Panther vs Kitty Cat; Rindo vs Cassandra

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Panther vs Kitty Cat; Rindo vs Cassandra

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Smother Match: Victory achieved via smother KO

Rindo Kobayashi stood behind the gorilla position as she waited for her match to start. After all the craziness from her last few matches she was looking forward to participating in a very different kind of match; today her goal was to knock someone out not with her fists but with her body. It wasn't something she had really gotten a chance to do at LAW, but she was quite enthusiastic about it all the same. Her opponent was Cassandra Devlin, a foreign woman who dresses like a cat for her wrestling attire. Rindo had to admit that Cassandra was pretty easy on the eyes, but she was curious as to what the hell her outfit was about. Guess she was about to find out.

Rindo burst out onto the top of the ramp and was met with cheers from her adoring fans. The redhead had built quite the fanbase in LAW: her aggressive fighting style, displays of raw power and not to mention her skimpy outfit and good looks made all her matches very entertaining to watch. Rindo would do some light stretches at the top of the ramp, letting the audience feast their eyes on her toned and powerful body as she did so. Then she would grin and make her way down to the ring.

As Rindo entered the ring she would make a lap of the ring while posing before settling down in the corner. She would then lean in the corner and wait for Cassandra to make her appearance. Although the match type itself sounded very fun Rindo wasn't all to enthused about her opponent, the redhead enjoyed facing off against strong opponents and Cassandra didn't seem all that threatening. Still, a match was a match and Rindo intended to give it her all as she always did.
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Re: Panther vs Kitty Cat; Rindo vs Cassandra

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Next up was Cassandra!
Waiting in the gorilla position after Rindo left, the big busty kitty cosplayer would excitidly wait to hear her music, jumping back and forth between feet.
Finally, her theme hit and the catgirl leaped out onto the ramp, much to the thunderous applause of the crowd. She wasn’t necessarily a superstar favorite, but her massive assets made her an irresistable sight. Combine that with the all too slutty catgirl outfit and she was over as can be with a majority male crowd.

Making her way down the ramp and to the ring, the cosplayer would slide under the ropes, her big butt bumping against the bottom rope. After her little show, she’d stand back up, and face Rindo, giving a big smile. “Hug?” She’d ask Rindo, opening her arms wide, walking towards the red head.


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Re: Panther vs Kitty Cat; Rindo vs Cassandra

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Rindo watched as Cassandra made her appearance, enjoying the sight of her outfit as much as most of the men in the audience were. She was cute to be sure, and she had a great body. Rindo's eyes traced that body as it approached, but as she did approach Rindo was starting to notice that her gaze was forced to drift upwards. Then when Cassandra finally entered the ring Rindo's eyes widened and her jaw dropped; she was huge! The woman in the silly catgirl outfit easily towered over Rindo, she was more than a foot taller!

Rindo realised that she had been staring, and for once it was for non-perverted reasons, when Cassandra walked forward with her arms out. She was offering... a hug? This was a trap, it had to be. Yet if it wasn't a trap then Rindo would get to hug this cute and busty woman "Sure! Come here!" Rindo stepped forward with her arms spread out, ready to accept the hug.
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Re: Panther vs Kitty Cat; Rindo vs Cassandra

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Cassandra smile down at Rindo as she opened her arms wide for a hug. She was towering over Rindo, something that will obviously come into play during the upcoming matches. Offering a big wide hug, the catgirl was elated when Rindo accepted. Cassandra wrapped her arms around her red headed opponent, and pulled her tight into a hug. It wasn’t a bear hug, and but it wasn’t anything gentle. Issue was, due to the height difference, she was yanking Rindo’s face right between her tits.

Whether or not she cared, noticed, or planned this, Cassy had pulled her opponent into a standing breast smother before the bell even rang! She smelled so sweet, like daisies, so sweet it was actually almost clouding the mind. The cosplayer would hold the hug, tight and firm. “Yay! Friendship nya~” She would shout with joy.

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Re: Panther vs Kitty Cat; Rindo vs Cassandra

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As the two of them met in the middle Cassandra would wrap Rindo up in a tight hug, pulling Rindo's face into her sizeable cleavage in the process. Rindo didn't mind this at all of course, the redhead herself was actually planning on helping herself to a face-full of the kitty cat's breasts in the first place, the only problem was that Cassandra was holding her quite tightly and didn't seem keen on letting go. Normally that wouldn't be much of a problem, Cassandra's breasts felt really nice and soft, except she kind of needed to breathe!

Rindo had half a mind to punch her way out of this problem, except this was a smother match so it was quite frowned upon to act so violently. Instead she would respond in a way that was just as playful as Cassandra's hug and start tickling her sides, hoping to get her to loosen her grip enough for Rindo to break free.
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Re: Panther vs Kitty Cat; Rindo vs Cassandra

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Cassandra would act completely innocent as she hugged Rindo. “Huggies!” She would say, shaking her side to side. She’d giggle as she felt the smaller opponent struggle to free herself. “Uh oh? No more huggies?” She said, only tightening her grip.
Then the redhead did the unthinkable...she began to tickle the kitty. Cassy, being a big goofy lovebug, would start to laugh endlessly, before dropping her opponent to the floor, clutching her sides and giggle. “S-stop it!” She whined.

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Re: Panther vs Kitty Cat; Rindo vs Cassandra

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Rindo would smile to herself from within the cavern of Cassandra's cleavage as she heard the kitty start to laugh uncontrollably, her plan was working! When Cassandra finally let her go Rindo would be able to land on her feet without dropping to the floor, grinning up at her larger opponent. She would then surge forward with a battle cry and try to tackle Cassandra down to the mat, if she was successful she would waste no time in shimmying up her body and trying to pull Cassandra's face into Rindo's own cleavage "Heh, how's this for huggies?"
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Re: Panther vs Kitty Cat; Rindo vs Cassandra

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Cassandra would need a moment to recover after dropping Rindo from her tickle assault. “U-unfair! I wasn’t ready for tickles!” She cried, finally recovering her composure. But that didn’t last long as Rindo let out a hearty hoot and hollar, before charging the cat cosplayer.
Cassy would be sent to the mat from the powerful redhead, who began to work her way up her body. The catgirl would try to push back against Rindo to stop the upcoming move, but it was no use, the kittygirl was trapped! Stuck between Rindo’s massive cleavage, the kitty cat was throwing a tantrum, wasting more and more air on frail attempts to escape, being completely smothered by the panther. “Mmmmmm!” She shouted in protest.

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Re: Panther vs Kitty Cat; Rindo vs Cassandra

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Rindo smiled to herself as she managed to take the two of them down to the mat, breaking her fall with Cassandra's large body. She would then quickly scramble up her body so that she would pull Cassandra's face right into Rindo's deep cleavage. The kitty tried to force her way out but Rindo managed to keep her smother locked in, though not without difficulty given how much more strength Cassandra's superior size granted her. Rindo chuckled as she felt Cassandra shout into the soft flesh of her breasts "Hey! That tickles!" Rindo would giggle, a pink blush visible on her face as she kept Cassandra trapped in her breasts.
Last edited by pikazard on Thu Sep 17, 2020 5:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Panther vs Kitty Cat; Rindo vs Cassandra

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Cassandra was squirming and pushing back against Rindo while locked in the smother. She was desperate, and losing air. A bright idea came into her head as she began to lick the cleavage of Panther, hoping she could out lewd her opponent. “Mmmmm~” She moaned, licking more and more.

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