Cecilia Northman (D) Vs. Kerstin Locke

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Cecilia Northman (D) Vs. Kerstin Locke

Unread post by Devastated »

Hardcore Match

Rules: Anything goes
Victory Condition: Pinfall or Submission


Today was an interesting day to say the least, it was Cecilia Northman's first appearance in LAW. While her sister Belinda had been wrestling in LAW for a while now, and also in Japan even longer...Cecilia had found the idea of travelling to a country like Japan a bit of a hassle. She was much more comfortable spending her time in America and therefore when her former tag partner Alison had left and went to LAW, Cecilia hadn't joined her. She waited instead, until they could offer her a better contract. Lo and behold they soon enough did, a contract that Cecilia couldn't refuse, and the fact that Aurora was here as well...well that was just gravy. Her sister, her aunt, her former tag partner and a handful of rivals....this was going to be fun.

It seemed as if LAW also wanted to cater to the Hardcore Queen further, as she was thrown into a Hardcore match as her first official challenge. Her debut here would be one fitting to her name. Stepping out onto the ramp as her music would start to play out of the speakers, the crowd gave a very loud reaction, a mixed one but it was loud. After all Cecilia was both famous and infamous in the world of wrestling!

She'd walk down the ramp and head up towards the squared circle, rolling in under the bottom ropes and heading over towards the center of the ring where she'd raise her right hand as if she had already won. Walking up towards her corner and lean against the corner, looking forward to see what kind of opponent they were going to throw at her.

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Re: Cecilia Northman (D) Vs. Kerstin Locke

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So here she was facing a newcomer and somehow being the underdog. She had heard of Cecilia, everyone had at this point and her sister was already in LAW. But no one but here was asked to be her warm up match, Kerstin wasnt sure if that was an insult or a compliment but she wasnt about to turn down the chance to say yes, even if they thought she had no chance to win she had plenty of chances to prove her wrong and it being hardcore didnt scare her.

Coming out in her usual get up she would march down to the ring looking at the big girl awaiting her. She wasnt sure what to think of her, she had heard good things and bad things, but she knew that she was going to be a fight regardless. One she would meet head on and beat as she entered the ring to stare her down. "So. Hows LAW looking to you."

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Re: Cecilia Northman (D) Vs. Kerstin Locke

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If she was perfectly honest, Cecilia didn't know what to think of LAW. She'd only just arrived and here she had her first opponent ask how it was looking for her. Cecilia would roll her shoulders a bit and look on at the rather fit and beautiful looking raven haired opponent she'd gotten as a debut. She'd look Kerstin up and down a bit before she'd speak.

" Not too shabby." Cecilia let out as she would bring her hands together and crack her knuckles. " How about we get the pleasantries over, you aren't gonna like me a whole lot after this match after all." Cecilia said with a cocky smirk on her face as she readied herself to start the match. The Hardcore Queen would take a step back and then raise her arms, the referee would back up and call for the bell as a result.
Last edited by Devastated on Sat Jul 18, 2020 1:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Cecilia Northman (D) Vs. Kerstin Locke

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Observing the fighter in front of her for what she was the women seemed rather cocky. Naturally most big shots had some confidence to there step but this women was no exception, in fact she had something about her that seemed to believe she was bigger then her reputation. Kerstin didnt care for it, but she wasnt about to tell her how to act, she was certaintly going to humble her a bit. Kerstin rolled her shoulder as she watched her crack her knuckles and tell them to cut to the chase.

"Oh dont worry about that, as much as I think this match is going to hurt it'll hurt for you a bit more. So if you want to get to that faster I can oblige." Kerstin said staying in her corner for the bell to ring before she would start to moving around the ring in a circle watching the big blonde for what she might try to do next.

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Re: Cecilia Northman (D) Vs. Kerstin Locke

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"Is that so?" Cecilia would let out at the boastful claims of her raven haired opponent in front of her, she would roll her shoulders a bit and start to circle the big raven haired woman. Looking for a opening as she would continue to circle the woman. After a few seconds though she would move forward, inching closer towards Kerstin as she would look to offer her a lock up!

Arms raised and ready to clash with the German as she would seek to lock up with her and test to see what this league truly had to offer in terms of fighters. If Kerstin agreed to the lock up then she would try and bully her backwards towards the ropes.

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Re: Cecilia Northman (D) Vs. Kerstin Locke

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Kerstin moved in close and locked up with Cecilia once the bell rang. Despite the hardcore aspect it seemed this match was going to start off traditional. Kerstin would hold her ground despite the blonde's efforts to try and force her back, instead looking to do the opposite and force Cecilia back to further show her her reputation meant nothing if she wasnt willing to bring it in LAW.

Kerstin knew that this was likely to end in a stalemate so if nothing changed she would try and pull the blonde's arms apart hoping to see if she could force the blonde slightly off balance by doing so. If she could she might able to start walking her back and take control of the match early on.

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Re: Cecilia Northman (D) Vs. Kerstin Locke

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Cecilia and Kerstine started things off rather nice and easy with a lock up and it seemed as if it wasn't going to go anywhere. Kerstine was a fit girl after all, she had the body of a tough and fit fighter after all. She would feel Kestine try and pull her arms apart and Cecilia didn't have any reason to keep them around Kestine. As they spread out their arms Cecilia would take advantage of the open body of Kerstine.

Firing up her knee to try and smash it right into the toned belly of Kerstine, only to follow it up by trying to throw a harsh uppercut right to Kerstine's chin! Looking to knock her loopy on her feet if she could.

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Re: Cecilia Northman (D) Vs. Kerstin Locke

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Kerstin continued to push against the blonde looking to force her back by any unconventional means. Especially once she realized Cecilia couldnt force her back she was more eager then ever to get an early lead in the match. But once she realized that the blonde opted to try something else then to keep pursuing results here and promptly drove a knee into her belly.

"Uggh! Guugh!" Kerstin's body backed off after the knee and that opened her up to a punch to her chin that rocked her head sending her backwards and looking up at the ceiling and off her opponent for a moment. Her head shot back down but her eyes were a bit blurred after the sudden impact.

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Re: Cecilia Northman (D) Vs. Kerstin Locke

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Throwing that punch straight up into the chin of Kerstin and getting the raven haired beauty to look upwards, seeing her on unsteady feet the blonde powerhouse would swing her leg up as she came running after Kerstin, trying to drive her boot harshly into the impressive rack of the German. Trying to take her off of her feet and down onto her back with a nasty big boot.

Though that wouldn't be it...if she got Kerstin down, the blonde powerhouse would try and drop down to straddle Kerstin's fit abs, looking to pin her down to the canvas and start to try and wail on that head of the German fighter! Trying to throw punch after punch to that face of Kerstin.

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Re: Cecilia Northman (D) Vs. Kerstin Locke

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Kerstin was shocked by the power of her fists but still on her feet when Cecilia came running towards her ready for the attack. She didnt come here to get knocked around or knocked out, so when Cecilia moved in to try and kick her Kerstin would move out of the way getting to the sidestep. Moving in close after her she would try and stop Cecilia dead in her tracks by throwing her right into the body of the blonde.

"Not so fast Cecilia." Kerstin said looking to show her she meant business. If her punch connected Kerstin would and grab her arm and try to go for an arm drag to bring her to the mat in a hurry.

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