Tag team elimination match. Motherly milf twins vs adorable cuties

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Tag team elimination match. Motherly milf twins vs adorable cuties

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Match type: tag team elimination.
Rules: winning team must get a 10 count pin on both opponents. Once an opponent is pinned, They are eliminated.
Mary and Jill were backstage. They sat in a love seat couch that looked much too small for their curvy bodies. Mary was holding her phone and jill was looking at the screen with her. They were looking up who their opponents were. "The adorable cuties huh? Not very intimidating... Guess we'll be enjoying ourselves tonight Jill!" Mary would say excitedly as she clicked her phone off. She would than get up and begin stretching as she offered a hand to help her sister up off of the couch.

Their music would start and they would walk through the entrance curtain. The crowd erupted immediately at the sight of these two. Their motherly curves barely held in by their skimpy and loose lingerie. They would walk out hand in hand swinging their arms like a loving couple, blowing kisses to the crowd and teasing them.

Once they made it to the ring, Mary would open the ropes for Jill and Jill would go through, Making sure to stop with one leg on each side of the rope and give her large rear a shake. Mary would add to it by giving her sister a couple loving spanks as well. Once both were in the ring, They would walk around it for a while showing off their bodies in all sorts of provocative poses.

If the fans thought they were getting a hot show now, The twins had another thing coming. "Mary, I'm getting impatient waiting for these girls!" Jill would complain as she pouted cutely. Mary would answer by grabbing her sister's hand and guiding her towards the corner. She would help her sister climb to the second rope and sit on the turnbuckle, causing it to creak under her weight. "I know exactly how to pass the time." Mary would say in a sultry tone as she would lean forward and up to give Jill a long and passionate kiss. She would make sure to keep one eye open, watching the entrance to see when their opponents made their way out from behind the curtains. Meanwhile, The crowd was eating this sexy show up.

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Re: Tag team elimination match. Motherly milf twins vs adorable cuties

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Kelly and Vikki were in LAW for some time and never really got started. Despite their super cute gimmick, the LAW crowd, and the bookers. However they always loved the chance to see and please the crowd. The pair were getting ready in their locker room, both electing to wear their Union Jack bikini set and matching boots. Vikki turned to Kelly and said, "So um... who are we facing tonight?" Kelly smiled and shook her head. "OMG it is some girls who call themselves the mama's. Can you imagine, they are gonna probably be waaaay too old to be wrestling." Vikki giggled, "Sure we can cutie them?" She said referring to the cuties finisher where they both sit on a girl for the pin while posing in an adorable way. "Yeah totally, its a normal match so there wont be any.. ya know" Kelly said with a horrified look on her face. Vikki shrugged, "I know, but what is with all the smothering in this place, GAWD, we cannot get our faces sat on tonight, please!"

Then the door knocked and the stage hand shouted it was their time to enter the ring. Kelly and Vikki left the locker room carrying a box of cupcakes they had freshly baked for all the fans. As the sound of their theme rang out over the PA, the pair entered. They were all smiles and glitter, and proceeded to wave, hug and hand out the cakes to the fans at the aisle. The pair never even saw the Mama's.

They entered the ring and Kelly was busy waving and smiling, but something kept tapping at her arm. She looked around and saw Vikki wide eyed. "Vikki, whats the matter?" Her tag partner never said a word, just pointed at the opposite corner. Kelly looked and saw the Mama's. "OMFG!" Vikki instantly got out of the ring and shook her had from side to side, she was not going to face the girls and she shoved Kelly out from the corner. Kelly stumbled and eventually got her balance back, looking at much bigger girls.

"Um, hello. I think there has been a mistake, we were suppose to be wrestling some girls, ya know.. like us.. not.... ummmm" And then Kelly said the wrong thing. "I mean not some big fat.... um.. GAWD if you sat on me you'd squash me flat!!" Vikki placed her hand over her eyes and whispered very loudly, "Jeeeze, dont give them ideas!!" Kelly sheepishly turned back and said, "So what kinda match is this? I mean, how much do you pair even weigh??"
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Re: Tag team elimination match. Motherly milf twins vs adorable cuties

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The milf twins would continue their sexy make out session until the music for their opponents started off. The kiss would be separated and a string of saliva would hand from their lips. They both would turn towards the entrance and what they saw next felt like christmas morning. The cuties were even cuter in person. Thy would watch as the girls paid lots of attention to the fans before they got into the ring. The mama's would just stare each of them down as they watched one of them panic waiting for the other one to catch on.

