Technical encounter: Deku vs Naoto

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Technical encounter: Deku vs Naoto

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Standard Match: Victory achieved via pinfall, submission or DQ.

Naoto Shirogane stood backstage as she waited for her match, making some last minute adjustments to her attire and making sure nothing was out of place. The blue haired young woman was nervous for her first LAW match in quite a while, and just like her last match it was against a male wrestler; Izuku Midoriya, a young man who's wrestling style reminded Naoto somewhat of her own, albeit with some more flashy moves. Naoto couldn't help but feel anxious about her upcoming match, though not because she feared her opponent; though Deku seemed to be a formidable fighter the way he carried himself just didn't inspire fear or intimidation. Rather, she was anxious about stepping in front of a huge crowd again and performing in front of them.

Pretty soon Naoto would have to face her fear, as her entrance music started to play. She took a deep breath in before walking out of the gorilla position, holding her head high and giving the crowd an attempt at a look of confidence that ended up being more of a shy smile. The crowd seemed to respond well to it though, Rise had told her before that some people find Naoto's shyness quite endearing, but Naoto didn't really get it. Either way she would walk down the ramp, giving small waves to fans that got her attention as she did, and would climb into the ring. Soon her music would fade away and it would soon be time for Deku's entrance.

Once the lights dimmed again and the focus was off of her Naoto could breathe easy again, for the time being the crowd's focus was now on Deku. Naoto would look up, wanting to get a good look at her opponent in person as Deku made his appearance.
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Re: Technical encounter: Deku vs Naoto

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Deku was awkwardly shifting in place at the guerilla position back stage. He was scheduled for another match tonight, this time against a girl with a similar style as his own named Naoto. From what he understood her submissions were something to fear, he’d have to be on the lookout for them and be ready to counter whatever she tried throwing at him. Luckily unlike his previous opponet Naoto didn’t seem the type to use her looks to mess with others, quire the contrary she came off as a straight shooter that was a bit unfamiliar with that type of thing, similar to himself again in that regard.

Luckily before he got too into his own head he jeard his music cue up. Snapping his attnetion up he sighed, internally greatful he’d gotten better about his incessent muttering that creeped others out. Heading up to the entrance ramp he swallowed the lump in his throat as he headed outside to the top of the ramp where the fans cheered despite his less than stellar record so far. Still in spite of the positive reception Deku couldn’t shake the nervousness that overcame him whenever he made an entrance.

Just wanting to get the entrance part over with he would break out into a dash from the top of the ramp, blitzing his way down the ramp, nodding quickly to fans as he passed. Nearing the ring itself Deku would leap up, deftly sliding under the bottom rope he would pop up to his feet near the center of the ring. Looking over to his opponet he nodded in her direction respectfully as be walked backwards towards his corner.

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Re: Technical encounter: Deku vs Naoto

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As Deku made his entrance and came down the ramp Naoto could tell that the boy was even more nervous than she was just by watching him approach. When Deku entered the ring and nodded Naoto would return the nod, but as he backed towards the corner Naoto would not just leave it there and would instead walk up to him, slowly so as to not make him think she was coming over to attack. Once she got up to him, whether he walked out to meet her or she had to walk all the way to the opposite corner, the bluenette would hold a gloved hand out for the nervous boy to shake "My name is Naoto Shirogane, I look forward to facing you." She had a smooth voice, but the way she handled herself was quite formal and serious, she was likely quite different from Deku's other foes "No hard feelings, alright?"
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Re: Technical encounter: Deku vs Naoto

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Deku shifted awkwardly in his place by the corner, waiting for the match to start while avoiding direct eye contact with his opponet. Not for any particular reason, but because of the rather sharp and intense gaze she had. Soon enough however he was forced to get over that as he saw her walking forwards. Gulping a bit he too would make his way forward since he figured she probably had something to say, and he wasn’t so awakward that he’d be rude and make her walk all the way to him. Thus they’d soon meet in the center of the ring, face to face, eye to eye, well mostly, he was a few inches taller after all. Thankfully though his opponet was a bit more.. calm than his previous ones. She wasn’t prideful like JJ or playful and flirty like Kotone, but she seemed straight to the point and direct. Something he could appreciate a lot and actually put him at ease a bit. ”Izuku Midoriya or you can just call me Deku if you want, likewise.” He said in response to jer greeting before nodding. “Of course wouldn’t have it any other way.” He said with a nod to the blue haired girl, definitely feeling a bit more comfortable with her as he reached forward grasping ner hand and giving it a firm shake.

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Re: Technical encounter: Deku vs Naoto

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As Naoto met Deku's gaze and started walking towards her Deku would walk out to meet her, Naoto was thankful that he was willing to meet him instead of leaving her to awkwardly walk the whole way. For whatever reason he didn't seem all that nervous as he came face to face with Naoto, introducing himself calmly and agreeing with her desire to not start any grudges over this match "I'm glad you feel that way. Let's have a good match" she would say, taking Deku's hand and giving it a firm shake.

