Rindo Kobayashi stood behind the gorilla position as she waited for her match to start. After all the craziness from her last few matches she was looking forward to participating in a very different kind of match; today her goal was to knock someone out not with her fists but with her body. It wasn't something she had really gotten a chance to do at LAW, but she was quite enthusiastic about it all the same. Her opponent was Cassandra Devlin, a foreign woman who dresses like a cat for her wrestling attire. Rindo had to admit that Cassandra was pretty easy on the eyes, but she was curious as to what the hell her outfit was about. Guess she was about to find out.
Rindo burst out onto the top of the ramp and was met with cheers from her adoring fans. The redhead had built quite the fanbase in LAW: her aggressive fighting style, displays of raw power and not to mention her skimpy outfit and good looks made all her matches very entertaining to watch. Rindo would do some light stretches at the top of the ramp, letting the audience feast their eyes on her toned and powerful body as she did so. Then she would grin and make her way down to the ring.
As Rindo entered the ring she would make a lap of the ring while posing before settling down in the corner. She would then lean in the corner and wait for Cassandra to make her appearance. Although the match type itself sounded very fun Rindo wasn't all to enthused about her opponent, the redhead enjoyed facing off against strong opponents and Cassandra didn't seem all that threatening. Still, a match was a match and Rindo intended to give it her all as she always did.