Overruled - Mary Bloom and Cassandra York (Complete)

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Overruled - Mary Bloom and Cassandra York (Complete)

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Mary Bloom had been very naughty lately.

Having only arrived in LAW a few short weeks ago the blonde bombshell had already managed to stir up quite a bit of mischief. See, Mary had a problem: she loved to dominate other people. A normal trait for some folks but Mary took it a step further by physically acting on those desires. The six foot tall amazon loved to use her big strong body to overpower people, to completely overwhelm them. In most cases that meant using her spectacular God-given assets to smother her victims into drooling shells of their former selves. Mary had joined LAW to fulfill those desires in the ring but lately she had been causing incidents outside the squared circle. Several instances of Mary attacking her fellow wrestlers in the gym or backstage and leaving them unconscious heaps on the ground started to emerge, and all fingers pointed to Mary.

Maybe it was because the blonde often felt the need to sign her work afterwards?

Regardless, Mary was starting to wonder if perhaps she needed some kind of legal defense in case one of her former victims was feeling a bit....grouchy.

So that's what brought her to where she was today, standing outside the law offices of York & Walters. Mary had noticed an advert for the firm in the LAW arena. Apparently a few of LAW's wrestlers day lighted as lawyers, and were offering legal advice for their fellow competitors at a reduced rate! It seemed like a decent offer and the blonde knew she was probably going to break down again to smush another wrestler. Might as well check if she was covered legally when she did it. And so after driving herself to the downtown area and taking an elevator ride up to the designated building Mary was now ready to knock out the door and present herself to whoever was inside.
"Okay, here we go," Mary told herself taking a deep breath. She wasn't nervous about the meeting itself, but rather who she would be meeting. The last time Mary found herself in the situation of entering a meeting with someone she hadn't met first, the blonde had found the woman gorgeous. Unable to control herself Mary beat her up, smothered her silly, and left her unconscious across her own desk. "What are the odds of that happening again?" Mary asked herself before knocking on the door, announcing her presence.
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Re: Overruled - Mary Bloom and Cassandra York

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Cassandra was starting to feel at home in her new office. The new law firm she had created just a few weeks ago with her half sister was taking off. The sisters combined networks had provided lucrative contracts and allowed them to rent a luxurious office suit located in a posh neighbourhood. They just received their fancy new "York & Walters" sign the day before and it was now proudly sitting on their front.
Everything had been going their way. The curvy near 6’tall lawyer stretched out on her comfy chair with a satisfied smile as she checked her appointments for today. Nothing was clearly standing out, except that one request from a fellow LAW wrestler, a woman called Mary Bloom. She had never met her in person. She only had heard some rumors that circulated in the LAW locker rooms. Apparently this Mary was some sort of powerhouse with just a single official match, that she won against a man nonetheless, under her belt. There was a bit of mystery surrounding this woman. Cassandra shrugged, she was a potential client now the mystery would be lifted soon enough.

A few minutes later someone was knocking at her door. Cassandra looked at her watch. “It must be that Mary Bloom”. She thought. She got her confirmation from her secretary on the intercom “Miss York? This afternoon’s appointment has arrived, I’ve sent her your way. Oh and your sister Sylvia asked me to tell you that she had to leave for a pressing matter, she’ll be back later in the afternoon.”. “Thank you Rachel.”

Clearing her desk the statuesque lawyer spoke out loud.

“Please come in, it’s open.”
Last edited by Shura on Mon Aug 24, 2020 3:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Overruled - Mary Bloom and Cassandra York

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Mary heard the voice on the other end of the door grant her entrance to the office, taking one more deep breath before she turned the knob and entered. "Hi there, nice to meet-" Mary's next words caught in her throat when she spotted the absolutely stunning brunette sitting at the desk across the office. The woman who had invited her in was gorgeous to be sure with a face that looked like a model's. Not only that but her bust was nearly as big as Mary's own! It was barely being contained by that professional looking business attire the woman wore. In the presence of such a striking woman anyone would have been flustered. Mary had a slightly different reaction.

