The Ark Vs. The Hunter, "a bloody first debut"

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The Ark Vs. The Hunter, "a bloody first debut"

Unread post by Void-Effect »

No Hold barrel Hardcore match
Victory Condition: KO, Pin, tap out
No disqualification

Ark would be readying herself as she stretch, before slowly put on her mask as she adjust it on her face, after that, she slowly put on a skin tight suit as that is color black and white, as she crack her knuckles, as she slowly walk out of the ramp, she didn't interact with the fans at all as she climb on the ring, before slide in, then goes to her corners and wait for her opponent

She would have a smirk on her face as she lean on the turn buckles, waiting for her opponent as she crack her knuckles, ready to get this shit started as she smirk, hop around few time to hype herself up as she ready herself for the match

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Re: The Ark Vs. The Hunter, "a bloody first debut"

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Cadence took a sigh, a now ever-present anxiety overwhelmed his brain. He could hear the crowds out there, chanting, screaming, wailing out words he couldn't quite make out, but it wasn't the words that made him stiffen in the "Readying Room", or whatever it was called, Cadence had heard a similar number of people before... "No, not 'People'..." he thought, quietly staring at the mirror in front of him, "... Animals... scrounging, scratching, nipping animals...". Cadence had remembered all too well the crowd in Afghanastan that pointed, cheered, and growled at his damaged body, as Enemy forces drug him through their streets like a war trophy, the crowds applauded their "Heroic" efforts whilst chanting for his death.

"Calm down, Cadence...", He told himself, an attempt to calm himself down, "...This isn't then, this isn't there, this is a new place, with people who aren't trying to kill you...", While technically correct about the fans, Cahill couldn't help but wonder whether any of the other Wrestlers had the want to kill Him, to kill new blood. Focussing back on the mirror, and the rather... distracting wails from the crowds that echoed and reverberated off the rather dull velvet walls of the room, Cadence finally applied his Grey T-Shaped makeup pattern on his face, covering the eyes, then the nose and mouth. "Let's do this..."
Now fully dressed, Cadence 'Hunter' Cahill eventually arrived at the top of the Entrance Ramp from the Dressing Room, an unexpectedly short trip. With the crowds now in full view, and him finally in their line of sight Cadence couldn't help but give a still suspicious squint at them; they may not have been here to claw him to death, but he still fealt uneasy and it would probably take a while for him to get used to this scenario. As the metal version of "Blow Me Away" played, Cahill noticed that a good amount of fans cheered even harder, not for him, but for the music that probably lit up their nostalgia of the game "Halo". While it was good to see some definite geeks in the audience, a prospect that lifted His anxiety just enough, that all changed when Cadence looked toward the ring, toward his opponent. While from far away she looked relatively small, and she probably was, she looked feirce, and despite the fact that from this distance he could barley make out small details, she looked like she was smirking, not in the stereotypical "Cool kid in the school" way either. "Fantastic...", he muttered, knowing all too well that she looked like she wanted to whale on someone, that being Cahill himself.

"It's time to Dance, Cahill...", Cadence muttered to himself as he walked down the ramps length. Reaching the ring, climbing its base, and entering through the ropes, cadence met the woman eye to eye. Eyes were the windows to the soul, one look told you everything you need to know about somebody, and she, well she looked like she wanted to kill Hunter, but not before beating him like a well orchestrated bongo session first. Setting himself against the opposite turnbuckle to hers, Cadence was left to look at the woman, his anxiety flaring up again, leaving him without words. "First impressions are everything..." he thought, realizing he should probably do something to meet her smirk, Cadence decided upon his "Ready for battle" glare, Looking back to her eyes with his piercing blue intense stare.
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Re: The Ark Vs. The Hunter, "a bloody first debut"

Unread post by Void-Effect »

She would crack her knuckles as she ready herself, she would have a smirk as she make her first move, she would charge at the man before she jump up, and attempt use her knees to hit him in the face, try to score the first hit as she charge at him, if worked, she would then spin around and go for a spin kick to the face

Since this is her second match, she wouldn't have any mercy against anyone, even if the opponent is smaller than her, and since she saw her opponent she would smirk as she realize he would be a tough one, she would give all she got to crush him as she can already imagine her chance of winning as she smirk, of course, she would even use cheap shot if she have to, she wouldn't hesitate

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Re: The Ark Vs. The Hunter, "a bloody first debut"

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There were no bells rung yet, none what-so-ever, which Caught Hunter off guard as before He knew it, His opponent, to whom he didn't know the name of, was already charging at Him. The length of the ring from Turnbuckle to its opposite counterpart was around 16 feet, and while the woman was fast, Hunter had his eyes on her prior to her pre-bell running start; So when the woman in the black and white suit had jumped, tucking in one of her legs to collide her presumably hard knee to his face, Hunter was already prepared to shift out of the way. Rolling to his left, he had successfully dodged her first attack, barely. Now realising how close the attack was to actually hitting him, Hunter prepared himself, standing up and taking a Muay Thai boxing stance, his power leg and power hand in the back positions. Now that he had his barings and was ready for a fight, the Bell, as fashionably late as it was, decides to be rung with it's three high excitedly high-pitched chimes, "Fantastic...", Cadence muttered in
a cold sarcastic response.
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Re: The Ark Vs. The Hunter, "a bloody first debut"

