Nickname: Queen of the Squared Circle
Age: 18
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'3
Weight: 120 lbs.
Entrance Music: Fukashigi no Carte by Fonzi M
Alignment: Face
Nationality: American
Fighting Style: Kim is an energetic wildcard who does anything fast as she can and with no relent, as such her style reflects this with a striker based high-flying style that is meant to overwhelm the opponent with sequence after sequence and give them no rest or time to recover. Her boundless excitement extends to high stamina as she can press a relentless attack and her rapid speed almost like an animal she cosplay as leaves many a opponent spinning for her deceptively powerful blows to wear them down for a flashy finish.
Preferred Match: She really has no preferences, as Kimo is excited for any and all kinds of matches. While she has some complicated thoughts about the lewder match concepts like Hentai bouts, she is willing to partake in them to prove she is a woman now not just her mommy's little girl. Her favs though without question are multi-fall bouts to add more fun to it all!
Finishing Moves
Judgement of the Queen
Siren's Surrender (With an added lullaby of her own)
A Breakout Star's Strike!
Personality: Kim is a naturally hyperacitve and imaginative girl, who takes great pride in the fact that both her parents are in her eyes "awesome" wrestling pros and desires to join their ranks as an equal in status. To the point where she'd frequently requests spars with her parents who took time to train her in the basics and beyond when at home as she had a never say die attitude even if she was comically outmatched by her experienced parents in the early years. Her determination shinned even then, as did her creativity as she wore various animal onesies taking on "traits" of each as she had a deep love of animals almost matched by her father and this love never faded even as she got older. Which does make her desire to be seen as a "real" woman nowadays harder to swallow given her attires of choice and well tendency to slip to childish tendencies. But she has a good heart and a warm spirit that shines through good or bad that one can't help but find endearing through it all.
History: Daughter of famous pro wrestlers, Kim lived and breathed the business drawing a passion to it that had been all but expected as she made it her goal to be as good as them from day one. With a bubbly spark to her step she worked hard training under her mother and father in daily spars that usually went poorly but she gained invaluable experience. And drive, to make that 0-99 lopsided score to her mother a bit more balanced, and during her school years she gained greater strides and also became a popular if not scatterbrained girl at school known for high energy and well lack of long term consequence consideration. In spite of that upon graduation she had her sights set on the pro circuit having become much stronger than the bedroom tussler she was in her youth and sought to join L.A.W. in the spirit of her parents but make a name all her own there.
Ring Attire

Casual Attire

Hentai Attire

1. vs. Vivian Nishiki (Standard): Concluded
Kim wins via pinfall
3. vs. Jeanne Le Pen (Standard): Ongoing
4. Bea Meadows (Standard): On Hold
5. Anastasia Akira (Bedroom): Concluded[/color]
Kim wins via smother
Projected Record: 5-0
-She has her panda outfit as her default main, but Kim has onesiee of many animals including a tiger, bunny, skunk, wolf, turtle and others she could get her hands on.