You've got to be kiiiiiiiiidiiiiiing meeeeeee!!! Mary inwardly screamed.

Once again in a professional business setting Mary was presented with a woman that she absolutely wanted to play around with. The beauty was drawing all of Mary's carnal desires to the surface just by being in her presence! The irony of the situation was not lost upon Mary. She wanted to do the very thing to the person she had come to discuss it with!

"-you......" Mary finished after a few seconds, during which her face had become quite flush. Quickly shaking her head clear, unintentially making those breasts of hers jiggle back and forth, Mary would attempt to compose herself. "H-Hi! I'm......Mary Bloom. W-We had a meeting?" Mary fidgeted on the spot, trying to keep her feelings in check as all kinds of forbidden thoughts started to fill her head. "Um....m-may I sit down?"

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Re: Overruled - Mary Bloom and Cassandra York

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Cassandra raised an eyebrow as the woman entered her office. She was huge! Cass was already nearly 6’ tall herself but Mary seemed even taller. And it wasn’t just her height, he woman was the definition of curvy in all the right places with an overall impression of power that was emanating from her full figure. It was also hard not to notice that massive bulge on her chest that seemed to stretch her sweater to its limits, suggesting that the beautiful blonde might be sporting a bust so large that even the lawyer’s own more than substantial rack would pale in comparison. And once you could take your eyes off her incredible chest you’d see that she also had beautiful emerald eyes to boot.

Cassandra rapidly regained her composure, she was a professional after all. And she didn’t fail to notice the contradiction between that impression of strength coming from Mary’s figure and the apparent confusion and hesitation she displayed the moment she began to speak. And the way she shook her head… was the girl really so shy? Cassandra’s attention got distracted for a second by the massive jiggle that heavily shook Mary’s already over stretched sweater."No way... Just how much is she packing in there?!" She thought. And again the lawyer quickly regained her initial train of thoughts.

“Greetings and welcome Miss Bloom. My name is Cassandra York, it is a pleasure to welcome a fellow LAW wrestler at York & Walters.” She said as she glanced briefly at large picture on the wall showing the half-sisters standing next to each other, posing proudly with their offices’ front in the background. Both in suits, Cassandra standing taller than Sylvia who on the other hand seemed to present an even more buxom figure than her older sister. “I heard that you won your first official match quite easily, congratulations.” She said with a smile that she wanted reassuring for Mary, as the woman seemed quite confused, then she continued. “And yes please, take a seat” She designated a free seat in front of her desk. “So tell me, what brings you here Miss Bloom?”
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Re: Overruled - Mary Bloom and Cassandra York

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Mary hadn't noticed that while being absolutely smitten with the young woman before her, 'Cassandra' seemed to have a similar reaction to her as well. Of course the thought process was probably quite a bit different. In Mary's mind all she was picturing were all the ways she wanted to toss Cassandra around. The blonde wanted to bury her face in that big chest while she bearhugged her! She wanted to feel her struggles weaken as Mary smothered her in her own big bust! Such were the kinds of thoughts that piled up in Mary's head at the moment, and it was taking every fiber of her being not to act on them. "N-Nice to meet you, Ms. York," Mary greeted politely enough with a slight bow, hoping that she didn't look as tortured as she felt right now.

"T-Thank you," Mary stammered when congratulated on her first victory in LAW. Little did the lawyer know Mary was contemplating her next victory within the next few minutes........until Mary quickly banished such thoughts from her head. Control yourself. You can't do this again! Mary inwardly told herself. She could, like.....sue you or something!

Feeling her knees getting weak the longer she stood there Mary was all to grateful for the chair when it was offered. The blonde nodded appreciatively at Cassandra before taking the offered seat. She quickly crossed her legs, displaying thick strong thigh in the process but the act was mainly to try and quell the rising heat that was stirring within her loins.