They couldn't help but laugh as they watched the one they called vikki try to sacrifice her sister. They would study their opponents and lick their lips hungrily. "Awww... No cupcakes for us? Thats no way to treat you mama's...." Mary would say in a mocking sad voice. "We may need to use our motherly skills to teach you some manners!" Jill would say as she approached Kelly. Mary would follow. They would both walk towards this cute pink haired girl until they had her trapped in the corner.

The milfs would hear Kelly's words and their friendly approach along with their motherly smiles turned to a more stern look. "There is no mistake here sweet heart... The bookers have learned How rude you two are and decided to put some mother figures into your life... We will be giving you many lessons tonight. Some in love, Some in discipline... Didn't your mother ever teach you how rude it is to call someone fat?" Mary would say as they got closer and closer to Kelly until the ref stopped them. "Hey! The match hasn't started yet ladies!" The ref warned as the milfs looked like they planned on attacking Kelly right than and there. "It would be a pity to be disqualified so soon..." Jill would say as she walked back towards the corner and stepped out leaving Mary in the ring with kelly.

Jill would make her way towards the announcers table and ring the bell herself. Mary would be in Kelly's corner and when she heard the bell ring, She would immediately crouch down before wrapping her arms around Kelly's midsection, Lifting her completely off her feet into a tight bearhug. "No better way to start a match than a nice hug from your mama right kelly?" She would say as her ginormous breasts would engulf Kelly's smaller ones pancaking them nearly flat. She would look Kelly right int he eyes before leaning forward and whispering "oh... and to answer your question from earlier My lovely sister and I weigh at total of 535 pounds. Thats a lot of weight isn't it?! Just imagine how you and your sister are going to feel being turned into our seat cushions! " She would giggle before she would stick her tongue out and lick Kelly's earlobe.

Mary would lumber around the ring carrying Kelly as if she were weightless before stopping halfway towards her corner. "Get ready, This might sting just a little..." She would say before breaking off into a jog and slamming Kelly into their corner. The turnbuckle would creak as the ropes shook. Jill stood behind the corner and winced before letting out a giggle at how cute Kelly was squashed between the corner and the soft plush body of her sister. "That was a good one Mary! Can I get a turn?" Jill wouldn't wait for an answer as she slapped her sister's back before stepping into the ring, Mary wouldn't move as Jill began her run towards her sister and the unlucky Kelly. Jill would jump and splash into her sister's back sqishing Kelly under 535 pounds against the corner. The crowd let out a loud "OOOooohh!" followed by a cheer as the milf twins seemed to already have control of the match.

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Re: Tag team elimination match. Motherly milf twins vs adorable cuties

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The sheer size difference was scary, Both Kelly and Vikki stood around 5'2" and weighed no more than about 100lbs each. The Mama's by contrast were double their weight and at least a whole foot taller. It was a no contest to begin with but fortunate the ref stopped the slaughter before the bell. All the little teasing comments were playing on Kelly's mind, and she looked like a scared little mouse. Vikki was clinging to the tag rope outside the ring at her corner for dear life, she did not want to take on even one of the girls, let alone the pair! As the bell rang Kelly was scooped up and gave a cute little "EEPPP!" before she was swallowed up by the soft and squishy body of Mary.

It was all downhill from there, Kelly struggled weakly and tried to protest but it could hardly be heard given how her face was smooshed against Marys chest. She shuddered as she ear was licked and went bright red with embarrassment. All Kelly know was she was moving fast and then WHAM-SPLAT!! She was crushed against something hard, it was the corner. Kelly got a mouthful of now damp sweaty flesh, given how the Mama's had worked each other up pre-match. She heard the tag but was completely helpless. Suddenly the pressure increased to the whole 535lbs turning her into a cutie pancake. If she hadnt passed out already, she was in no state to defend herself if and when the Mam's released her.

Vikki meanwhile was worried about her partner and called to the ref, "Hey ref, its a double team and shes in the corner, they are squashing her, count!" The ref slowly came over and waved a finger at both of the Mama's, saying the should get Kelly out of there.

