Sandra vs Kyoko, Red and Purple

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Sandra vs Kyoko, Red and Purple

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Standard Match
Win via Pinfall, submission, ko or DQ

Reborn started to play from all the speakers in the arena at the same time as the lights would turn into a darker shade of red. The music was played extra loud at each drum beat. At the top of the stage a woman was walking out of the back, one hand to her hip the other handing down to the side. “making her way down to the ring wearing black, from the USA. She is standing tall with 5’9” and brining 165lbs to the ring.” Sandra would stop on top of the stage, with a wide stand looking around in the arena. She would smile for a moment before slowly lifting her arms up and placing them next to her head to flex them. She would try to show her muscles off with the maximal effect that was possible, trying to pump them up as much as possible. Meanwhile she would pump all the air she could into her chest to make this look as massive as possible as well, feeling how her top was getting a little bit tight. The abs of Sandra would be also presented quite well. “SANDRA THE TYRANT!” The red haired woman would stay for this a moment longer before she would slowly walk down to the ring, doing large steps and staying in the middle of the eel. Not wanting to get to close to either side and be touched by the fans.

When Sandra reached the ring she would step with one foot into the steps and look around one more time. She smirked and did one big step up flexing her legs while doing this. The American woman would then pull herself upwards with help of ringpost. When her foot was on the apron of the ring Sandra would spin around one time standing with her back to the ring ropes. The red haired woman would put her feet onto the bottom rope and lean backwards as much as she could. She would slowly lean over the top rope backwards. When she leaned back are enough she would fall backwards over it and flip over landing on her feet again. The red haired woman would walk around for a few moments smiling before walking up to her corner. Leaning against the turnbuckles she would wait for her opponent to show up.

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Re: Sandra vs Kyoko, Red and Purple

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Once again she had been called to show the wrestling world what greatness looked like. This time against some self proclaimed tyrant, someone who fancied themselves a dominate force of nature. Well she was about to find out that a tyrant didn’t match up to her, she would beat her and leave no doubt it was never was better, given recent events she had to.

Kyoko came out for this match like she did any other match, looking confident and sexy as she let her arms frame her all impressive abs. From there she strutted down to the ring ignoring the masses that didn’t appreciate her and entering the ring but not before letting the cameras get one last close look at her figure. Once inside she finally looked at Sandra, she had the look of someone you would call a tyrant, strong and dangerous looking. But she had felt with brutes before. “I hope you don’t think those muscles will do the trick.” She said calmly standing and facing her foe with her hands on her hips.

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Re: Sandra vs Kyoko, Red and Purple

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Sandra would shove herself out of the corner, when she saw the small woman in front of her. She would look her up and down, without hiding the fact that she was doing it. She might have not the most terrifying figure but she got an impressive physic, must have some nice workout routines.
“Oh don´t worry!” would Sandra reply, while flexing her muscles a little bit to show them off even better. “these aren´t all I got to offer!” Her face would turn into a nasty smirk. “but maybe you want to do the same thing the last girl I stomped did, worship them after the match?” She would step closer to kyoko. Sandra would turn around and walk away from Kyoko to get back to her own corner.

When the bell would finally open the match, Sandra would leave her corner again circling her shoulders a little bit. When she was far enough away she would lift her hands up and started to lean forwards. She was sure no to underestimate this girl and take her lightly. The American fighter would slowly circle her opponent before she suddenly jumped forward, right at her foe and tried to grab her shoulders and push as hard as she could into her. She tried to push Kyoko backwards into the next corner or get her to accept this lock up.

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Re: Sandra vs Kyoko, Red and Purple

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Kyoko rolled her eyes and instead watched the women try to show off, looking like she was trying to compensate for how inferior she knew she was to her. "Worship them? Please The only thing worth worshipping in here is me, and once I'm done with you we'll see if you are even considered a Tyrant." Kyoko said instead staying in her corner for the bell to ring. Sandra was clearly proud of her raw power but so long as Kyoko played it smart that power wouldnt matter in the slightest.

Finally the match would start would start to circle the ring watching her before Sandra would try and grab at her. Starting right out of the gate in attempt to use her power against her Kyoko would try to hold her ground and grapple her arms and attempt to hold her off. She knew that the likelihood of herself being able to push Sandra back in this state was low but her plan was more about attempting to push her arms off her and attempt to go for a single leg to pull up when she came back to her feet.

