Having only arrived in LAW a few short weeks ago the blonde bombshell had already managed to stir up quite a bit of mischief. See, Mary had a problem: she loved to dominate other people. A normal trait for some folks but Mary took it a step further by physically acting on those desires. The six foot tall amazon loved to use her big strong body to overpower people, to completely overwhelm them. In most cases that meant using her spectacular God-given assets to smother her victims into drooling shells of their former selves. Mary had joined LAW to fulfill those desires in the ring but lately she had been causing incidents outside the squared circle. Several instances of Mary attacking her fellow wrestlers in the gym or backstage and leaving them unconscious heaps on the ground started to emerge, and all fingers pointed to Mary.
Maybe it was because the blonde often felt the need to sign her work afterwards?
Regardless, Mary was starting to wonder if perhaps she needed some kind of legal defense in case one of her former victims was feeling a bit....grouchy.
So that's what brought her to where she was today, standing outside the law offices of York & Walters. Mary had noticed an advert for the firm in the LAW arena. Apparently a few of LAW's wrestlers day lighted as lawyers, and were offering legal advice for their fellow competitors at a reduced rate! It seemed like a decent offer and the blonde knew she was probably going to break down again to smush another wrestler. Might as well check if she was covered legally when she did it. And so after driving herself to the downtown area and taking an elevator ride up to the designated building Mary was now ready to knock out the door and present herself to whoever was inside.