, some blood starting to pump through her body

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Re: The house of heels welcomes rosy as a guest (Lilly and the heels vs Rosy)

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Marissa would continue adding pressure to the scissors, a devious smile on her face as she heard the girl begging for more. "If you insist!" Marissa would say before suddenly putting all of the pressure on, squeezing with all of her strength. She would continue holding her shoulders, keeping her sitting up before she would cup the blonde's face, gently stroking her cheeks with her thumbs. "I must admit, I am extremely impressed with your durability... Some of the heels here have cracked under this amount of pressure... but look at you... Begging for more... What an interesting specimen..." Marissa would say, half talking to Rosy, half studying her and talking to herself. Marissa would then lean in and give the girl a soft kiss on the lips, sealing their lips together before she would release her face from her hands to wrap around her body, placing her arms right beneath Rosy's armpits to add a bearhug to the already devastating body scissors.

Marissa would squeeze as hard as she could waiting for Rosy to pass out and holding it for a few minutes after before releasing the hold. She would stand up and decide to put her in a few more scissors holds before ending her turn.

She would start with a simple standing head scissors, lifting Rosy up to her feet before doubling her over. She would wrap her strong thighs around Rosy's head before squeezing as hard as she could. She would once again add to it by leaning down, pressing her impressive rack into Rosy's back while wrapping her arms around her waist to squeeze tightly. She would do this until Rosy woke up and would hold onto it until she passed out again.

From there, she would drop down to slam Rosy into the mat underneath her own weight. She would then roll Rosy onto her back before getting on top of her and getting into a 69 position. She would start with a simple reverse head scissors before applying a reverse figure four head scissors, forcing Rosy's face to press into her soft rear. Marissa would once again hold this move until Rosy woke up and passed out before deciding to do a final scissors.

Marissa would release Rosy from the reverse head scissors and stand up before dropping all of her weight onto Rosy's chest. She would reach down and lift Rosy's head, and wrap her thighs around her head, forcing her face to be pressed against her crotch. She once again would hold this till Rosy woke up and passed out.

After Marissa's final head scissors. She would exit the ring and leave the room for a minute. She would come back with a new girl who went by the name Cookie.
Cookie was dressed in the skimpiest bikini ever made, leaving very little to the imagination. Marissa would pat Cookies ass as they made it to the ring. "Show us what you've got!" Marissa would say as she watched Cookie enter the ring.

Cookie would step over the top rope and stop, letting the top rope floss between her massive cheeks, giving herself a spank and riding the rope like a cowgirl. This would get a loud cheer from the crowd of heels. After Cookie's playful entrance, she would walk up to Rosy, hands on her hips.

"Why aren't you just a poor little thing... Have they been doing this to you all night?" Cookie would ask in a fake concerned tone as she looked down at Rosy. It didn't matter what Rosy's response was because mid response, Cookie would simply grab Rosy by her hands and pull Rosy to the corner where she would hoist her up to sit on the second turnbuckle and hook her legs on the second rope. "Let cookie make you feel better baby..." Cookie would say before pressing her massive bottom against Rosy's peach. Cookie would grind and rub her bottom against Rosy's crotch, giving her a lap dance. She would bend forward, pressing her bottom as hard against Rosy as she could before thrusting forward and slamming her butt back into Rosy's crotch, butt bumping her. She would do this a few times hoping it would cause Rosy to fall to her butt.

If Rosy were to fall to her butt, she would be in the perfect position for Cookie's next move. Cookie would look back at Rosy with a smile. "Hope you like cookie dough!" She would giggle before preforming a massive stink face to Rosy, pressing her ginormous rear into Rosy's face, wiggling it back and forth, up and down, in all directions.

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Re: The house of heels welcomes rosy as a guest (Lilly and the heels vs Rosy)

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Rosy would groan as more of the pressure was added, her waist being squished by the girl, but only adding to the super pervert's pleasure. She would enjoy the little compliments, smirking as she got a kiss from the strong girl before being squeezed even tighter, She felt her body be squished with the bodyscissor/bearhug combo. It wouldn't be long before she finally would pass out, her muscles shaking a few times as Marissa kept squeezing.

