Misaki Toyoda vs. "JJ" Janella Johnson

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Misaki Toyoda vs. "JJ" Janella Johnson

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Match Type: Standard

JJ was backstage excitedly walking through the hallways decked out in her wrestling gear. She was about to face a wrestler she often looked up to and watched. Misaki was easily one of her favorites and on JJ's own person list of "10 Best Wrestlers." JJ was eager to prove herself and show that she wasn't just rookie hype. She wanted to show that she was good enough to be mentioned in title conversations right away. She was going to try to beat a wrestler who she had dreamt of facing off against for a few years.

Her music began to play and JJ came out, and the crowd cheered her loudly as they were discovering what she could do in the ring given her LAW performances thus far. She was all smiled, pointing to the crowd and waving as the energetic 19 year old sprinted the last bit of distance down the ramp, running at the ring to slide underneath the bottom rope, quickly bouncing back up to her feet to strut confidently around the ring holding her arms out to take in the cheers of the crowd.

JJ eventually settled into her corner, eager for Misaki to come out. JJ also planned on trying to get an autograph to add to her collection of memorabilia she had created since arriving in Japan.

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Re: Misaki Toyoda vs. "JJ" Janella Johnson

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Misaki Toyoda was to have a match again for tonight, this time against a newcomer who showed a great deal of promises. Wanting to see how good she was in the ring, Misaki was looking forward to enter the ring. Soon, once it was her turn to make her entrance, with Flame Dance playing from the loudspeakers, the Ace of Berserk made her way down the ramp, the crowd cheering for the talented wrestler. She gave high-fives for those who were lucky enough as she jogged down the ramp, heading over to the ring.
Misaki Toyoda
As she made her way to the ring, Misaki pointed at one section of the crowd, and she received a massive pop from them. Then, upon entering the ring, streamers were shot into the squared circle, and she posed in the middle of the ring, arms raised. Quickly, the ringside worker did their job removing the streamers from the ring as soon as possible. Removing the last bits of streamers off her body, Misaki then looked at her opponent for tonight, Janella Johnson, also known as JJ.

"So, let's do our best, alright? May the best woman win." Misaki went to offer JJ a handshake before the start of the match, wanting to start off the match with them being cordial with each other.

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Re: Misaki Toyoda vs. "JJ" Janella Johnson

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JJ watched as Misaki came out. She was a wrestler JJ had watched quite a bit and knew she was set to be in a hall of fame for being a legend. She saw her tangle with the amazon, and she saw Misaki handle heavyweights overpowering women larger than she was. JJ actually compared the balanced, jill of all trades styles of Misaki and herself.

As Misaki came to the ring JJ tried to pose and flex but smiled at Misaki before shaking her hand. "Indeed. Just because I am young doesn't mean you can take me lightly. I know how you aren't just good, you are great. I want to be mentioned in the same breath as you." JJ said as she shook Misaki's hand. As the women separated and the bell rang JJ decided it was time to test her workouts and move in to grapple with Misaki! JJ was bigger and had more muscle, with the 19 year old going all in using her power, speed and adrenaline to overwhelm Misaki and crush her back against a turnbuckle!

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Re: Misaki Toyoda vs. "JJ" Janella Johnson

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Misaki smiled at JJ as they shook hands with each other. "Well, you better go all out against me. I'm not going to hold back either." And so, after both of them parted from each other, Misaki would then prepare herself for the match, hopping on the balls of her feet, creating quite a tantalizing sight as her breasts shook as she did the hopping. Soon, as they were getting ready for the match, Misaki would then raise her arms as the bell was rung, and they then started off the match with a grapple.

Feeling her muscles tensing from her opponent's strength, Misaki would also muster her own strength to match her opponent's, making sure that she would not be overwhelmed by the much younger woman. Smiling confidently, she would keep pushing against JJ, the sight of both women grappling making the crowd go wild. For the time being, the two of them seemed to have entered a stalemate, and the two of them were working hard on breaking said stalemate in order to gain advantage over each other.

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Re: Misaki Toyoda vs. "JJ" Janella Johnson

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JJ felt the power of Misaki and was impressed as JJ was a few pounds heavier! She screamed as she exerted everything she had, desperate to break the stalemate. She was eager to leave a good impression with the crowd but more importantly she was driven to leave a good impression with Misaki, a wrestler whom she tried to emulate to a degree. JJ was not backing down or giving ground as she tended up, her entire body trembling as she exerted herself.

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Re: Misaki Toyoda vs. "JJ" Janella Johnson

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Misaki smiled as she saw the determination that JJ displayed, but she would't back down. She would keep pushing against her younger opponent, wanting to prove why she was considered the best in this industry. For a while, the stalemate remained before she decided to break it and put herself in an advantageous position. Slowly, she would move backwards, letting JJ gain an upper hand in their grapple.

She was planning to make JJ overexert herself, and after a while, she would quickly twist herself to the side, hoping to make her opponent stumble forward. From there, she would try to catch her head and wrap her arm around it so that she could trap her into a side headlock, pressing the side of her bust against her cheek as she would wrench her head and neck in the hold.

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Re: Misaki Toyoda vs. "JJ" Janella Johnson

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JJ was pressing and Misaki was giving ground! "Yes! Yes! Y-arrgghhh!" JJ groaned as she realized Misaki had led her into a trap! JJ knew that the whole grapple couldn't have been a ploy as Misaki was straining and failing to push back JJ. The young woman was determined to try to prove herself in such a grapple against Misaki....

However right now her head was stuck and she was being choked out! JJ reached an arm around Misaki's waist while her other reached to grab the back of Misaki's leg. "Lemme show ya how it is done back in Atlanta!" JJ said as she grunted trying to hold Misaki and lift her up before sending her crashing back to the mat with a backdrop to counter her way out of the headlock with as much impact as she could muster!

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Re: Misaki Toyoda vs. "JJ" Janella Johnson

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Locking JJ in the side headlock, Misaki was looking to wrench at her head as hard as she could, but it seemed that JJ had a way to bring herself out of this predicament. She managed to grab onto Misaki's waist and leg before she lifted her up, throwing her behind with a backdrop. But Misaki knew that she could avoid being hurt as she would try to complete the rotation as she was hoisted up before landing on her feet instead of landing on her back.

"Good work, but not enough!"

Right after that, Misaki would grab onto JJ's waist from behind, wrapping her arms around her before trying to lift her up and throw her over her head with a snap German suplex, sending her crashing down shoulders first onto the mat.

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Re: Misaki Toyoda vs. "JJ" Janella Johnson

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"W-what wait! Arreggghhhh!" JJ howled in shock and then agony as she crashed hard to the mat. She groaned and thrust herself to the side, laying there cradling her head in her arms. She was off to a disappointing start given how her mother matches shad gone but Misaki was a top wrestler.

As hurt as JJ was she tried to struggle her way back up to her feet, although the progress was very slow and staggered.

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Re: Misaki Toyoda vs. "JJ" Janella Johnson

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Right after throwing JJ down onto the mat with a snap German suplex, Misaki looked at the younger woman struggling to get up. She would take this opportunity to grab onto JJ's head, looking to pull her up. Once she brought her opponent back up onto her feet, Misaki would try to make her lose her breath by driving her knees into her exposed belly several times, looking to weaken her.

Right after that, she would slip her right arm between JJ's thighs while her other arm would go to her shoulder before picking her up, spinning around before throwing her down into the mat with a body slam. She needed to put more damage on the younger woman's body before she could go for the win.

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