Maya "Masked Medusa" Selinofoto

170+ lbs / 76.657+ kg
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Roy (abracy)
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Maya "Masked Medusa" Selinofoto

Unread post by Roy (abracy) »

Name: Maya Selinofoto

Alias: Masked Medusa

Sex: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Age: 28


Eye color: Purple

Hair color: Purple

Height: 172 cm // 5’6''

Weight: 78 kg // 172 lbs

Alignment: Tweener

Entrance Music: Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel III Spring Song OST "The four rings"

Twitter: Maya Selinofoto - @MaskedMedusa

Wrestling information
Fighting Styles:

Signature move(s):
Petrification Hold
She locks her opponent's leg by wrapping her leg around their thigh/knee, locking the opponent's neck with her other leg, wrapping it around the back of the neck, and locking the opponent's arm behind her back by wrapping her arm around the opponent's elbow with one arm and holding the opponent's forearm in place with the other handImage
Gorgon Kick

Preferred Matches:

Attitude towards Hentai:
She's willing to do hentai matches

Physical characteristics:
Endurance: 4/5

Stamina: 5/5

Strength: 5/5

Speed: 5/5

Defense: 4/5

Technique: 5/5

Personal information
Maya was born as the youngest of a set of triplets, while her older sisters are identical, she's the only one that isn't identical to them. Despite this though they were always known for how pretty they were and everyone loves them. Another difference between her and her other two sisters is that she's very athletic and even though that she's the youngest, she has the responsibility to protect her sisters any time that someone wants to mess with them and so even at a young age she would train in martial arts, especially wrestling. However one day, tragedy would strike as everyone around her (except for her sisters) would start isolating her and talk bad things behind her back. Rumors has started to circulate with even convincing false evidence to support the wild accusations made against her with two of the biggest ones being that Maya uses her beauty to have multiple partners without said partners knowing and that she has started picking fights with other people. After a while she would be forced to move out and leave everyone behind although her sisters would come with her. Apparently the group of which their family is connected with called the Olympus Family is the group that was responsible for the rumors and exile. Maya would be extremely angry after figuring that out and eventually even though that her sisters would stay with her since the beginning of her exile and would try their best to be there for their sister, Maya would take her anger out on them and hurt them really bad. So badly that she felt terrible afterwards and moves out again, this time being by herself. She would eventually meet Sakura and the two of them would become friends and would even go on to get Sakura out of the Matou household and the two would live together and would enter the LAW organization together

Concealing her eyes with a special mask, she is a hard one to understand. However, it is not that she doesn't have much in the ways of emotion; rather, she is the type that thinks too much and ended up stuffed with emotions inside. In battle, she is ruthless and without mercy, having no qualms about preying on innocents without hesitation, on the other hand, she displays a degree of kindness to those who are not antagonistic towards her. Rider is silent, sultry, blunt, and vigilant, she is not openly talkative, and she prefers to analyze people and their actions. She is very protective of Sakura and willing to sacrifice herself for Sakura's happiness. She is very logical and she doesn't act out of anger or instinct. Despite being a beauty, she tends to appear to have a merciless personality because of her thorny aura and cold behavior. Her appearing indifferent and coldblooded is simply due to her feeling it to be bothersome otherwise. She loves alcohol, reading and has a fondness towards bikes. Ferocious and terrifying, yet beautiful. She is fundamentally indifferent towards other people other than Sakura, but she opens her heart to those she deemed worthy of her trust.

Standard Wrestling outfit
Christmas-themed wrestling outfit
Bed Match
Swimsuit match outfit
Bunny outfit
Boxing outfit
Her prey being caught
Workout clothes
Casual Outfit
Summer outfit (with her motorcycle)
Winter Outfit
Formal dress

Sakura Matou

Allies: None

Rivals: None

Enemies: None

Lovers: None

Interesting facts:
1) Medusa really tries to be the voice of reason to Sakura's more devious and sadistic personality but sometimes she can't help but get dragged to her whims despite being against it
2) She really wants Sakura to try to seek some professional help but she never really knew who would be the best for her
3) She likes reading, alcohol, snakes and bikes
4) She dislikes seaweed and being dragged around Sakura whenever she does it

Matches information
Wins: 0/ Losses: 0/ Draws: 0




Championship Belts and/or Achievements:

Last edited by Roy (abracy) on Sat Jun 08, 2024 8:01 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Roy (abracy)
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Re: Maya "Masked Medusa" Selinofoto

Unread post by Roy (abracy) »

Major update to Medusa's bio including overhaul to her personality, past and added some new signature moves

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