Overruled - Mary Bloom and Cassandra York (Complete)

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Re: Overruled - Mary Bloom and Cassandra York

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Mary wiggled and squirmed and Cassandra's grasp, her trapped arms flailing about helplessly. She couldn't believe this was happening to her! Cassandra was ruining her quality time with the younger sister. Despite the flattening Mary had delivered to the busty lawyer Cassandra was doing a good job holding her. Mary could feel those tits she ogled earlier pressing up against her back as she was held. "Ugghh...I was going to get back to you, Ms. York! Honest!" Mary tried to explain, grinning a little bit despite being trapped. "I just had to spar with your sister a bit. No need to be jealous!"

From where she was standing Mary could see Sylvia collapse to her hands and knees after the intense smothering she had received. The shorter woman hadn't recovered just yet but Mary knew once she did it would be two against one, which would not be good for her. Mary had to do something or she would be at the mercy of the two vengeful sisters in no time. Already she could feel Cassandra trying to pull back on her.

Mary would attempt to perform the opposite. Gritting her teeth the blonde amazon would use her impressive strength to try and lean forward to not only fight against Cassandra's pulling, but to drag the brunette forward with her. Her bubbly butt would press against Cassandra's tummy the further forward she leaned. Finally, with a shout of effort, Mary would suddenly lurch forward in an attempt to use Cassandra's full nelson against her by using it's grip to flip the woman off her back and completely overhead.

If it worked there Cassandra would be flipped and slammed back first into the very person she was trying to save: the still recovering Sylvia Walters! Mary would attempt to send Cassandra crashing onto Sylvia's back so both lawyers would end up in a ungainly heap.

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Re: Overruled - Mary Bloom and Cassandra York

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"No one's jealous here, and since you like tits so much..." Cassandra pressed her chest even tighter against Mary's back, her huge breasts mushrooming so much that they covered the blondes upper back entirely. "...how do you like it?" The older sister had no idea that she was in fact helping Mary for her next move by teasing her in such a way. Indeed Mary in a new display of her herculean strength pulled Cassandra forward with her then used her formidable rear and a powerful lurch to flip the statuesque lawyer overhead like a savage bull in a rodeo!

Cassandra would only realize to late what was happening. "Syl, watch ooouuuuuuut!!" She screamed as she was thrown up side down. Sylvia who had slightly recovered lifted her head only to see her sister being sent to crash into her. She tried to move out of the way but Mary's spectacular throw was so fast and unexpected that she was let with only a fraction of a second to react. Sylvia moved as fast as she could but it wasn't enough to avoid her sister entirely. Cassandra instead of crashing with her back on Sylvia's own, crashed with her back on Sylvia's generous bottom. Which softened the impact for the younger sister but kinda made it worse for her elder. Cassandra held her back with her hands, her body bent backward as she rolled on the side groaning in pain. While Sylvia, for whom the pain wasn't as intense as it was for her sister, fell flat on her belly under the impact.
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Re: Overruled - Mary Bloom and Cassandra York

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Mary's throw wasn't one of any sort of technique but rather just brute force at work. Using the strength of her arms and the lift from her posterior Mary was able to was able to flip Cassandra over with a good degree of effort. It helped that the lawyer was still quite worn out from Mary's earlier treatment. Whether it was through planned coordination or dumb luck Mary would slam Cassandra on top of her younger sister Sylvia, flattening one woman with the other in brutal fashion. After the flip Mary would stand back up and let out a sigh of relief from being released from the full nelson. THe blonde didn't think Cassandra had it in her. It was a mistake she wouldn't make again.

Looking down at her two victims laid out before her Mary smiled eagerly. Now she had two lawyers to play with instead of one at a time. "Now, now, ladies," Mary chided like a scolding mother. "There's plenty of me to go around. No need to get fussy...."

Mary would then reach down for both women before her, grabbing a handful of Cassandra's hair in one hand and a handful of Sylvia's in the other. Once she manged that Mary would try and yank both sisters up onto their knees before the towering blonde amazon, side by side. Using the grip she had on their long manes Mary would smile before attempting to conk both of their heads together like they were cartoon characters, trying to daze them both in one simultaneous blow!

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Re: Overruled - Mary Bloom and Cassandra York

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Sylvia was crawling away, trying to put some distance between her and the unstoppable blonde beauty, when Mary grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back toward herself. "Ow... not the hair, let me go!"

On the other hand Cassandra was still too hurt to attempt even the most basic of escape maneuvers. Being pulled by the hair only added a drop in her ocean of pain.

