Crazy vs Crazy: Last woman standing Locu vs Hailey

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Re: Crazy vs Crazy: Last woman standing Locu vs Hailey

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The Mexican woman would feel how her opponent would warp her arm around her neck and was pulling her in tightly. Thanks to the intensive pain in her belly area she wasn´t able to fight back or resist. So all she could do was being shocked when her opponent would suddenly lift her up into the air and away from the floor. When she was up in the air for a moment she would try to struggle and get let down somehow, but Hailey would let her down in a rather unnice way. The Swedish woman would pull her down and tried to smash her head into the hood of the car right next to them. The loud bump was hearable in the whole parking loath and Locu would scream out loudly in pain before she would collapse onto the hood of the car… she wouldn´t move a single muscles while laying next to the dent she just made. The referee would check on her and start the count. “1…2….”

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Re: Crazy vs Crazy: Last woman standing Locu vs Hailey

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Hailey had done it as she had manage to hoist the Mexican wrestler into the air for her finisher , but was unable to keep her opponent up in the air when she did as she quickly brought her down onto the hood of the car behind her. The loud thud made it clear that the masked wrestler had landed on it as the orangette would pull herself to her feet as the referee began to count as she had already counted to two by the time that the Swedish wrestler had gotten up as she then counted to''3....4....5''

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Re: Crazy vs Crazy: Last woman standing Locu vs Hailey

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Locu would still show no sign of life or fight as the referee counted upwards even higher. “6..7..8” The fans who saw the live stream of what was going on, on the big screen would loudly cheer right now getting totally hipped. Meanwhile the Mexican woman would only groan out but she wouldn´t even hear the referee count all she was noticing was the pure pain that was tormenting her head and neck. “9”

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Re: Crazy vs Crazy: Last woman standing Locu vs Hailey

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

Hailey was hoping that the crazy bitch would not manage to beat the count as she watched on as the referee kept counting while the Mexican would just lay their. When the referee counted to 9 she was confident that she had won as she would cry out ''YESSSSSSSss'' at the same time the referee said ''10''as the orangette would just rest against the car as the ref would grasp her hand to declare her the winner as the announcer in the stadium would say ''your winner , Hailey Helga Hammer ''as the Swedish wrestler was exhausted.

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Re: Crazy vs Crazy: Last woman standing Locu vs Hailey

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The end
Winner Hailey Helga Hammer

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