The punishment was far from over as the militant mama would squeeze Rosy's head between her thighs, making the girl let out a moan and begin drooling, falling unconscious again, only to have her face slammed into the mat. After which she would be forced into another scissor, this time face-first into the cheeks of the massive girl's rear, as she would kiss and worship her rear, gripping her thighs and moaning, hardly seeming tired at all. She would pass out again, only to then be forced into the final scissor, and once again the girl would suck and lick Marrissa's crotch, licking and kissing until finally passing out, strings of drool connected her lips to Marrisa's crotch.

Rosy would be left panting, her face covered in her drool and other juices, only to be greeted by the newest member of the heels, Cookie! Rosy wouldn't respond, only grinning her pervy grin as she was brought to the corner. She was placed on the second rope, her leg's spread as she would have Cookie grind her massive rear into her crotch, the lap dance getting Rosy going again as she would be teased, only to be squished in the corner with a butt bump, before falling off the ropes, right into position. Panting like she was in heat, she'd get a faceful of Cookie's massive ass, practically being tossed around by her cheeks alone. She would mumble and lick the girl's backside, gripping it and getting a good taste of her Cookie dough.

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Re: The house of heels welcomes rosy as a guest (Lilly and the heels vs Rosy)

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Cookie would keep giving Rosy the best stink face of her life, rocking her hips this way and that, tossing Rosy's face along with her wild hips in every which way. She would back up further into the corner until her cheeks touched the corner post, causing her cheeks to completely swallow Rosy's face. She would put her arms up on the ropes and sit on the middle turn buckle, placing her entire weight on Rosy's face for a while before standing up.

Rosy was so deep in Cookie's rear that when she stood up, Rosy's face would be brought along. Cookie would simply reach behind her and push Rosy back into the corner, keeping her seated there. "Don't move a muscle!" Cookie would say as she ran across the ring. She would get to the opposite corner, and immediately take off towards Rosy, showing off a bit by preforming a cartwheel on her way over, quite the impressive move for a woman her size. Once she was close enough, Cookie would jump to preform a bronco buster right into Rosy's face, slamming her crotch into Rosy's face. She would bounce heavily on Rosy's chest multiple times, humping Rosy's face with each bounce.

"C'mon girl give me a smile!" Cookie would tease as she looked down at the girl's face getting squished between her thick thighs. After a few moments, Rosy would remove herself from Rosy by doing a backwards somersault, rolling expertly until she landed on her feet.

Cookie would crawl towards Rosy, nice and slow, showing off her wondrous cleavage before grabbing Rosy by her feet and suddenly yanking her towards the center of the ring. Once in the center of the ring, Cookie would sit Rosy up and keep her sitting up. Cookie would get in front of Rosy and put her hands on the mat, putting her massive rear right in Rosy's face. She would then put one leg on one of Rosy's shoulders before doing the same to the other. From there, she would give her cheeks a few wild shakes right in front of Rosy's face before preforming one of her signature moves, flatten the dough or what some may call "Surra De Bunda" slamming her bottom into Rosy's face repeatedly.

Cookie knew that Rosy wouldn't give up as she had seen what these women have done to her already so she would keep this move going for a few minutes before simply falling back to land in a reverse face sit, squashing Rosy's face beneath her cheeks. Cookie would make sure to spread her cheeks with her hands to get comfortable and make sure that Rosy's face was as deep as possible.

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Re: The house of heels welcomes rosy as a guest (Lilly and the heels vs Rosy)

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Rosy would mumble as her face was consumed by Cookie's rear, the full weight of the girl smushed onto Rosy's face in the corner, Rosy moaning all the way along. Rosy would be brought out of the corner, her head seemingly having been eaten into the girl's rear, before she was shoved back into the corner with a thud! She would giggle sitting in the corner before getting another mouth full of Cookie dough, this time get the girl's coochie shoved in her face, smiling as commanded as she nuzzled into the girl's crotch.

