Blink and You'll miss it! Hinoka vs Candice

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Blink and You'll miss it! Hinoka vs Candice

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Match type: No DQ, weapons are scattered around the ring
Victory via pinfall, submission or KO

Candice sneered to herself as she stood behind the gorilla position, adjusting her signature cap to make sure that it would stay on for her entrance. She was assigned a pretty interesting match for tonight; a No DQ match where she was not only allowed to use weapons against her opponent but she was actually encouraged to do so, as various weapons would be scattered around the ring for either wrestler to use. Not only that, but it seemed that management had finally seen sense and given her an opponent in her own freaking weight class to fight, possibly because if she was allowed to use weapons against her first two foes then she probably would have killed them. Her opponent was Hinoka Taiyo, a short-haired redhead who Candice didn't know much about, but she seemed like a goodie-two shoes in the heel's opinion. In other words, this would be an easy win.

With that thought in mind Candice would walk out to meet the LAW audience as she heard her entrance music starting. As soon as the audience saw her though her music would almost get drowned out with the amount of boos and jeers thrown her way, among other things as Candice was forced to sidestep a beer can that would have hit her on the head otherwise. This negative reaction seemed to do little more than amuse the American, who grinned devilishly while she threw insults back at her haters. She did this all the way to the ring, and by the time she entered the ring the audience was practically demanding her head on a spike.

Candice walked around the ring, checking out all the weapons that were thrown around the ring. Candice brought her hand to her chin thoughtfully and nodded, then she flashed her signature grin as she vocalised her thoughts "Wow, this is some neat stuff. Someone in match booking must really HATE Hinoka if they're having her fight me like this" she chuckled. Speaking of Hinoka it was almost time for her to make her appearance, so Candice would step back into a corner and relax against it, handing off her handy cap to a ringside assistant "If anything happens to that hat then I'm gonna beat you with that chair! Capiche!?!" The frightened young woman nodded and ran off to go store the cap safely. Candice smirked then turned her attention to the top of the ramp, waiting to get her first good look at Hinoka.
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Re: Blink and You'll miss it! Hinoka vs Candice

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It has been a while since Hinoka stepped in the ring, but she was more than willing to square off against another woman in the squared circle. The job and gigs were paying off rather nicely, but she found herself bothered by her friend Mic Check not returning any calls. Was she doing something wrong?

She was assigned yet another match, because the higher ups were rather interested in the redhead's recent activities. Hinoka was advised to take inspiration or scout out any competition, so she decided to watch a few of Candice's matches. The end result led to the tomboy being but infuriated by the heel bullying on defenceless smaller opponents. What if the greenette fought someone her own size? This gave Hinoka a stronger drive as she NEEDED to win today and teach bullies like Candice a lesson. Although she wasn't informed about what type of match this would be until the fated day.

"I can't believe they put me up to this..." she was talking to a reflection of herself while practising strikes. A No DQ match. Did they think a normal match wouldn't be exciting enough? or did they perhaps favour Candice even more. She decided to not register a complaint and proceed with her upcoming challenge.

Finally being given her cue to enter the arena, Hinoka ran through the gorilla position and stood up the ramp. The announcer gave her usual introduction, while the high flyer donned a rather stern focused face. She peered out to the ring as well as outside and witnessed how the deck may be stacked against her. Kendo sticks, chairs, a trashcan. Almost everything you could find in an alleyway. Hinoka wished to fight this battle through her bare fists for it being the most reliable in her eye, but there is one thing she might use.

As she headed down the aisle, her attention was brought by a fan shouting her name rather passionately. Hinoka turned her head slightly and jumped upon seeing a picture of herself with biceps flexed. Somebody following the recent shoot She blushed slightly and tried playing things off cool by smiling sheepishly, in which the redhead proceeded with her entrance and finally hopping onto the ring. There she had a face to face encounter with her foe. The air turned cold as Hinoka glared at her adversary. "Even if this isn't my field, I am going to make this a lesson you will never forget!" pointing at Candice and then bringing a hand to her fist. She couldn't wait to begin.

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Re: Blink and You'll miss it! Hinoka vs Candice

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Candice watched as Hinoka made her appearance and started walking down the ramp, she seemed like the sporty tomboy type from the looks of her. Candice snickered to herself as she saw Hinoka's bashful reaction to her fan flashing an image of her. As Hinoka hopped into the ring her attitude instantly changed and Candice suddenly felt a lot of hostility from the woman, Candice raised an eyebrow at Hinoka's threat that followed soon after "I'm sorry, do I know you? You sure as hell are acting like you know me." She didn't seem overly hostile yet, she just genuinely didn't know why Hinoka was acting the way she was.

