Angela Guillot vs Annette Tatsumi
Victory by Pinfall, Submission, or KO
Annette was confident coming up with her debut. Already made her mark with the debut press conference and shows what she can do to humiliate or beat her foes. She then find herself fighting in a Hardcore match. She haven't heard much about her opponent, apart from a tag team victory. The lack of information seems to make her quite cautious on the approach of the match. She picked up a bokuto for a part of her entrance, now awaiting for her music to hit as she waited right behind the curtain.
Ann's attire

While waiting for her opponent to make an entrance. Ann stays on her corner, resting her bokuto on the corner while giving her glasses over to the referee. She then took off her jacket and throws it out of the ring. She would do some warmup stretches as she watches the entrance stage for her opponent.