After the move was done, she would giggle sitting in the corner, Cookie waking the girl up for likely one more round, before being dragged to the middle. She would then get a faceful of Cookie's rear as she was slammed over and over again in a Surra De Bunda, a move Rosy has received and given many times before, but never by a women of Cookie's massive size! She would time her kissing as she would smooch her rear, mumbling before being slammed back into a reverse facesit, with Rosy's face once again being shoved deep into her opponent's rear, her nose poking Cookie's butt between her cheeks as she mumbles. She would even go as far as eating the girl's ass, kissing and licking it with a few muffled moans added in.

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Re: The house of heels welcomes rosy as a guest (Lilly and the heels vs Rosy)

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Cookie would moan as Rosy ate her ass, kissing and licking, sending nice vibrations through her cheeks with every muffled moan. She would stay seated upon Rosy's face for a few moments before standing up. She would strut around Rosy a few times before jumping to preform a splits drop right against Rosy's lower body. She would stand up and do another splits drop right on Rosy's stomach before standing up to do a third right to Rosy's face, completing another one of her signature moves, "The Triple Banana Split"

Cookie would once again stay on Rosy's face, hoping she would pass out with her crotch and butt smothering her. Once she was out, She would stand up only to preform a splash to wake her up. She had one more move in her arsenal before she would be finished.

Cookie would drag Rosy over to the corner again, lifting her up and flipping her upside down before placing her into a tree of woe. She would turn around, shaking her hips right in front of Rosy, even twerking right in front of her before taking a seat right on Rosy's face. She would put her full weight on the blonde's face, shaking and gyrating her hips, making sure that Rosy's face was completely enveloped by her massive behind. She would shake and roll her hips before stepping forward for one second to complete her finisher, "Drowned by Cookie's Dough". She would pull on the back of her barely existent thong, pulling it far enough out and shimmying Rosy's head between the thong and her massive bottom before letting the thong snap on the back of Rosy's neck. "No escape now!" Cookie would tease as she would spread her cheeks so that Rosy's face was completely engulfed by her bottom. She would stay there until Rosy passed out and an extra few minutes just to show off to the rest of the heels.

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Re: The house of heels welcomes rosy as a guest (Lilly and the heels vs Rosy)

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Rosy would groan as she ate out the girls as, smacking her rear a few times before the big girl got off, Rosy panting like a dog in heat as she watched her get up, yelping as she landed on her lower body, doing the same for her upper body, before then the final drop knocking out Rosy as the drop caught her on the button, Rosy being knocked out by the girl's booty.

She would jolt awake, gasping as she was squished by the girl. She was picked up and placed upside down, drooling as she looked at cookie's big ass, before her face was shoved deep into the girls backside, the thong snapping her in place a she would mumble more, her tonunge shoving into her cookie dough, eating her ass out for a good couple minutes, really tasting the dancer before finally, her arms would flop to her sides, Cookies ass still hold her captive, even if Cookie moved out of the corner Rosy would stay in her rear before she had to be pulled out, falling to the mat. She would groan wiggling her face which was peach red.

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Re: The house of heels welcomes rosy as a guest (Lilly and the heels vs Rosy)

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Cookie would giggle as Rosy wiggled her face around in her rear. "Don't be so excited to get out... You know who you're facing next right?" Cookie would ask as she shook her behind a bit, shaking Rosy with her. She would then let Rosy out of her thong and allow her to fall to the mat. She would pull Rosy up to her feet and give the girl a long teasing kiss goodbye before exiting the ring, swaying her hips with every step so that Rosy would love to see her leave.

