Rebecca would get ready in her locker room as she was abit nervous for her next match. she seen some of the things Rose gold had done to other girls in her match she was worried about that. "i can win i know i can" she said shaking any bad thoughts out as she looked at Aoi who was smiling at her friend. "yeah Rebecca you can You really improved lately." the blue light weight champion said the her best friend. Rebecca teared up abit hearing that she had taken some loses but she never gave up and hearing Aoi said she was improving made her happy. "those better be happy tears you know i hate seeing you cry." Aoi said wiping the tears away.
"sorry Aoi-chan thanks for coming to watch i know you been busy being a champion Im glad we get to do this." Rebecca smiled at her friend. the stage hand came out "Five minutes Rebecca" "r-right!" she said and would finish up getting ready. she was wearing her wrestling attire a white leotard and pink boots and knee guards she would head to take a deep breath as she would wait for her cue to enter.
once the was called she would come out into the area to the crowd of cheering fans waving. Aoi would walk out with her holding her title to much of the shock of the fans as they didn't know why Aoi was with Rebecca. the two would go to the ring and Rebecca would enter it as Aoi just stood at the side and watch as Rebecca waved and bounced. many in the crowd was still wondering why the lightweight champion was here with Rebecca. Rebecca would go to her corner as she waited for rose gold to come out telling her self she could beat this girl.