With that dealt with Naoto would make her way back to her corner and wait for the bell. Once the match began Naoto would calmly make her way over to Deku, hands raised and ready to grapple. Naoto would try and lock up with Deku, eager to see how he was planning on starting the match.
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Re: Technical encounter: Deku vs Naoto

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Deku nodded to Naoto as they shook hands, her words definitely helping to put him more at ease in the situation. His previous opponets had all been hyper competitive and or extremely flirty, or some mixture of both, making for intense contests. Where as in this case, while Naoto had her own intensity about her, she seemed more relaxed and chill about it, making Deku feel similarily.

”Mhm for sure!” He said to her, even surprising himself with how confident he sounded. In any case the battle was soon about to begin, walking backwards like his opponet he too would lean up against his corner, waiting and prepping until the bell rung. Springing forth from the corner Deku would circle her slowly, arms up in preperation as the two then moved in on eachother locking up with eachother. Grunting slightly as he pushed against Naoto, Deku would attempt to swing a knee up against Naoto’s side, attempting to cause her to waver.

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Re: Technical encounter: Deku vs Naoto

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Naoto and Deku both seemed to have the same idea, locking up with one another in the middle of the ring to start things off. The two of them would push against each other for a few moments, with Deku clearly being the stronger of the two; he was a man and he was taller than her after all, so it wasn't too surprising. Naoto's focus wasn't on their struggle for dominance, instead her focus was on his lower body, looking for an opportunity to turn things in her favour.

That chance would come when she saw Deku's hips turning, probably preparing for a knee strike considering how close quarters they were right now. Naoto would subtly move her foot behind the foot of Deku's supporting leg, and when Deku's other leg left the ground for the knee strike Naoto would hook her leg against Deku's leg that was still standing and yank back on it while pushing against his top half, hoping to trip Deku up while also carrying Naoto's momentum forward so that they would both fall and Naoto would land on top of Deku. If she was successful she would look to climb up and straddle Deku, hoping to get in an advantageous position.
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Re: Technical encounter: Deku vs Naoto

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As they pushed against one another Deku found himself surprised by the strength Naoto had, of course he was winning, but not as easily as he expected given their size difference. However even as he pushed Deku saw the look on her face and that made him a bit nervous. Why? She was relatively unphased. Rather than look worried or in thought about what to do she retained the same cool expression as before, the only sign that something was off being the signs of light strain as she tried to keep up with him.

Spurred by the anxiety of why she was potentially planning Deku was quick to take action against her by throwing his leg up for a knee to Naoto’s side. However the moment he was doing so he knew something was off. Feeling a unknown presence behind his foot he gasped when Naoto moved forward and shoved into him sending him flat on his back! ”Ugh wha..” He groaned out confised on what happened before grunting as a sudden weight came over him. Looking up Deku’s eyes widened and his face immediately took a crimson hue as he saw Naoto now on top of him straddling him. ”U-U-Uhh H-A-H-Hiii.” He gaped out, apparently going through a brief short circuit in his brain as he looked up at Naoto, the proportions and curves of her body being highlighted by his position, which when taken with her still cool and collected expression... well lets just say Deku was a bit too flustered to think properly.

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Re: Technical encounter: Deku vs Naoto

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Naoto's plan worked like a charm, taking Deku off guard with her trip and sweeping him off his feet, sending him down to the mat and landing on top of him. Naoto would then immediately climb on top of him and straddle his chest, looking to get into a dominant position over her opponent. Once she secured her position she would look to start taking advantage, but then she heard Deku's reaction and she was thrown off guard. She looked down at him and saw the way he was looking at her, suddenly feeling very self conscious. Until relatively recently Naoto had been pretending to be a man, she had put that phase of her life behind her but she still felt very uncomfortable being looked at the way Deku looked at her.

Feeling her cheeks flush slightly Naoto would start throwing forearm strikes and elbows down at Deku's face, now with extra motivation from the embarrassment the boy had made her feel. Naoto wasn't especially strong, but taking elbows to the face hurt like hell no matter who it was that was throwing them. Naoto would keep up her barrage until either she was satisfied with how much she had weakened Deku or Deku did something to stop her from attacking.
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Re: Technical encounter: Deku vs Naoto

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Deku tried not to look too obviously attracted to Naoto at the moment, though he felt he failed miserably at that. After all he couldn’t even get the massove blush on his face to disappear. Meanwhile he tried to fix his gaze above Naoto’s jead instead of her body, but even tbat didn’t help. Although he was able to spot the blue haired girl’s reaction to his own and... it didn’t look good.

Soon enough Deku felt a sharp pain in his face courtesy of Naoto driving her elbow into his face pushing his head down against the mat. ”Agh!” he yelled in pain as a result of the elbow followed by another and then a third shot to the face, each one making him groan in pain. The only good thing about this situation was that he was able to snap oit of his stupor thanks to the pain. As Naoto went to throw a fourth elbow shot Deku would throw his arms up in front of his face and block the elbow shots with dull grunts of pain.

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