Once Cookie was out of the ring, Laura would stand up out of her seat, giving Rosy a slow clap. "I knew you were special... I knew you could take a lot... But I still must admit that I am surprised you have made it this far... You have earned a match with the Leader of the House Of Heels!" Laura would step into the ring to continue her congratulations towards Rosy.

"Lets make this a bit more interesting..." Laura would say as lights shut off and a large bright spotlight flashed down on the ring. "We're gonna make this a real match! And this couldn't be a real match without a real Referee!" Laura would say as the spot light panned over to the entrance where a new girl would enter.
Midnight would enter and the heels would all cheer, knowing this woman very well. She had been recommended as a ref to LAW by Laura herself and Laura made sure that she was the ref of almost all of her matches and any heel that wanted a one sided match could guarantee Midnight would give it to them.

Midnight would enter the ring and go to the center between Laura and Rosy. "Alright ladies, Lets have a "Clean..." Fight here!" Midnight would say doing air quotes with her fingers as she said the word clean. She would also wink at Laura as she said this. "So the rules are simple. This is a pins only match, best two out of three! Winner is decided by whoever has the most pins after three matches!" Midnight would say.

"Now go to your corners!" Midnight would order. Laura would do so while Midnight went to Rosy's corner with her. "Gotta do what refs do... You know how it goes! The official pat down." Midnight would say as she ran her hands all over Rosy's body, feeling her breasts, her crotch, and her bottom the most to "Make sure she wasn't hiding any weapons or items to cheat." Once midnight was finished checking Rosy's body, She would check Rosy's hair by going through it slowly before yanking it hard. "Ooops! Sorry!" Midnight would say in a care free tone. "Open your mouth, Say Ahhh" Midnight would say waiting for Rosy to do so. Once she did, Midnight would suddenly kiss the girl, making sure she didn't have any hidden items in her mouth by running her tongue along every inch of the inside of her mouth.

Once Midnight was finished with her thorough pat down of Rosy, She would start walking towards Laura. She would do a much simpler pat down to Laura, giving her breasts a quick feel and a squeeze, gently caressing down to her hips, giving her crotch a gentle cupping before squeezing her cheeks. She would go up to her toes to give Laura a quick kiss before heading back to the center of the ring.

"Ring the bell!" Midnight would shout as a bell rung. Laura would walk to the center of the ring, her breasts bouncing with every step. She would plan on meeting Rosy in the center of the ring for a lock up test of strength. If Rosy had learned anything throughout the night, it was that Laura was not to be trusted and should expect some kind of trick up her sleeve. That trick was a low blow if Rosy accepted the lock up.

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Re: The house of heels welcomes rosy as a guest (Lilly and the heels vs Rosy)

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Rosy would sigh as she was defeated by 90% of the house of heels, being lifted into the corner and given a goodbye kiss. Watching the dancer leave, she would turn to Laura, panting a bit as she was pretty drained from having to go through so many matches. However, as Laura explained she had earned a final match against Mama heel herself! Rosy would smirk rubbing herself down a bit, sighing as she rolled her neck and did a few stretches "Sound's like a lotta fun!"

She smirks as midnight explained the rules, being full aware the referee had little to no intention to be on Rosy's side, make it a handicap match in a way, but Rosy, of course, liked the idea. This was shown as she allowed Midnight to do her "checks" as she fondled the girl's body, teasing her and tugging her hair, along with giving her a rather long french kiss. Rosy making sure the girl's search was successful, hardly fighting back at all.

Once the match began, the test of strength was met with Rosy giggling to herself, before pretending to take a breather "Jeez MaMa, I'm not sure if I can go against ya in a test of strength. I'm pretty worn out" She said acting as if she wasn't as able to do anymore. This would obviously not be the case as if Laura got closer, Rosy would only to suddenly run at her, jumping and attempting to latch onto Laura in a boob smother mixed with a body scissor! If this simple trick worked, she would jiggle her breasts in Laura's face, giving the leader of the heel's a rewarding submission saying "Here's a thank you for tonight Miss Mama!"

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