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Yasumi would have a cold smile on her face before charge and decide to give Cadence no chance to dodge at all as she charge at him, giving him no chance to rest at all as she pull back her right fist, going for a punch to the face as she look at him, knowing that it have 50/50 chance of hit or miss as she take the chance, of course if hit, she would follow the punch up with a kick to her guts as she had a cruel smile on her face, of course, making no noise at all, a silent girl

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Re: The Ark Vs. The Hunter, "a bloody first debut"

Unread post by AgentHunter »

Being around 5'1'' gave the woman an advantage Hunter just couldn't have, she was fast, and her small body meant that she could rebound from a failed attack faster than he could. The woman launched the bullet of a fist she had right through Hunters' guard, her knuckles meeting his nose, launching a cascading effect of his head snapping backwards in response. while not broken, nor bleeding, something you could tell right away, Hunters' nose was definitely red from the impact. Granted the man had sparred with far stronger men and women, with way stronger punches, that didn't mean that hers didn't hurt. Rebounding back from the impact, Hunter stepped back, instinctively guarding his face with his arms and fists, though leaving his midsection open for further attack.

For a Debut match, this wasn't going as well as he had planned; while he didn't think he'd be able to run through his opponent like a silent storm, he also didn't expect to be taking hits that had him backing up and acting instinctively. It could have been the nerves, the wailing of the audience, or any number of things that he just didn't have the time, nor the degree in psychiatry to deal with right now, but what Hunter knew is that he didn't like it, and had to take control of this situation, find an opportunity to strike hard, and fast.
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Re: The Ark Vs. The Hunter, "a bloody first debut"

Unread post by Void-Effect »

She would smirk as both of her hit meet it's target before she would charge at him and jump up, going for a leg scissor take down as she wraps her thigh against his head before let him fall head first into the mat as she roll, she would then get up as she look down before charge and try to give the downed man a kick to the side as she had a smug smile on her face, if it hit, she would pull herself up and hop around a bit, clearly see him as no threat before crack her knuckles, looking down at him as she wait for him to get up again, hoping around and ready herself

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Re: The Ark Vs. The Hunter, "a bloody first debut"

Unread post by AgentHunter »

Looking through his guard, Hunter had found himself in the path of another running attack. realizing that she was jumping again, Hunter had forgone his guard to try and catch her. With a lack of knowledge in wrestling attacks, Hunter was ill-fit to realize the woman was going for a head-scissor takedown. Before he knew it the Womans' thighs enveloped his head, her weight shifted as she twisted to the side, and sent Hunter headfirst into the matt. Feeling her thighs leave his head, presumably due to her letting go, Hunters' body soon fell to the ground back first.

Looking to the bright ceiling lights above the ring, Hunters' eyes failed to fully refocus, his body was not used to being sent into an attack like that. Gritting his teeth, Hunter forced his eyes to refocus, despite the pounding headache that was slowly developing from the womans throw. Looking to the side he had believed the woman had left the completed throw to, his eyes caught the silhouette of a small woman running for him. Realizing that she was charging him, Hunter tried to brace for the impact but was caught off guard as her foot was launched into his right side. Her boot slammed into his right set of ribs, causing Hunter to gasp and a small mist of spittle to escape his mouth in response. Recovering from the three attacks in a row it was safe to assume that Hunter was now officially pissed off. Gritting his teeth, Hunter rolled to his front side and got up holding his right side, though only for a moment. Looking the woman up and down, Hunter now analyzed her body as she jumped too and fro in her boots; her disgusting looking smirk pissing him off even more.
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Re: The Ark Vs. The Hunter, "a bloody first debut"

Unread post by Void-Effect »

She would have her smirk before charging at the hunter again, this time, she charge right at him, and spin one time as she turn around and use her left leg to give his right side of the head a sharp kick, hoping that her spin kick would stun him long enough for her to execute her next set of combo, which is she goes behind him, grab him and lift him up, giving him a suplex if the spin kick works

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Re: The Ark Vs. The Hunter, "a bloody first debut"

Unread post by AgentHunter »

Watching the woman closley, Hunter prepared himself for her next attack. She charged again, this time, spinning to try and attack with her left leg, one clearly aimed for his head. Raising his right arm, Hunter blocked and stopped her leg before she could connect the kick. Finally having caught a break from the onslaught, Hunter gave, what could be described by some as, an evil grin, baring his teeth in a wicked smile realizing that he had an opening, finally. pushing her leg away, Hunter readied, and attempted a hard right hook to her left cheek.
Whether you seek War or Silentium, I am at the ready for both.

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