"W-Well," Mary began, trying to find the right words to describe her situation. A situation that threatened to spill out right at this moment in seemed! "See......I have this problem. I-I like to -um- 'fight' people. Like...a lot. And sometimes.....I 'fight' people outside of official matches." Mary's green eyes glittered a bit as she remembered her past conquests. "Sometimes I go.....a bit too far....." Idly the blonde licked her lips before she shook her head again of such thoughts. "I-I guess what I'm asking is.....is that allowed? A-Am I going to get in trouble?"

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Re: Overruled - Mary Bloom and Cassandra York

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Cassandra listened attentively as Mary spoke. There was clearly something wrong with this one. Why was she so tense? And the stutter, it didn’t fit that body. A woman like her, with such a remarkable stature, such a full figure, such a... - killer rack! - should be exuding confidence. What was her problem?

Of course Cassandra caught the movement of Mary’s thighs when the beautiful blonde crossed her legs. Both thick and shapely, she wondered how many had fallen victim of these weapons of mass constriction. Again, why such a sexy powerhouse was feeling so nervous at the moment.

The lawyer nodded as Mary explained her problem. “Are these fights the fruit of a mutually consented physical confrontation?” She adjusted her position on her seat and continued. “Or in other words, would you describe these ‘fights’ as assaults?” She leaned a bit forward as she spoke, resting her arms on her desk, her generous bust pressing against it as well…

“And how ‘far’ are we talking? Injuries? Temporary work incapacity? You see LAW doesn’t really have any legal leverage on you, unless you’ve damaged their property that is. They could however easily terminate your contract if they can prove that you’ve been assaulting their employees.” She paused for a second then resumed. “Your ‘opponents’, or victims depending on the nature of these ‘fights’, might very well try to sue you however, and LAW could stand as a witness if they wanted. Hence my question about the potential physical, or/and material, damage you may have caused. The more evidence of such damage, like injuries or property destruction, you leave behind and the more likely you are to be sued… and the more difficult it will be to defend your case.”

Cassandra smiled and spoke. “However, difficult cases is our specialty here are York & Walters” She said with a hint of pride in her tone, as she involuntarily thrust her bust forward. “My sister and I” She again cast a quick glance at the picture on the wall featuring the two curvy women clad in their thigh but well cut suits before continuing “built our reputation on solving delicate matters. In your case for instance, we can expect some reluctance from other wrestlers to press charges against you as it would make them look weak, maybe you were provoked, maybe you were under the influence of a medical condition that affects your behaviour... You see Mary, we have options and whatever you may have done, we’ve represented worse in court.”
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Re: Overruled - Mary Bloom and Cassandra York

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Mary was squirming in her seat as Cassandra made the details of her possible case. To Mary’s credit, despite the inner war she was raging with herself she did manage to listen to the buxom woman’s words. For instance the word ‘assault’ earned a sheepish grin from Mary. She didn’t like to describe them that way but it would be difficult to explain it to someone who wasn’t her.

Oh no! I would never injure anyone!” Mary declared when Cassandra presented that possibility. The blonde amazon may get a bit carried away at times but she would never do anything to badly hurt another person. Her moves were more careful, and she would show Cassandra that in just a-

Mary internally slapped herself.

All in all in seemed that if anyone was going to come out and declare legal action against Mary they would have done so already. Too embarrassed perhaps that a big bubbly blonde had floored them with hugs and smothers? And even if they did, Mary never left any discernible markings to prove her involvement. It sounded like Cassandra and her sister (the picture of which also made Mary’s legs weak) would be just what Mary needed if the day ever came.

So don’t attack her!!!! Mary’s conscience screamed.

S-So it sounds like......other LAW wrestlers are fair game then,” Mary pondered aloud. “As long as I call it sparring......

The gears began to turn in Mary’s head and the woman across from her would begin to notice that Mary’s nervous demeanour slowly began to evaporate. Soon Mary’s green eyes fell upon Casandra with an accompanying smile.

So how long have you been in LAW?” Mary asked innocently.

