Hardcore Match - Angela Guillot vs Annette Tatsumi (D)

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Hardcore Match - Angela Guillot vs Annette Tatsumi (D)

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Hardcore Match
Angela Guillot vs Annette Tatsumi
Victory by Pinfall, Submission, or KO

Annette was confident coming up with her debut. Already made her mark with the debut press conference and shows what she can do to humiliate or beat her foes. She then find herself fighting in a Hardcore match. She haven't heard much about her opponent, apart from a tag team victory. The lack of information seems to make her quite cautious on the approach of the match. She picked up a bokuto for a part of her entrance, now awaiting for her music to hit as she waited right behind the curtain.
Ann's attire
When her music started, she would wear her sunglasses before walking out to the stage with the bokuto resting on her shoulders. Walking through the ramp in a delinquent manners. With her intense face and her outfit. One would say she would only need a cigar or something to complete her 'yakuza' vibe. When she enters the ring, she climbed a turnbuckle and took off her sunglasses and spread her arm as she leaned forward to greet the crowd. She then wave her arms up to get the crowd pumped up for the match.

While waiting for her opponent to make an entrance. Ann stays on her corner, resting her bokuto on the corner while giving her glasses over to the referee. She then took off her jacket and throws it out of the ring. She would do some warmup stretches as she watches the entrance stage for her opponent.
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Re: Hardcore Match - Angela Guillot vs Annette Tatsumi (D)

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Angela was feeling pretty good. Not only had she come off strong in her first match, even if Sarah had dented their tag team image a little bit...she didn't mind that. As long as she came off looking good that was all that matters. In her mind she didn't need Sarah or any other tag partner, it was just a formality so that she could partake in tag matches and go for a tag belt.

At the moment though she was in a singles match, one with another girl who was a part of a tag team. The French beauty had a desire to rearrange a face tonight. Which was why she came walking down the ramp with a pair of brass knuckles on her right fist. Her yellow eyes were fixed upon the ring as she marched down the ramp. Those eyes did dart towards the trash cans filled with all purpose weapons of all sorts, blunt ones of course. Bats, kendo sticks, pipes and more....and odd sledgehammer here and there.

This was going to be a fun match, one that Angela could enjoy greatly. The blonde French woman made her way up into the ring and pulled off her jacket, tossing it over the top turnbuckle as she would turn and look on at her blonde opponent. Moving her hands out to the sides, stretching them out wide in a pretty universally accepted ' come at me ' pose.

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Re: Hardcore Match - Angela Guillot vs Annette Tatsumi (D)

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Ann's eyes were set on Angela as she made her entrance. She noticed that Angela brought along a pair of brass knuckles. Taking in on that note that her debut match would be a gruesome match. She was slightly disappointed that she have to fight a beauty in a hardcore match. If anything she would prefer not to give a beautiful girl a scar or wound in matches like this.

After the french woman made her entrance. Ann would approach Angela in goodwill. "Hey, let's have a good match shall we?" She said with a smile as she extended her hand for a handshake. Although she would be cautious on what would the french woman do next. For now she should show some sportmanship with pre-match friendliness.
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Re: Hardcore Match - Angela Guillot vs Annette Tatsumi (D)

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The short haired blonde would step up to the center of the ring, bringing her hands down to her side as she would look the fellow blonde wrestler up and down. She'd click her tongue and then remove her brass-knuckles. Letting them drop in front of her down to the mat as if it was a mic-drop. She'd step forward and press her busty frame right up against the quite attractive Annette.

Their generous racks mashing together as Angela would glare into the woman's eyes. " Good match? Don't make me laugh. You're leaving this ring in a body bag." Angela snarled out at the woman with a sneer upon her face. She would then proceed to start the match with a quick swing of her right fist right to the woman's pretty cheek, trying to catch a handful of hair right after and pull the woman down into a doubled over position...trying to start this match off in a brutal fashion, Angela would attempt to kick up her left leg and knee the fellow blonde right in the gut!

