Mercy match Rebecca vs Rose gold

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Mercy match Rebecca vs Rose gold

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Verbal Submission/No DQ Match: No disqualifications. Victory to be only when one wrestler accepts the other's verbal submission.

Rebecca would get ready in her locker room as she was abit nervous for her next match. she seen some of the things Rose gold had done to other girls in her match she was worried about that. "i can win i know i can" she said shaking any bad thoughts out as she looked at Aoi who was smiling at her friend. "yeah Rebecca you can You really improved lately." the blue light weight champion said the her best friend. Rebecca teared up abit hearing that she had taken some loses but she never gave up and hearing Aoi said she was improving made her happy. "those better be happy tears you know i hate seeing you cry." Aoi said wiping the tears away.

"sorry Aoi-chan thanks for coming to watch i know you been busy being a champion Im glad we get to do this." Rebecca smiled at her friend. the stage hand came out "Five minutes Rebecca" "r-right!" she said and would finish up getting ready. she was wearing her wrestling attire a white leotard and pink boots and knee guards she would head to take a deep breath as she would wait for her cue to enter.

once the was called she would come out into the area to the crowd of cheering fans waving. Aoi would walk out with her holding her title to much of the shock of the fans as they didn't know why Aoi was with Rebecca. the two would go to the ring and Rebecca would enter it as Aoi just stood at the side and watch as Rebecca waved and bounced. many in the crowd was still wondering why the lightweight champion was here with Rebecca. Rebecca would go to her corner as she waited for rose gold to come out telling her self she could beat this girl.

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Re: Mercy match Rebecca vs Rose gold

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Tonight's opponent had been hand picked by Rose Gold. The Sinister Siren was a conniving, brutal, and bitter woman, and tonight's match would showcase all of these traits...
(Start at 1:21 for replays)
The lights cut out as the electronica of 'Gold' pulses through the arena. The stage fills with smoke, obscuring it. As the vocals kick in the directional lights flare to life, cutting through the darkness in dramatic swathes. They scan the ring and audience, offering a momentary reprieve from the darkness. Tiny flecks of gold confetti sparkle brilliantly within the arena.

The lights all assemble on the ramp and trace their way up it. Among the smoke and glitter, the shapely silhouette of a woman waits. Her head down and arms at her sides. Statue still. And the music stops for a few beats. The lights cut once again. However, they flare back to life with the beat drop!

The lightweight competitor reveals herself. Her expression is grim and determined. Her normal attire had been cast aside. She dawned an outfit of entirely black. Her red hairband contrasting brilliantly with the obsidian leotard. An outfit that matched her dark persona. She threw a fist in the air, letting the audience know. Rose Gold was here!
Black Rose
"Introducing her opponent! fighting out of Hokkaido, Japan, weighing in at 119lbs. ROSE GOOOOOOLD!" cried the ring announcer dramatically!

Rose jumped onto the ring apron and then would vault over the top rope and into the ring proper! She'd run and leap atop the corner opposite the ramp and throw another fist into the air! The posture showed off all the feminine curves of her body. Her soft, round backside was practically entirely exposed by the tight cut of her leotard. The same was true for the kissably smooth pale skin of her inner thighs.

She basked in the approval of the fans! Fickle as they may be. This was an arena and she was their entertainment. As she hopped down, microphone in hand her eyes finally turned on Rebecca for the first time. She'd looked right past her during her entrance, as if she'd never been there at all.

"If you're really her friend, you'll save her." Rose stated as she looked at Rebecca... No. Wait. She was looking straight through Rebecca. Staring directly at her accompaniment. Aoi. The Lightweight Champion. In fact... At this point it became clear. She still hadn't seen or acknowledged her opponent for the night... And the thing she licked her lips at... Was the gold Aoi held upon her shoulder.