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Re: Overruled - Mary Bloom and Cassandra York

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Mary seemed to relax and speak more openly, did Cassandra manage to break the ice and put her at ease or was it something else… And all that squirming on her seat, could she be incontinent, did she need to pee or something? Cassandra chased these thoughts from her mind and refocused on the conversation.

“As long as they don’t try to prove that they never agreed to have sparring session with you.” She scratched her cheek and continued. “Though calling it fair game is still a bit of stretch here…” Cassandra’s eyes narrowed. “Are you actively seeking those, improvised, fights Mary? It would look bad if you always were the one to start them.”

Cassandra inadvertently stole another glance at Mary’s unbelievable chest but the sudden change of topic took her by surprise. “I’ve been on hiatus for a few months but I’m planning a comeback… Why the question though, does it have anything to do with what we were discussing?”
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Re: Overruled - Mary Bloom and Cassandra York

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Even though Cassandra tried to talk some sense into Mary the blonde had already gone over the deep end with her sudden revelation. Mary just nodded along, barely listening anymore after the lawyer had said her 'fights' were not a big deal, which was probably the worst thing she could have said to the blonde. The internal battle raging within Mary was coming to a close and unfortunately it was not Mary's more reasonable side that had won out. In her mind Cassandra had just given her permission to continue doing what she did best.

"I like to think that the fights find me," Mary answered in response to Cassandra's first question, smiling sweetly even though she gave a non-answer. In response to Cassandra's next question that abruptly changed the subject Mary gave a girlish giggle.

"I'm sorry. I just can't keep me eyes off of you!" Mary admitted leaning forward, making her chest adjust accordingly to the new angle. "You look so capable and tough. You must do really well in LAW! I'd love to see you in a match one day to see what you're made of!" Mary blushed a little before sitting back in her seat again, brushing her hair back nervously. "I-I'm sorry. I'm just a big fan of wrestling is all. I love meeting new people in LAW like yourself...."

The blonde bombshell would then unexpectedly jump out of her seat, moving to stand beside, looking a tad bashful as she did. "This may sound crazy but....can I give you hug? I-I just think it's so great what you and your sister are doing for the other wrestlers in LAW. It's really inspiring! And....I just wanted to thank you properly." Mary would then spread her arms wide and her face would shine a sincere smile as she stood there ready to receive a hug she didn't even know Cassandra would agree to.

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Re: Overruled - Mary Bloom and Cassandra York

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Cassandra was about to object and set the discussion back on its tracks when Mary made her sudden revelation. She realized that the blonde's eyes had indeed been on her the entire time and it was safe to assume that the woman had been studying her body features in details. She had been doing the same after all...

And there she was again, flaunting her impossible assets in front of her eyes. The blonde's heavy bust stretching the sweater even more as she leaned forward. You had to admit the quality of the material given the amount of weight those knits had to support. "I, uh, thank you. And yes I've had my moments in the ring, but you know..." Cassandra couldn't finish her sentence as Mary leapt from her seat without any warning. The sight of such a large figure moving so fast and with such agility took her aback. Not to mention all the jiggling it induced, again those clothes and underwear had to be made out of sci-fi material, a bit like her half-sister's actually... And it was becoming a little concerning too, the blonde beauty seemed to be of the somewhat unstable kind.

Cassandra chose to stand as well, not as fast as Mary as she wanted to show a certain measure of calm and control. She feared that remaining seated could create an uncomfortable position of inferiority. Now that they were both standing the statuesque lawyer could get a better idea of the blonde bombshell's size. Despite her 5'11 she was at least 3 good inches shorter than Mary. "I am grateful but it is really nothing really... we are only doing our jobs you know..." It was one of these very rare occurrences where the lawyer was stumbling on her own words. She was torn between her professionalism and the temptation to seize the occasion to get a good feel of the woman. It was just a simple hug after all... Unable to make a decision she didn't say anything and simply moved to the side of her seat, in a "neither yes nor no" kind of answer to Mary's request.
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