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Re: Hardcore Match - Angela Guillot vs Annette Tatsumi (D)

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Annette watched over what Angela would do while she kept extending her hand. Her eyes glanced towards the dropped brass knuckles as it dropped. She stood her ground when Angela pushes her body against her's. Ann would kept looking onto Angela's face. Displeasure was evident on her face, being mocked and taunted when all she did was showing some sportsmanship. She can feel her racks mashed together against Angela's.

Both women kept staring each other closely until the bell rings. Annete was then surprised by Angela's immediate attack, leaving her open for Angela's next attack. Her hair is pulled down immediately by Angela, although she won't let her get in control early on in the match. Ann's left hand reaches over to grab Angela's right shoulder. Using it as a leverage to regain control as she pushes herself towards Angela and swings her right fist forward to repay the favor on Angela's cheek.
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Re: Hardcore Match - Angela Guillot vs Annette Tatsumi (D)

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Angela managed to catch the fellow blonde woman unaware as she snapped a stiff right hook into that face of Annette and took a firm hold of the woman's hair, yet as she pulled the woman down, Anette managed to grab onto her shoulder and then return the punch to the French blonde beauty. Snapping her head to the side and causing her to spit out a few droplets of spittle. " Heh..." Angela let out, it looked as if this girl knew how to fight at least.

The French woman would keep her hand on Annette's hair and pull back her right hand, trying to hammer another strong punch into Annette's pretty face yet again. Quickly trying to start this match off with a punching contest to each of the pretty women's pretty faces!

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Re: Hardcore Match - Angela Guillot vs Annette Tatsumi (D)

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Ann knew that her strike would connect, she kept her hold on Angela's shoulder while continuing to stare straight towards her. It would be a punching contest as both women kept their hold against each other. Ann would turn her head to the side after Angela hits her next punch. She still kept her hand on Angela's shoulder.

Ann would then pull her right hand back, swinging another hard punch towards Angela's face. "You better pay for this!" She yells out as she swings her punch towards Angela. Voicing out her concern for her face.
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Re: Hardcore Match - Angela Guillot vs Annette Tatsumi (D)

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Angela was able to swing back a stiff punch into Annett's pretty face. The lovely blonde in front of her was clearly not an easy opponent as she didn't go down with that punch, instead the French beauty was met with another stiff punch straight to her own face and the fellow blonde shouting out at her as she did.

One half of the Rebellion would keep her hold on Annette's hair and try and throw another punch with her right fist, looking to try and hit Annette right on her cheek bone, with the potential of some of Angela's knuckles striking up against the woman's eye. Should she hit the punch, Angela would quickly try and yank on that hair to the side as she'd try and slip her leg behind Annette's and sweep the fellow blonde beauty's legs out from under her. Trying to toss the woman down onto her back with a Russian Leg Sweep.

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Re: Hardcore Match - Angela Guillot vs Annette Tatsumi (D)

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Ann felt her punch connected again. Realizing that Angela have yet to let go of her hold, Ann knew she met quite a formidable foe. Ann then see that Angela would punch her again...

But Ann was quick enough to block the punch with her right hand and would grip it before she gets away. Should she manage to grip it, she would raise her leg to kick her opponent right on her gut.
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Re: Hardcore Match - Angela Guillot vs Annette Tatsumi (D)

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Angela winced out in annoyance as her hand was gripping by Ann, the fellow blonde seeming as if she was more than a little bit of a challenge. She would narrow her eyes and attempt to strike again, but she was forced to endure a quick kick right to her gut, forcing the French Beauty to gasp out in pain. A few droplets of spittle escaping her mouth and ended up on Annette's pretty face.

Angela wouldn't let that kick stop her though, quickly releasing her hold on Annette's hair, as she would try and pull it back and drive a punch into the fellow blonde's solar plexus. Before attempting to follow it up by moving her hands down to Annette's well-shaped ass, trying to lift the woman up off of her feet and slam her back first with a spine buster!

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