The Mama's had the one cutie at their mercy, although if they let her go now, she might be able to at least still breathe and stand a chance of recovery depending on how much the ref stopped the fight to tell the Mama's to obey the very loose rules
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Re: Tag team elimination match. Motherly milf twins vs adorable cuties

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The milfs would laugh and giggle as they squashed kelly between the corner. They were feeding off of the crowds cheering as well until the ref came over and tried to ruin the fun. They would stay there till the count of 9 before Jill would remove herself from her sister's back before Mary eventually moved away from Kelly as well. Mary would feel and hear a slight lip smacking sound as her sweaty flesh left Kelly's mouth while Kelly fell to the floor in a heap leaning against the bottom turnbuckle. "Awww she was nursing from me Jill!" Mary would say happily as Jill would giggle at the idea. Mary would than obey the ref's rules and exit the ring leaving her sister to do as she pleased.

Jill would stand in front of Kelly for a couple seconds thinking about what she should do next before she snapped her fingers as a lightbulb went off in her head. She would slowly turn around and give her humungous ass a slap to give the crowd and Kelly a clue as of what was coming next. Jill would than bend over and slowly back up until she was preforming a stinkface to poor Kelly. She would gyrate her hips and lean all the way back into the turnbuckle before she started bumping Kelly's face with her rear. The crowd would be going insane as Jill gave Kelly's face a lap dance.

Meanwhile outside of the ring, Mary was getting jealous of her sister and bored so she decided to have her own fun. She would try to sneak under the ring and make her way to the cutie's corner. If she made it over there unnoticed, She would sneak up behind Vikki and catch her in a reverse bearhug. "SURPRISE!" She would ell excitedly as she jostled and shook vikki around before climbing onto the ropes still holding vikki. Mary would than sit down on the turnbuckle loosening the hug to more of just a gentle hug. She would use one arm to continue slowly pushing air out of Vikki while the other would hold her chin and force her to watch her partner get humiliated. "Look at what you did... That's your fault little miss vikki... your the one who pushed her forward and left the ring... Now you have to watch and wait your turn." Mary would explain this as if she were a mother talking to her young child as she continued holding her chin and forcing her to watch. Mary would nuzzle into Vikki and adjust their position so Vikki's rear was pressed into her crotch as she squirmed around.

Back to Jill, She had given Kelly a full tour of her rear and now she felt it was time to give the wrestling fans what they want. Some real wrestling moves. Jill would give her one last harsh butt bump to the face before she would strut away leaving Kelly a mess in the corner. Jill would grab Kelly by the boots and drag her to the middle of the ring where she would roll her onto her stomach. Jill would than be standing over Kelly with one leg on each side of her body before she would jump and land all of her weight on Kelly's back. Jill would shiver with pleasure at how the ring shook wildly before she grabbed both of Kelly's legs putting her into a Boston crab. "Why don't you tap out cutie?!" Jill would tease as she would crank on the submission knowing well that this was a pin count match only and tapping wouldn't do anything. This was quite the brutal show for both the crowd and Mary and especially for Vikki who was denied the ability to look away thanks to Mary's gentle dominance.

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Re: Tag team elimination match. Motherly milf twins vs adorable cuties

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Kelly had been squashed flat, no doubt about it. She crumpled in a heap and lay there gasping for air. A few of the crowd were actually concerned that Kelly would ever make it past a few more moves before the Mama's pinned her. But the supporters of the Mama's were lapping it up, they wanted to see the "mother" of all squashes, pun intended. Kelly just about came round to see the giant peachy buttcheeks of Jill coming close. She tried to raise her hands up couldn't and so gave out another cute half yelp, half sentence. "No wait you cant sit... UUMMFFFFFFFFF!" Her words cut off by the huge smothering effect of the much bigger Mama. As her face was battered and squished her entire body jolted, head swallowed by the massive cheeks.

Vikki meanwhile was concerned and had plans to try to sneak into the ring. She was grabbed and squirmed, just as she was about to make her move. "Hey wait.. stop!" Vikki pouted as Mary easily woman handled her, forcing her to watch the destruction of her tag team partner. She squirmed on Mary's lap, finding the woman's grip unbreakable. As she was taunted, she gasped out, "Please just pin Kelly and let us go. We didnt mean to upset you!" Of course she had completely forgotten the rules, if Kelly was pinned, then Vikki would be next, added to which, the Mama's were big enough and free enough to squash them anytime and anyhow they saw fit.