Then in a move that could have been comical if it didn't hurt so much Mary knocked their heads together! Sylvia let out another cry of pain "Ghaaa!" while Cassandra barely screamed and almost thanked Mary for dazing her so she would feel the pain in her back a bit less. After this the older sister would be almost on the brink of collapsing again, the 'little' sister while a little dazed for the moment seemed to still have some fight left in her as she aimed an elbow toward Mary's midsection in retaliation. However it probably wouldn't be very accurate nor extremely powerful given her current condition.
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Re: Overruled - Mary Bloom and Cassandra York

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There was a slight 'bonking' sound when Mary brought the skulls of both Cassandra and Sylvia together in a hard collision, making it look like Mary was the schoolyard bully. It truly highlighted just how much control Mary had over them now. Still holding onto their hair Mary smiled warmly down at the lawyers, not even pretending she wasn't enjoying this. Mary practically had to prevent Cassandra from falling to the floor, but apparently Sylvia still had a bit of fight in her.

Mary blinked when Sylvia threw an elbow into her stomach, not expecting her to still be able to fight back. Not that it mattered much. When Sylvia threw the elbow it practically bounced off Mary's stomach. What little power was behind it did nothing to the powerfully built amazon. All it did was cause Mary to giggle a little. "Good try," Mary said with a smile looking down at Sylvia with merciliess green eyes. "Buuuuut just not good enough."

With another giggle Mary would use the grip on Sylvia's hair to pull the woman forward so she would end up between her meaty legs. Quickly Mary would close them around the younger sisters head, trapping her in a standing headscissors. Big muscular thighs would close in around Sylvia's throat, applying a massive squeeze when she crossed her ankles.

If Mary managed that she would turn her attention back to the eldest sister still in her hand. Switching her grip up Mary would move from Cassandra's hair to her throat, latching onto it tightly. Just like earlier Mary would lift the big brunette up by it, onto her feet and then clear off the floor, only this time Mary would be throttling the poor woman as she held her easily in the air with the power of one arm.

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Re: Overruled - Mary Bloom and Cassandra York

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Once again Mary confirmed to be the unstoppable force she had been since the beginning of the encounter. Sylvia's attempt at an elbow strike didn't seem to even make the smallest impression on the blonde powerhouse's midriff. Enchanting beauty, mesmerizing eyes that could you lose yourself into, strong beyond reason, so incredibly busty that she could go tit to tit with the likes of Sylvia and easily give her a run for her money, and now should we also add virtually invulnerable to the list?

What Sylvia would very soon add to the list was "legs". Long, thick, gorgeous, silky smooth and unreasonably powerful legs. When Mary locked her scissor on the younger sister's neck the brunette immediately felt that any attempt at trying to free herself by pulling on these legs or hitting them with her fists would only be met with failure. They were just way too strong and tough for that. The pressure Mary was applying was so intense that it immediately cut off Sylvia's air supplies. So with whatever strength she could muster she reached for Mary's ankles and clang to them, then she'd simultaneously push forward with her own legs and pull on the blonde marvel's ankles in an attempt to trip her of at least force her to spread her legs a little in order to conserve her balance.

Meanwhile poor Cassandra who had given so much to free her sister from an otherwise inescapable breast smother was helplessly lifted off the ground in another barely believable demonstration of strength from Mary. Her 190-200ish pounds were lifted clean and held high with just the help of a single arm!
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Re: Overruled - Mary Bloom and Cassandra York

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Mary felt like an unstoppable warrior goddess. She couldn't believe that just a few minutes ago she had been happy with dominating just one busty lawyer. Now she was ecstatic as she easily handled two! Admiring Sylvia's big butt as it stuck up in the air before her Mary kept the younger woman held tightly between her legs, giving regular pulsating squeezes by tightening her own big butt. With the amount of leverage standing at her full height would give her the scissorhold would be even tighter than the one had Cassandra in earlier.

Speaking of Cassandra.....Mary was admiring the woman's underwear clad body again with a smile, holding her victim aloft with no visible strain. She felt a bit bad that out of the three women Cassandra was the only one in the room in just in her underwear, making a mental note to herself to fix that when she had the chance. Those thoughts would have to be put on hold when she felt Sylvia push against her legs in an effort to get free, making the amazon wobble a little. Fortunately though Mary stayed standing, but for how long?

"Now, now," Mary would chide down to Sylvia. After that Mary would use the grip she had on Cassandra to lift her up higher so she could drape the weakened woman's back over her shoulders. If Mary managed that she would place one hand on both of Cassandra's long legs and another hand under her chin. Once that set up was complete Mary would pull down on both, stretching poor Cassandra across her shoulders in a brutal torture rack. If all went well Mary would have both sisters trapped in two dominating holds; Sylvia in the standing headscissors and Cassandra in the torture rack.