She cast the microphone under the ring ropes. It bounced and screeched loudly as it rolled. Stopping right in front of Aoi, demanding she pick it up. Once again, bypassing Rebecca as if she was a ghost. As if she were neither real nor worthy of Rose Gold's time and attention.
Last edited by SuckerPunch on Thu Jul 23, 2020 2:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Mercy match Rebecca vs Rose gold

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Rebecca and Aoi watch the event unfold Rebecca was impressed and thought how hot Rose looked. she did noticed however the girl had never acknowledge Rebecca it was like she wasn't even there. Rebecca also saw that the girl's eyes were only focused on Aoi or rather the title that Aoi had over her shoulder when they were in the ring. Rebecca didn't like that Aoi earned that title and in Rebecca's eyes Aoi was far better then this girl she didn't enjoy those words however.

Aoi eyes went wide when she hear that sentence she already knew what meaning they had in them and it scared her to her core her blood ran cold her hairs standing on end. She wasn't afraid for her self she was afraid for Rebecca as the mic came at her she was going to grab. she was gonna tell Rebecca this person wasn't someone she could fight and forfeit. however when she saw the mic was in Rebecca's hands and her fear and worries were amplified to the extreme "WAIT Rebe-" she was cut off however as Rebecca spoke. "You saying that Aoi is not a friend is she doesn't save me you whore... i dont need my best friend to save me. " Rebecca started as she had a fire in her eyes.

"I will tell you this you are not worth the lightweight champion the greatest in the lightweight division's time. In fact you aren't even worth my time!" Rebecca said. " i saw how your didn't even look at me i could see how you only have eyes on the gold but let me tell you this you will not beat me and when you can't beat someone of my size you are not worthy of being a champion." Rebecca said as she tossed the microphone to the ref not eve letting Aoi have her say.

Rebecca wasn't one that felt a lot pride in things about her but the one thing she was proud of was being Aoi's best friend. She knew Aoi since they were kids and when she moved to Japan all those years ago. she always liked seeing how strong Aoi was. "Aoi...dont get involved don't give her what she wants. " Rebecca said as she would walked to the middle of the ring. " I WILL Beat this whore." Rebecca said out loud. Aoi was now more then ever afraid she didn't want watch this but she knew if she got involve it would result in a disqualification the words Rebecca said made Aoi have hope but she knew deep down this wasn't gonna be good for Rebecca.

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Re: Mercy match Rebecca vs Rose gold

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Rose Gold watched the microphone slide across the ring. She watched Aoi... But knew it would never make it to her. As Rebecca picked up the microphone, Rose Gold once again fought the urge to grin. Everything was going according to plan.

"Hmm? Who are you?" Rose inquired as Rebecca began to bark into the microphone. She examined her nails as Rebecca delivered an impassioned speech. "That's nice, sweetheart. But the adults are talking. Be a dear and hand that microphone over to your supposed friend, won't you?"

Then, Rebecca tossed the mic to the ref. Once again denying Aoi the opportunity to save her. Once again emboldening the Brutal Blonde's plan.

"Whore?" She asked, a hand over her heart. "Such simple language from a simple woman." She waved her victim's words off. "Where did you get that dusty old outfit from? An old dance class maybe? Is that it? Are you a dancer?" She looked the girl up and down, appraising her with a disappointed look on her face. "That makes sense. You certainly don't look like a wrestler." She concluded, continuing to egg the ambitious woman on.

*Ding Ding Ding*

The bell rang. And it caused Rose to shudder. "Mmmm. Yessss!" Her eyes rolled and she licked her lips in anticipation.The sound of the bell had been erotic for her. It was not unlike the sound of a cage door being locked. Whether or not Rebecca knew it yet... She was trapped now. Trapped in the den of a cruel and hungry monster.

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Re: Mercy match Rebecca vs Rose gold

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Rebecca didn't knew what she was doing was doing everything Rose wanted her to do she didn't realize she was just a puppet for Rose. however Aoi knew full well what Roses intention that everything was going just as rose wanted. however as much as she knew she had hope for Rebecca she believed in her friend she wanted to tell her mind that Rebecca will be okay however every fiber of her being knew the truth.