Eventually the smothering stopped and Kelly's face was soaked red from sweat and panicked breaths. She was dragged easily and Vikki almost wanted to close her eyes. Held tight, she again moaned aloud to Mary, "Ugh why do you big girls always sit on our faces. We are too nice for that!?"

Kelly meanwhile was getting the treatment from Jill and the fans again cheered as all her weight squashed Kelly with the brutal butt drop. As soon as the Boston Crab was applied. Kelly tapped the canvas furiously, she squirmed and cried out. "AGGHHHHH let me... goooooooo!!" but the ref just stood there signaling that the submission was not accepted under the rules.

Vikki by now had noticed the damp patch Jill had between her legs and shuddered, all the time feeling Mary's sweaty body cling to her. "Gawd she's all sweaty and turned on. Please tell me you don't finish with facesit pins... umm wait....crap, I didnt say that...." she was dreading the prospect of a front facesit from either. Just watching it was bad enough knowing the Mama's were turned on. The crowd wanted to see every smother possible, and random body part chants started which was confusing, but to the Mama's it was all good information.
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Re: Tag team elimination match. Motherly milf twins vs adorable cuties

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The milfs were having the time of there life. Each of them had a toy to play with in anyway they thought fit. Jill would continue the boston crab, laughing at Kelly's submission attempt until she became bored and released the girls legs. The crowd was now chanting out what assets should be used to smother these cuties next and the mama's would definitely oblige. They heard suggestions of using breasts, ass, crotch, thighs, hands, lips, and for some of the fans, an odd request but something the mothers have definitely done before, The armpit and the tummy. Mary would be holding Vikki and when she heard her words, Mary would giggle and go along with it. "Ohhh trust me, you will get very familiar with all of my sister and I's bodies. You will bathe in our sweat and be comforted by our soft supple bodies after your partner is eliminated... Thats what you get for sacrificing your partner." She would whisper into her ear seductively.

Jill would roll Kelly over onto her back with her feet and stand there thinking about what to do next. Jill would decide to give her sister a turn as she would walk to the cuties corner. "I'll take that!" She would say cheerfully as She tagged Mary in and grabbed Vikki from her. Jill would hold vikki in her arms like a mother would a child. She would sit down in the corner and keep Vikki in her lap as she would start to grope the girl all over and force her to watch her sister's demise.

Once Mary was tagged in, She would run towards Kelly before preforming a massive belly splash to Kelly's face. The ring would shake and rattle on impact as Mary would lay there quite literally smothering Kelly with her sweaty soft stomach. The crowd would go insane as Mary would lay there as if just relaxing. She would do a couple push ups, giving Kelly small chances to breath between everytime she went up. The crowd would begin to count Mary's push ups until Mary became exhausted, She would collapse landing her belly roughly on top of Kelly's face. She would now be sweating profusely and breathing heavily as she laid there smothering the cute Kelly out.

Jill meanwhile was holding Vikki in a light sleeperhold just to get her a bit drowsy. Not enough to knock her out but enough to keep her submissive. Her free hand would roam along Kelly's front. She would give each breasts a light squeeze she would run her hand further down Kellie's front. She would reach the very top of Kelly's crotch and trace the outlines of her crotch through her bikini. She didn't plan on advancing. Not yet. This was just to entertain herslef and keep Vikki uncomfortable.

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Re: Tag team elimination match. Motherly milf twins vs adorable cuties

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The cuties were powerless and the crowd loved it. Kelly moaned as she was released from the crab, her back was numb and she could barely move, all the small wrestler did was weakly paw in the direction for a tag from Vikki, Kelly didnt even know that her partner was being held tight. Kelly was soaked in sweat, mainly from Jill's big soft body and was rolled over into her back

"oohhh gawd..." Kelly moaned softly, knowing that this was the exact position she did not want to be in. She was left staring up at the ring lights

Vikki meanwhile shuddered at Mary's words, "Please dont smother us, not with those big breasts or anything" She heard the chants from the crowd and swallowed hard, squirming in Mary's grasp as Jill came over and easily womanhandled her. "Armpit smothering??"

