Broken Faith: Isaiah Bowen vs. Alexia Snjor

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Re: Broken Faith: Isaiah Bowen vs. Alexia Snjor

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As Isaiah went for the lariat, his opponent tackled him to the floor, he hit the mat with a loud thud. Now starting to feel the effects of the abuse he's taken so far, he decided the best course of action was to just lie there and shut up...

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Re: Broken Faith: Isaiah Bowen vs. Alexia Snjor

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Alexia would take down the idiot she was facing as the Icelandic wrestler would get to her feet as she would drag Isaiah towards an nearby corner as she would perch him against the cornerpost. The Bluenette would then take an step back as she crouched down as she figured she could humilate Isaiah more by giving him an stinkface in the corner.

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Re: Broken Faith: Isaiah Bowen vs. Alexia Snjor

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Isaiah found himself being dragged into a corner and soon found Alexia's butt in his face. Isaiah officially decided to just take whatever punishment Alexia would give him, and maybe she'll get it out of her system. Alexia said she wanted to break him, she's wasting her time, she could break Isaiah Bowen, but, nothing can break the Prophet. Isaiah was at least glad she had the common decency to at least wash back there.

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Re: Broken Faith: Isaiah Bowen vs. Alexia Snjor

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After about 30 seconds of stinkfacing her opponent , Alexia would have enough as she would step away as she would turn around as she grasped him by his hands. As she would pull him out of the corner , and up to his feet as she quickly wrapped her arms around him as she would squeeze the life out of him with an bearhug.

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Re: Broken Faith: Isaiah Bowen vs. Alexia Snjor

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Isaiah was allowed to breathe for a second as Alexia got her butt out of his face. However, he soon found himself brought up to his feet and sure enough, Alexia's arms wrapped around him in a bearhug. He absolutely hated this move, because his body apparently loved it. Every time he was put into this hold, he would get hard down there. Sure enough, it was stiff as a board. Even worse, the blood low was going south when it needed to stay in his head. Isaiah managed to eek out three words, "This...isn't...finished!" He gave one last gasp, and slumped over Alexia's shoulders, completely passed out...

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Re: Broken Faith: Isaiah Bowen vs. Alexia Snjor

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''Well it is finished for me as I got nothing more to prove''replied Alexia as she squeezed the life out of her opponent as she would only let him go when she felt him stop moving. As she tossed him to the center of the ring as she yelled ''go check on him , but I think he is knocked out Ref. So be an dear , and announce me the winner right away''

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Re: Broken Faith: Isaiah Bowen vs. Alexia Snjor

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Isaiah was just conscious enough to feel Alexia drop him and the referee check on him. He lifted his arms three times, and all three times it hit the mat with a thud. The bell was rang and the match was over. As Isaiah began to come to, he started to realize something: Alexia had failed in her mission to "break" him: everything was were it was supposed to be, he was a little sore, sure but, overall none the worse for wear. When he finally opened his eyes, Alexia had gone. Isaiah smiled. Alexia won the battle, but not the war!

Winner by KO
Alexia Snjor

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SimplePride #4919

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