Rebecca would look at Rose as the girl continue to ignore and taunt the girl. these kinds of girls Rebecca hated but she wasn't going to have Rose think shes getting to her even tho those words were. once the bell rang Rebecca saw that odd reaction Rose did but paid not mind to it. she would rush at Rose once at her she would stop short and give the girl a hard chop to her chest. if she blocked or grabbed her arm Rebecca had a plan for that as she would aim a kick at Rose's thigh. "well see if this Simple girl does when i kick your ass also I'm not a dancer!" she said as if those two moves work out she would grab the girl's waist shoulder and then aim knees to Rose's belly.

She knew Rose was bigger and stronger and faster she knew alot of things that made Rose a lot better then her but she wasn't gonna let any of that scare of her she was going to fight and she was going to give her all to beat this girl and show that she wasn't just a pretty face and hentai fighter. After attacking Rose, Rebecca would jump back getting distance she was going to do what she can to plan her attack keep Rose at a distance and wear her down to where she would be able to get taken down by Rebecca.

Aoi watched as she try to keep her self hoping that Rebecca can do this she kept telling her self she could she was thankful Rebecca was a smart person she knew Rebecca had a plan and seeing her jump back Aoi know Rebecca's plan was to wear down rose and keep her at a distance she though that was a good play for Rebecca being shorter.

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Re: Mercy match Rebecca vs Rose gold

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Rebecca was pff to the races! Eager to face her opponent! Perhaps she thought if she caught Rose before she could get started, that she'd have a shot at winning. Perhaps this was simply how she always fought.

Either way, her aggression seemed to catch Rose off guard! She had been observing her nails when Rebecca closed the gap! Her chop lashed out across her tits, sending them bouncing inside the tight confines of her leotard! "Ahn!" Rose squealed cutely as her bust was battered!

Her hands shot out clumsily, trying to grab ahold of Rebecca's limb! Instead, she found herself thrown off balance as Rebecca fired a kick into her thigh! The blow spread Rose's legs and forced another cute cry from her lips!

Off balance, Rebecca had absolutely no problem grappling her and driving her knee into Rose Gold's belly! The blow forced her mouth open in a cough! Saliva spilled from her mouth as she sank to her hands and knees gagging!

As Rebecca leapt away, Rose put up a hand! Showing her its palm! The universal sign for stop! She looked up, through pained eyes and stammered! "W-wait!" She looked like she was about to cry. "I can't... Take anymore!"

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Re: Mercy match Rebecca vs Rose gold

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Rebecca had only just begun and Rose was already asking for it to stop. something didn't felt right to Aoi and Rebecca however Rebecca would assumed she had gotten that much better. "s-sorry But this is a match I'm not going easy on you especially after how you ignored me!" Rebecca said rushing at rose again and would jump up going for an Enziguri kick at Roses head. she was going to use everything she had and show everyone she was going to be a big name in wrestling to not just a pretty face.

Aoi would watch was Rebecca kept her attack. she was watching Rose like a hawk as she didn't get why she had that feeling when it looked like Rebecca was doing well and rose was just being talk. however Aoi didn't seem to trust the notion that Rose wasn't a good wrestler and as much as she liked think Rebeccas skills improved well. her instincts told her that Rose was playing she wasn't serious she was a threat that could hurt Rebecca very badly.

"please let these instincts be wrong..." Aoi said to her self as Rebecca would attack pulling Rose up and then putting her in a Frontal head lock and slammed her down in a DDT. Rebecca was telling her self she had take advantage now even if Rose was hurting Rebecca knew the girl had to accept something told her Rose wasn't gunna submit but she didn't get why she had that feeling as she assumed Rose was just acting tough. She did feel bad about doing all this to rose but she wanted to win. she was going to win.

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Re: Mercy match Rebecca vs Rose gold

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Rose was on hands and knees as Rebecca refuted her request to slow her attacks! The blow to her belly seemed to have taken it out of the young blonde. Though, truth be told, she was testing Rebecca's resolve. Rose had begged for reprieve more than one time in her career... And each time had been a trap. This was no different. However;

"What?" Stammered Rose in surprise! Rebecca had no intention of slowing her pace! Nor did she seek to latch onto the chance of an early surrender! Rose watched as the voluptuous lightweight charged across the ring!