Even while talking to Hinoka and waiting for the match to start Candice would be eyeing the weapons and items decorating the ring for them to use, forming a plan in her head of which ones she was going to make use of and how.
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Re: Blink and You'll miss it! Hinoka vs Candice

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Hinoka wouldn't have figured out what her opponent was like based on Candice's attire. It was rather striking yet unusual at the same time. Even compared to a rocker and proud warrior Just by watching those tapes left a large enough impression. The heel did raise a good question since they never actually met before, leading to Hinoka roll her eyes. She wasn't here to make another friend at least not at this very moment. "You will definitely remember me by the end! (Is what people call a 'cool one-liner?)" she snapped while trying to keep to the guidelines sent to her. Apparently it made her look like a strong hero.

Her plans were more simple in comparison due to being primarily moves that considered legal in the standard environment. The bell rang signalling the start of this battle. "Take this!" not wasting time at all, Hinoka thrust out her leg to throw a shoot style kick towards Candice's chest? Will this first strike land?
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Re: Blink and You'll miss it! Hinoka vs Candice

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Hinoka responded to Candice's question in a way that didn't actually answer her question at all, declaring that Candice would remember her by the end. Candice snickered to herself as she heard that line, smiling mockingly at Hinoka "Was that supposed to be heroic one-liner or something? Talk about lame!" she taunted her Face opponent. This girl was a joke, Candice reckoned it would only take four minutes before she was completely beaten down and at Candice's mercy.

When the bell rang Hinoka would immediately throw out a kick towards Candice's chest. Candice danced back, gaining distance between herself and Hinoka and causing the kick to hit only air. She would then step in and throw a roundhouse kick aimed for Hinoka's head, her leg lashing out quickly like a whip "Haaah!!!"
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Re: Blink and You'll miss it! Hinoka vs Candice

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Being socially awkward and rash were an interesting combination to say the least. Was everything Hinoka supposed to come off as comedic? It did give the impression that she was some aspiring beginner despite the trials she already went through to get here. Unless Candice were to land a cheap shot, this match could go on for at least ten minutes. It's not like there were consistent show lengths. They could do on until the ring imploded.

"Lame? Well I huh?" she wouldn't able to finish her sentence as missing the kick was an even greater shock. Hinoka felt the air snap around until a leg connect to the side of her head. "Urgh...hurts so..." the impact was less than pleasant causing the tomboy to spin around before flopping onto her stomach. Rather than form any evasive manoveure, she clutched her head and groaned in pain.

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Re: Blink and You'll miss it! Hinoka vs Candice

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After avoiding Hinoka's opening attack Candice would step in and strike the redhead right on the side of the head with a roundhouse kick, her foot connected with a satisfying crack and Hinoka fell down onto her stomach. Candice grinned down smugly at the woman as she clutched her head in pain, her groans of pain were music to Candice's ears "I think that sets the tone of this match pretty well!" Candice would lift her foot into the air so that it hovered above Hinoka's head, then she would send it plunging down aiming to stomp on her head so that would her face would be planted into the mat if it hit. If she succeeded in this she would then start grinding her heel into the back of Hinoka's head, laughing at her foes expense as she did so.
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Re: Blink and You'll miss it! Hinoka vs Candice

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A trashtalking smartass; just Hinoka's favourite type of opponent. At least that meant she wouldn't get reprimanded for using more force than usual, if she can get off the mat that is. "Tone..." she made a one word comment barely understanding what Candice was saying. This also meant the redhead had trouble preparing for the second attack. Instead she pressed one arm against the canvas to raise her body for a little push up. Just as she was about to drag herself along the mat, a foot would strike her once again. "Gah!" another noise came out of her mouth upon being faceplanted in the mat. She had difficulty breathing in this position, coupled with the muffled groans from the heel scraping at her. She wasn't off to a good start, especially with the match was going to become more hectic over time.

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Re: Blink and You'll miss it! Hinoka vs Candice

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Candice laughed out loud as she stomped on Hinoka's head and started grinding in with her heel, if it bothered Candice that her actions were reminiscent of a school yard bully then it didn't show. Though she wouldn't keep it up for long before removing her foot from Hinoka's head and instead grabbing her by her hair, attempting to drag her up to her feet. If she did so unimpeded she would waste no time in tossing Hinoka over to the corner with an Irish whip. Then with a menacing grin on her face she would pick up the closest weapon she could find, in this case a steel chair, and swing at her with it, hoping to remind her the hard way that this wasn't a standard match.
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Re: Blink and You'll miss it! Hinoka vs Candice

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This was what Hinoka's life usually was until that fateful day. Just taking all the heat and hoped the aggressor would run away. However she was a different woman now, but that didn't mean she could afford to be passive, especially after getting a general idea of her opponent's preferences. She gagged and squealed from what felt like a jackhammer driving into her neck. There weren't any objections or complaints upon having her hair tugged, thus leading to Candice throwing her towards a corner. "Aghhhh!" her body slumped slightly from the collision and only being supported by the ropes surrounding her. Hinoka was immediately alerted by the steel weapon in Candice's hand and gritted her teeth. Only one word repeated in her head. Dodge. Just as the greenette swung her weapon, Hinoka ducked out of range, meaning the steel weapon will likely hit the ropes and snap back.

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