Meanwhile with the legal tag, Kelly would roll her head and see Mary running toward her. "OH MY GGAWDD.... MMMMMFFFFF!" Her little body jolting from the splash, her legs kicking as she struggled. She was smothered hard by the soft sweaty flesh and the canvas jolted once. It was the pin count, unfortunately the air suddenly got cooler as Mary lifted up, purposely breaking the count.

The ref girl stopped the count and sat back, letting Mary do push ups, there was no point in counting just ONE every time. On the last push up, Kelly's red sweat drenched face was visible. Her eyes went wide as Mary flopped down and the ref girl started again with a count of ONE!

Vikki gasped and squirmed in Jill's grasp, the sleeperhold keeping her subdued and dizzy but it was not enough that Vikki didnt know where Jill's hand was. She was bright red and perhaps dizzy enough so Jill could let go of her if she wanted. The crowd were loving the display TEAMWORK and shouted more random body parts out such as Breasts, Thighs and again Armpit, maybe in reaction to Vikki's panic.

If the cuties had been into this, it would be an intensly erotic experience, but they were simply toys for the pair of dominant Mama's
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Re: Tag team elimination match. Motherly milf twins vs adorable cuties

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Mary would be laying there as if she were relaxing, letting her soft stomach quite literally engulf Kelly's face. She would wait until the ref counted to two before dramatically getting up acting as though Kelly had broken the pin herself. "Whoa there! Your a strong little one aren't you? Looks like My sister and I will need to work a little harder!" Mary would tease as she grabbed Kelly by the hair to lift her to her feet. Mary would than grab Kelly by the wrist before spinning her around and flinging her into the ropes with an Irish whip. When Kelly returns to Mary, Mary would scoop Kelly off the ground effortlessly before slamming her into the ring with a brutal sidewalk slam. Mary wasn't done yet though. She would act as if she were going for a leg hook pin to give kelly false hope of her time in the ring being over before the ref got to two and Mary would once again get off of Kelly. "Jeez! your a real fighter! you've got a lot of fight in you sweety." She would say before slipping behind Kelly propping her up into a sitting position. Mary would than wrap her massive thighs around Kelly's waist, locking on a devastating body scissors. To make matters worse, Mary would put Kelly into a dragon sleeper with her sweaty armpit right above her face. Drips of sweat would rain onto Kelly's face as Mary tightened both the scissors and the sleeper causing Kelly to get her face smothered deeper into Mary's armpit. "Be a good girl for mama and lick it clean." Mary would tease as she tightened the hold to its full strength before loosening it, starting a squeezing pattern for the hold.

Jill meanwhile continued holding her opponent in the sleeper while her hands roamed Vikki's petite body. "Mmmm isn't that hot to watch? It's getting me turned on just thinking about me and my sister having our way with just you!" She would tease as her hands continued to work magic over Vikki before they would stop. Her hand would reach up to Vikki's chin and turn her head to face her. "Kiss me" Jill would say strictly as she would lean forward and press her large soft lips against Vikki's sealing an airtight liplock where she would actually turn the kiss into a smothering kiss, Although this would be considered an attack, It was a sneaky one due to the fact that if the ref were to look over, It wouldn't look like one. It wasn't very uncommon for the wrestlers in LAW to have some fun with each other. When ever the ref looked away though, Jill would bring her fingers up to Vikki's nose and plug it so there were no airways to breath through.

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Re: Tag team elimination match. Motherly milf twins vs adorable cuties

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Kelly was being squashed by the immense weight of Mary, each time the Mama lifted up, her soaked sweaty flesh peeled off Kelly's little flushed face. She moaned with every mock pin attempt and the crowd loved it. She was easily locked into the dragon sleeper and gasped, right into a big sweaty pit, she heard Mary tease her and poked her tongue out to lick as commanded. All Kelly wanted now was for the Mama's to pin her so she could get home and have some nice cake and try to forget the sweaty smothering.

Vikki meanwhile squirmed but couldn't do much in the grasp of Jill. She moaned to echo Kelly's thoughts. "Please just pin us" as she was kissed her protests got cut off. She went bright red from the smother and the kiss. Neither cutie has been dominated like this before.
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