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Re: Sandra vs Kyoko, Red and Purple

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Sandra was able to get a good grip onto her opponent, but before she was able to push forwards with any meaning full pressure she would see her opponent duck down and dive away. Kyoko pushed the hands of the red haired woman away easily, seems like Kyoko was smatter than Sandra was giving her credit for at the start. Sandra would try to bow forwards and reach after Kyoko to grab her and not let her get away. But before she could get a good grip onto her kyoko was coming back upwards again and would hold on to the front leg of Sandra. The red haired woman was shoved backwards and would directly lose her balance and drop backwards onto the mat. The fall was like in slow-motion for the American brawler.
Sandra would hit the mat shoulders first and out of instinct she would pull her hands in front of her head and put up a thigh cover to protect her head from any follow up punches.

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Re: Sandra vs Kyoko, Red and Purple

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The best wrestlers knew to play to there strengths. Kyoko has never been the strongest women in a league and with Sandra she saw no reason to start acting like she was. She instead planned to work around her power, getting her off her feet by isolating her legs and once she was on the ground she watched her bring her arms up making sure she protected her face, smart...but Kyoko’s leg would come up and stomp down on those abs.

Im gonna explore every part of you in the worst way and once I find where it hurts the most I’m gonna destroy you.” Kyoko said trying to take the hold she had on her leg and twist it looking to turn Sandra over into a single leg Boston crab. The first place she was gonna check was the back, many wrestlers had bad backs, maybe she would follow suit.

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Re: Sandra vs Kyoko, Red and Purple

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Sandra was on her back and look up between her guard to see kyoko standing over her. Seems she was feeling rather great right now for just taking Sandra down. Instead of a punch Kyoko was going for something completely different. She was turning the American muscle around onto her belly and suddenly pull the leg of her upwards. Sandra´s leg was yanked upwards brutally hard. For a moment it felt for Sandra like Kyoko was about to pull her leg out of the socket. It took everything she had to not scream out in pain loudly. Sandra would grind her teeth so hard she could bite stone.
When she got used to the pain a bit she tried to play some mind games with her opponent. “thanks but I already stretched!” would she say under the huge pain she was suffering. The American would try to bend to the side and reach backwards to grab the leg of Kyoko to pull it away, hopping this would be enough to make the Japanese fighter fall to the side, thanks to losing her footing.

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Re: Sandra vs Kyoko, Red and Purple

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Kyoko had her opponent right where she wanted her, turning her around and keeping a painful submission, trying to twist her as far back as she would be able to and keep her from getting away. Stretching the leg and by proxy the back as far as she could she got a scream out of Sandra that left the bigger girl looking inferior to the Queen. Kyoko wasnt about to stop there either, but before she could add anything she felt Sandra grabbing her foot and trying to pull it out from under her.

"Shit!" Kyoko screamed dropping to the mat as she lost her foot and lost her hold. She would try to turn towards Sandra so she didnt give the women her back but she lost her momentum in the process, cursing at the situation. She was going to take her head off and then wear her out.

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Re: Sandra vs Kyoko, Red and Purple

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Sandra was free finally. She would feel how the hands of her opponent would slip off her foot and the pressure was gone, her leg slinging forwards. Sandra would not waste a single moment before she would roll over the floor away on the ground before she would jump back up to her feet. She would grind her teeth a bit as she landed on her feet as one of her legs was still hurting in the aftermath of the crab… Sandra would stare dagers at her opponent and her temper would get the best of her. The red haired brawler would try to sprint forwards, as fast as her hurting leg would allow her. She tried to ignore the pain and push through it and when she was getting close enough she would jump up. Sandra would pull one of her legs upwards, trying to smash it into the rips of Kyoko with as much force as she could bring into this.  

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Re: Sandra vs Kyoko, Red and Purple

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Already looking to get up, the two fighters were on there feet at different times. Though Kyoko got there faster Sandra was more eager to act, rushing in despite the pain she was feeling in her leg she wanted to try and get back at Kyoko in the worst way, The Belly Queen was quick to act but not quick enough. When Sandra jumped she had her hands up but her attempt to block the incoming attack was still impromptu and weak making way for the knee that came to still knock Kyoko back.

"Damnit...." Kyoko muttered moving backwards, or more specifically being forced backwards after the big hit. Now still on her feet she would try to get closer and work on the leg again attempting to kick at the calf of the leg she worked over. Though Sandra might be wary of letting such an attack connect she had to try and see where her defenses lied.

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