Eileen S./Helena D. - State Of Affairs

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The Ominous Future
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Re: Eileen S./Helena D. - State Of Affairs

Unread post by Devilish53 »

"I would enjoy that. Very much." Eileen's words were solid, almost without motion as she was distracted by a few picturesque images in her head. Namely of near brutalising the girl in question, with Eileen naturally laughing throughout.

She was brought back from her little moment of imaginary sadism by the thoughts and ponders of Helena though, as she turned and locked eyes with the girl. Her tone a calm one, as Eileen thought through what was being said.

"It's not that easy, I imagine. LAW is still in its infancy. The fans want show-boaters, loudmouths and the like to carry their first belts into prominence. Not those who truly deserve it."

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Re: Eileen S./Helena D. - State Of Affairs

Unread post by Highfly »

"I know, it is very annoying. What bothers me are the new young women who come in with that sense of entitlement. They think the world owes them yet they have not paid their dues or do anything for their betters." Helena said as she sipped her second glass of wine. She switched it around a bit and took in the aroma as she looked around the bar at all the people for a brief moment.

"Maybe you and I can have us our own adventure. Show the the lesser brained brutes we work with that we can also do the dirty work without them so they also know their place." Helena said coldly. "Eirina, Alaina, Diana.... whoever. Catch one at an autograph signing and give them a very public, strong handed beating to remind them who we are." Helena said, a cold smile forming as soon as she finished.

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Re: Eileen S./Helena D. - State Of Affairs

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Eileen heard the idea Helena had crystal clear yet she did not react, at least at first. Instead she turned forward, eyes lost for a second in a daze. Helena may have for a moment believed her suggestion had fallen on deaf ears, until Eileen's head came back.

And she let out the biggest laugh of the night!

Eyes close to watering, Eileen's mind flooded with the dream setting of having caught Eirina, Ducky or otherwise at a signing, only to flip the table quite literally on them and outright ruin their week. Such an idea was great to the point where Eileen simply had to make it reality.

"Ohh...Oh my...Yes..." Eileen spoke, laughing yet still between words as she turned back to Helena, wiping her eyes with a toothy grin to hand.

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Re: Eileen S./Helena D. - State Of Affairs

Unread post by Highfly »

"I am glad you are enthusiastically of a like mind!" Helena said with a chuckle. She sipped more wine and looked to be deep in thought. She was trying to think of who the best target would be, as such was not an easy decision given the women in LAW.

"So.... who should be the target for our wrath?" Helena asked looking every bit the acheeming viper that she was.

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Re: Eileen S./Helena D. - State Of Affairs

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Eileen was running on instinct, almost thanks to her sudden burst of adrenaline. Turning up to an Eirina photoshoot or signing or whichever for that matter, only to outright ruin the girls day, made Eileen's heart rate nearly double. But to attack Eirina so soon when the dust had barely settled from their last encounter?

Even Eileen had a understanding of how to work a wrestling feud.

"Hmm...One of those...Accera...Sisters? The one that is actually somewhat known, of course..."

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Re: Eileen S./Helena D. - State Of Affairs

Unread post by Highfly »

Helena sipped on her wine and smiled at the suggestion. She was more than ready to get back into action and had a couple concealable weapons she could use to cause quite a first strike against an unsuspecting foe. "Oh poor Diana won't know what hit her! Leaving her laid out flat on her back in a sea of her adoring fans is going to be absolutely delightful!" Helena said with a laugh.

"Perhaps after she is left in the dust we can try something on that old dusty amazon who is trying to capture her glory days from yesteryear?" Helena suggested, still grinning and daydreaming of the thought of a sneak attack against Diana that the statuesque grappler would never see coming.

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Re: Eileen S./Helena D. - State Of Affairs

Unread post by Devilish53 »

"Ha..." Eileen gave quite the sharp, almost snorty laugh in response to the idea of going after Alaina Sanders after. It was a given of course.

"I'd suggest both at the same time...They appear to be friends of some sort...Though eyes off one of them for even a moment would let them slip away..." Eileen nodded and hummed, seemingly agreeing to herself.

"I'll be sure to let the others know. I imagine stepping on more toes would be right up each and every one of their alleys."

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Re: Eileen S./Helena D. - State Of Affairs

Unread post by Highfly »

Helena smiled and nodded along with Eileen. "I am sure it would, they do have some measure of usefulness when given proper direction after all." Helena said as she smiled approvingly of the 0lans to strike out against multiple, undeserving wrestlers taking up valuable roster space.

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Re: Eileen S./Helena D. - State Of Affairs

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Eileen turned again, her eyes unfocused once more as thoughts fell on the group she had assembled. "Different measures...If that...I am starting to believe Kyoko's ego will force our hand...Though at the same time, Jessica's ignorance is placing her just as high on the list to be punished..."

Eileen smiled at Helena as she turned back, seemingly having just forgotten she had just alluded to yet another beat down of those whom had somewhat offered to align themselves with the redhead. "But that is a topic for another time..."

With that, Eileen offered a hand to Helena's shoulder - gently rubbing at it as she slipped off her seat, seemingly content with their discussion here and now to be enough to work on.

"I'll be seeing you soon I imagine. We'll likely have an autograph signing to...attend..."

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Re: Eileen S./Helena D. - State Of Affairs

Unread post by Highfly »

"Ah yes, miss Akan and miss Wright are troublesome. Almost too troublesome to be worth it." Helena agreed as she sipped on her wine. She smiled at Eileen as she got up and nodded to her. "Of course, we do have to go get an autograph and I am going to make sure to bring a toy or two with me to really enhance the experience for the women we see. This will truly be quite a fun time and I am really looking forward to seeing you there." Helena said as Eileen got up.

Helena was nicely dressed for a night out and looking around she decided that she rather liked this establishment. She waved and watched Eileen go, on to the next phase of her evening although this was going to be much more about fun than work.

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