An saint meets an Reborn Goddess. Mary vs Cyrena

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An saint meets an Reborn Goddess. Mary vs Cyrena

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Mary Saint vs Cyrena
Hentai match
First to cum loses

Cyrena would be chancing into orange bikini as she was hoping to have an good start to 2020 as she could not believe how much trouble she had with that British loser. As the Brunette had gotten lucky , and she knew it as she knew this meant she was just barely better then the loser champion and this frustrated her.

So an match where she could control , and them dominate her opponent would be the perfect way to restore her reputation. The fact it was an hentai match only increased her desire to dominate the match as she wanted to challenge for the hentai belt this year. So after waiting an few minutes in the gorilla position she would be told to get ready as an few seconds later '' Aphrodite by Kylie Minogue '' started to play the brunette would walk onto the entrance ramp as the crowd cheered loudly at seeing the second wrestler walk towards the ring. Especially when the ring announcer would say ''and here opponent from Agros, Cyprus.Weighing in at around 145ibs, it's Cyrena Eros aka the self proclaimed Aphrodite reborn'' as she climbed into the ring to await the arrival of her opponent.

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Re: An saint meets an Reborn Goddess. Mary vs Cyrena

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Mary didn't know who didn't like her or why she accepted this but she would be worried it was a hentai match she didn't like them one bit but everyone loved seeing her in them for some reason. she whined and cried no matter how much she hated them no one would say she could do better in hentai since she couldn't. Secertly she was even enjoying the lust form it as she would talk. "oh lord please forgive me for sinning so much..." Mary said as she cried and would get told to get ready or they will force her to the ring again. she was ready but she didn't want to go but had not choice she can't skip out on this. she would head to the ring when her music started and would enter the ring looking at Cyrena wearing a blue bikini.

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Re: An saint meets an Reborn Goddess. Mary vs Cyrena

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''Robin I don't know how you manage to find me these opponents , but you are amazing''thought the brunette as she would watch as an blond who clearly did not want to be here came down to the ring. As she became confident she would win as she would look at Mary as she said ''would suggest you pray to whatever god you believe in for help as your going to need it''

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Re: An saint meets an Reborn Goddess. Mary vs Cyrena

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Mary jumped at Cyrena talking to her. "Um i only believe in the one gold the good lord him self but im sure he will no longer hear my pray's..." Mary said as she looked at Cyrena the girls body made Mary blush as it was hot but Mary was unsure why she was feeling hot already. "lord have mercy on me..." she said to her self as she would gulp and walk to the middle of the ring.

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Re: An saint meets an Reborn Goddess. Mary vs Cyrena

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''Ahhhh so you have turned your back on him. Well you could always worship me as I'm an goddess reborn after all''replied Cyrena with an smug look on her face as she saw Mary check her out as she posses for the girl.

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Re: An saint meets an Reborn Goddess. Mary vs Cyrena

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"I have not turned my back on my god you you heathen Its just i been forced to do these matches when i just wanted to wrestle however these lewd stuff makes me feel the my god does not approve." Mary said abit angry taht Cyrena even thought Mary would turn her back to her god. "And you are of motral harlot you are no goddess or divine being." she hmph at that last part.

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Re: An saint meets an Reborn Goddess. Mary vs Cyrena

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''Well that is an pity as I would welcomed you with open arms should you have agreed to serve me'''replied Cyrena as she would just smirk as she thought ''I will make you wish you said yes. As I am going to make you lose your mind from the pleasure I intend to give you''as she took an wrestling stance.

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Re: An saint meets an Reborn Goddess. Mary vs Cyrena

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Mary puffed her cheeks as she would get into her stance. "I am loyal to only one good not to some harlot like you!" she said as the bell rang she would rush at Cyrena and just tackle her down after taht she was unsure what to do next as she looked down at Cyrena.

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Re: An saint meets an Reborn Goddess. Mary vs Cyrena

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''You should never address an goddess in that tone''growled Cyrena as she would watch as the saint ran towards her as she would sidestep Mary , and spank her on her behind as she walked past her.

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Re: An saint meets an Reborn Goddess. Mary vs Cyrena

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Mary would charge with no plan what so ever as she had a fire in her. That would pretty much go away when Cyrena sidestepped her and spanked her as she jumped to the hit and held her ass blushing brightly. she would shiver not enjoying that in her head but her body was saying a different thing.

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