"If you knock me down you knock Cassandra down," Mary would inform Sylvia before pulling down on Cassandra's legs and chin again, hoping to illicit a scream that Sylvia would hear. "You wouldn't want that....would you?"

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Re: Overruled - Mary Bloom and Cassandra York

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Cassandra screamed loudly when Mary put her on her shoulders and stretched her already battered body to painful levels. The lawyer was feeling a mixture of pain and shame to be so easily (wo)manhandle by the blonde beauty. And also a bit of admiration for her prowess.
Sylvia naturally couldn't see what Mary was doing to her sister, she could only hear her screams of pain and imagine the worst. And she also had problems of her own to deal with! Namely Mary's thunder thighs squishing her neck and cutting her air supply. And her strength was leaving her body at an alarming rate. But her maneuver seemed to start working as Mary felt the need to make some sorts of threats regarding Cassandra's safety in order to make her stop.

"You'll crush her anyway..." Replied Sylvia to Mary's warning. "Nnn... good thinking.. sis.. take her down..Aaaghn" And that was the seemingly half conscious Cassandra speaking with difficulty, as she agonized in Mary's vicious torture rack. But Sylvia hesitated, or maybe there was another way.

"Sorry sis, can't do that.." Sylvia released Mary's ankles letting her tormentor squeeze without any disturbance and would quickly go limp under the pressure. "No..." whispered Cassandra as she was herself very close to fall into unconsciousness as well.
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Re: Overruled - Mary Bloom and Cassandra York

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Mary's sneaky ploy would work. With Cassandra draped over her shoulders like a scarf if Mary were to fall over Cassandra would take a hell of a tumble too, and apparently Sylvia knew that. Mary felt the trapped lawyer release her ankles seemingly accepting her fate to slip away between Mary's tight thighs. Now Mary was free to torture both siblings at the same time. IT was an almost simple task to squeeze Sylvia's head and rack Cassandra's body at the same time. A red tinge appeared on Mary's cheek for it was not often she got to toy around with two lovely opponents and it was clear she was loving ever second of it.

When she felt Sylvia start to go limp in the standing headscisssor Mary smiled that warm and loving smile of hers, wiggling her hips a bit to play with the trapped woman. "Awwww, too much for you, babe?" Mary would giggle, her attention on Sylvia now and barely on the half-conscious woman on her shoulders. "That's okay....I know I can be too much woman to handle. You lasted as long as you could...."

Mary would then unwind her legs from around Sylvia's throat to release her from the standing headscissor, letting her fall to the floor on her front where hopefully she would remain. Mary hoped this because after releasing her the blonde would move to stand over Sylvia's fallen form until she loomed above her with Cassandra still in tow. Once she was in position Mary would again prepare to devastate both sisters with one big move.

Kicking her legs out from under head Mary would aim to drop her butt down On Sylvia's back! Not only would it be her own substantial weight crushing the younger sister but Cassandra's as well, still trapped in the torture rack as she was. Speaking of Cassandra the effect of the drop would be devastating to her as well, slamming the elder sister's back across Mary's shoulders when she made impact!

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Re: Overruled - Mary Bloom and Cassandra York

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Sylvia had been making sneaky ploys as well! While the brunette was indeed very close to collapse she made it look like it happened before she actually was out for the count. When the tricked Mary released her scissor thinking that Sylvia had genuinely gone limp in fact the crafty lawyer was actually still conscious and playing possum. "gotcha bitch" she thought as she let herself fall on the floor still playing dead. She wasn't in great shape mind you but, being conscious was still a much better place to be than being knocked out between somebody's legs.

She hadn't fully anticipated Mary's deviousness though. And when the amazon decided to drop butt first on her back with Cassandra still trapped in the torture rack Sylvia wasn't left with much time to react! There was nothing she could do to save her sister but she could mitigate the damage done to herself. She pushed as hard as she could on her legs while pulling with her arms to crawl as far as possible from Mary's falling butt! She didn't manage to avoid being caught under the blonde's luscious' rear but moved far enough to get hit on the thighs instead of her back. Which wasn't great but still much better than having her spine crushed. "hgnnaaa" she moaned in pain "I knew... I shouldn't listen to you...". Her legs and neck were hurting, she was trapped under a giant blonde's ass, but it could have been worse!

However it couldn't have been much worse for Cassandra, who immediately fell unconscious from the pain after the impact!
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