Victory via pinfall, submission or KO
Candice sneered to herself as she stood behind the gorilla position, adjusting her signature cap to make sure that it would stay on for her entrance. She was assigned a pretty interesting match for tonight; a No DQ match where she was not only allowed to use weapons against her opponent but she was actually encouraged to do so, as various weapons would be scattered around the ring for either wrestler to use. Not only that, but it seemed that management had finally seen sense and given her an opponent in her own freaking weight class to fight, possibly because if she was allowed to use weapons against her first two foes then she probably would have killed them. Her opponent was Hinoka Taiyo, a short-haired redhead who Candice didn't know much about, but she seemed like a goodie-two shoes in the heel's opinion. In other words, this would be an easy win.
With that thought in mind Candice would walk out to meet the LAW audience as she heard her entrance music starting. As soon as the audience saw her though her music would almost get drowned out with the amount of boos and jeers thrown her way, among other things as Candice was forced to sidestep a beer can that would have hit her on the head otherwise. This negative reaction seemed to do little more than amuse the American, who grinned devilishly while she threw insults back at her haters. She did this all the way to the ring, and by the time she entered the ring the audience was practically demanding her head on a spike.
Candice walked around the ring, checking out all the weapons that were thrown around the ring. Candice brought her hand to her chin thoughtfully and nodded, then she flashed her signature grin as she vocalised her thoughts "Wow, this is some neat stuff. Someone in match booking must really HATE Hinoka if they're having her fight me like this" she chuckled. Speaking of Hinoka it was almost time for her to make her appearance, so Candice would step back into a corner and relax against it, handing off her handy cap to a ringside assistant "If anything happens to that hat then I'm gonna beat you with that chair! Capiche!?!" The frightened young woman nodded and ran off to go store the cap safely. Candice smirked then turned her attention to the top of the ramp, waiting to get her first good look at Hinoka.