She attempted to rally! To get to her feet! But it only resulted in giving Rebecca a foothold for a step-up enziguri! Rebecca's shin clanged off of Rose Gold's temple and it toppled her to the canvas. "Itai!!!" She sobbed, face planting and holding her head!

Again, Rebecca pushed the pace. She drug Rose to her feet. The Brutal Blonde's eyes were lightless and heavy lidded. She offered no meaningul resistance as Rebecca dropped back! Drilling her head first into the canvas, spiking her with a DDT!

"AIEEEE-" *Crash*. Silence.

The manuver left Rose Gold in a heap. Her weight balanced on her breasts and face as she was planted face down, ass up! All of the scuffle had pulled her leotard into the valley of her shapely cheeks, exposing her bare ass shamefully. Her sex, camel toed between her bare thighs. Drool ran from her lips onto the mat.

Had... Rebecca slain the lion!?

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Re: Mercy match Rebecca vs Rose gold

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Rebecca would look at Rose as the girl got hit with some strong moves. she wouldn't let up however even if she wanted to something told her that she had to end Rose and fast. Aoi would watch as she also had that same feeling Aoi knew Rose had a plan and this seem abit too easy for Rebecca, Rose was bigger had as much experience as Rebecca if not more. it seemed like Rebecca was doing very well however Aoi was thinking this was a trap she had to try and warn Rebecca. "Becca! finish it as fast as you can i know you but no mercy please just beat her!" Aoi said as she wanted Rebecca to be relentless to destroy Rose if she was able to.

Rebecca would hear Aoi's words and nodded to her she was looking abit sad deep down she thought maybe if she beat Rose the girl could change or try and be nice however what Aoi said told Rebecca that she had to be ruthless as much as it pained the poor stacked shorty. Grabbing Rose Rebecca would pull her up a bit and lock her hands under Rose's chin and yank her back doing for a Camel crutch. she had other ideas for submissions holds she just had to weak Rose as much as she can as fast as she can.

Pulling back Rebecca would grip tightly. she would want to work an all of Rose's back thinking that was the best area to hurt and weaken.

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Re: Mercy match Rebecca vs Rose gold

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Rose Gild began to stir as Rebecca's weight descended upon the small of her back. "Hnnng?" She moaned as the lights slowly turned back on. She had intended to allow her opponent an early advantage in order to discourage her. She hadn't intended for her to use it so... Efficiently. In truth, Rose had been knocked out cold for a moment. The effects of the kick and the DDT had been too much for her small body to absorb without consequence.

It was a small blessing then, that Rebecca moved to lock her in a submission hold! Her hands moved to Rebecca's as she clutched her chin. She couldn't prevent the grip. It was too late for that. But she could slacken it. Relieve some of the pressure.

"Ha! I-t-tai!" She whined as her upper body was bowed off the canvas. Her breasts hanging heavily in front of her. While they were nothing compared to Rebecca's, they fit her nicely and were showcased nicely in this painful hold.

She winced and grit her teeth as Rebecca stretched her out. "Haaahn! Nooo! You're! You're gonna break my baaaack!" She cried out again pitifully... However, she was adding additional drama tonher suffering. Playing on Rebecca's hesitance. While painful, Rose's body was incredibly flexible. She could take a lot more than what Rebecca's rudimentarily applied camel clutch could dish out... However, she didn't want Rebecca to know that.

And so, she acted. Allowing Rebecca to tire herself out on her body. Allowing her to put more strength into trying to break her! It must have taken the wannabe a lot to get to where she was already. Her attacks had been enthusiastic... And it was just a matter of time before she began to sweat and breathe heavily. Before her enthusiasm led to her gassing out.

So Rose waited. And sold the move like she was going to die. And the entire time, her golden amber eyes never left the gold thrown over Aoi's shoulder.

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