Michiko Shimizu vs. Mystik [D]

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Michiko Shimizu vs. Mystik [D]

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Match Type: Standard Match
Rules: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout
Michiko stood backstage with a smile as she watched herself in the mirror, adjusting her gloves over her hands and clenching her fists to warm herself up for the ring. She was set to face off against a debuting opponent, and as was often the case with such things, Michiko had no idea what to expect from her foe. She didn't know what sort of tactics she'd use or what style she'd bring to the table, nor did she know if she would be up against someone she could stand behind, or a dastardly villain she would need to vanquish. But no matter what it was, she swore to do her best!
As she was called into the ring, her music blazing through the speakers, Michiko took her place on the entrance ramp, throwing a fist up in the air as she drew on the cheers of the crowd. She was getting everyone hyped up for the match she was about to deliver, including herself! That same energy continued through her entrance, as she ran down the aisle with her hands held out to both sides to slap high-fives with her fans, before she came to the ring apron, jumping up to the ropes and swinging in over the top rope. There, Michiko walked across to her corner, throwing her arm in the air again for another round of cheers, before she faced the ramp again. She hopped up and down a few times to limber up while waiting for her opponent to arrive.
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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Mystik [D]

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Alice Wright put the last touches on her face paint, and just like that, Alice was gone, and Mystik was here. Alice wondered if she could control Mystik enough to actually have a match. Perhaps she has multiple personality syndrome, but, this was a day she waited a long time for: she often watched LAW in the dark with...wondering hands. Now it was her that was going to be watched by people around the world. Alice would be freaking out, but, Mystik relished it. After what seemed like forever, her opponent's music faded and her music started
Mystik slowly came out to a mixed response, most just didn't know what the hell they were looking at. There was defiantly a bizarre aura around Mystik that was rarely seen in LAW. The only wrestler that had such an aura that Mystik knew of was some guy named "The Prophet", but, that wasn't important right now, she crawled into the ring as seductively as she could, as if she was about to deflower some virgin boy. She turned her gaze at her opponent, who seemed...perplexed to say the least. She went into her corner and crouched down flicking her tounge at her opponent. Mystik was all about psychology...

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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Mystik [D]

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Michiko liked to think she could prepare herself for anything. She had gotten herself psyched up, and she was ready to take on whatever her opponent would bring - or, at least, she thought that. But she was utterly unprepared for...this. Whoever Mystik was, she definitely wasn't acting like any wrestler Michiko had shared the ring with before. Her movements were sensual, almost alluring, but her strange face paint and her mannerisms made the whole display seem incongruous and disturbing. At once, Michiko's confident and defiant stance broke, as she found herself staring ahead blankly, blinking a few times. She soon spoke the one word that was on her mind: "What."

Regardless, she couldn't let that keep her down, not when there were more pressing matters afoot! Michiko shook her head, stepping forward and sweeping her hand out to her side as she stood tall and straightened her back. "Well...it doesn't matter! Whoever you are, or whatever you plan on doing, I won't be moved. I can't claim to know what your intentions are, but I'll do my best regardless! I stand for what's right and just, and no matter the odds, I'll uphold those values!"

Michiko smirked a little, her grin widening as she heard herself give her speech. It made her feel more confident, thinking of the principles she swore to uphold in the ring and out. She was something more than herself; she had a purpose, and she was going to stand for it no matter who she faced, no matter how her human faults and foibles might try to get in the way! All she could do, then, was wait to see how Mystik would respond.
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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Mystik [D]

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“Isn't it pretty to think so? The Sun Also Rises, 1926.” As Alice was a librarian, she often quoted from books, and it often leaked into the Mystik character. Still, even she had to admit Michiko's words were rather inspiring, it's a wonder she didn't go into politics. Even though she talk pretty words, doesn't mean she could wrestle worth a damn, Only time will tell in that regard. The trash talking was over, and it was time for the match to begin. The bell rang and the match Mystik waited for months had finally started. Mystik decided to just cirle around her opponent, and wait for her first move...

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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Mystik [D]

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Unfortunately, Mystik's attempt at waxing poetic went completely over Michiko's head, as she stood staring blankly. She'd never really read much Hemingway, and she was left wondering what a few words and a year had to do with anything. Once again the confusion would stand in the way of her projecting her confidence and willpower, and she raised an eyebrow, tilting her head to the side. "Uh...whatever, then," she said with a shrug. She stepped back to the corner, hoping the match itself wouldn't prove as bewildering.


That, though, would be a pretty high hope. Michiko stepped in closer and took a stance, putting out her opened palms to offer a lockup as she would typically do to start a match and feel out what she could expect from her opponent. But it soon became clear that Mystik was no ordinary opponent. Instead, she stuck to the ropes, strafing around the perimeter of the ring and out of Michiko's reach. The lilac-haired girl stood blinking for a moment, trying to process what she was faced with. But soon, she clenched her teeth, resolving to not let this get to her. "Fine, be that way!" she muttered, instead kicking out with her leg to try and hit Mystik from the distance she was at!
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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Mystik [D]

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Mystik was hoping for a lockup, but, apparently, her opponent preferred strikes, as her kick landed on her side. It was enough to make her buckle a bit, but, Mystik now knew she herself had to dictate things. Mystik decided to go for a lockup for two reasons, one, it allowed her to think out her srtaegy, and two, it forced Michiko to look straight at Mystik's painted face...

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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Mystik [D]

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Michiko's kick struck its mark, causing her to smirk with confidence. Even if Mystik was playing up her eccentricities, she still wasn't impervious to pain. It made Michiko feel like she stood a chance after all; as a famous scholar once said: "if it bleeds, we can kill it."

However, Mystik moved in closer, opting for the lockup after all. Michiko turned to face her, raising her hands to join them with hers as she nodded to accept the offer. This way, Michiko thought, she'd get a better understanding of what to expect and prepare for when it came to her opponent's style - and she herself was quick to put the pressure on her foe, as she leaned in closer, gripping Mystik's hands and trying to push her back.
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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Mystik [D]

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Mystik half wondered if she would even accept the lockup and not go for a cheap shot, but, Michiko seemed to fight fair, and they both ended up in a fairly even lockup. As one would try to get over the other, the other would push back. This was the definition of "stalemate" emphasis on "stale" Mystik quickly got bored of this and let go of the lockup,"Gah, useless!" she exclaimed as she broke the lockup. These two seemed, at least at first, to be complete equals. Mystik had to think more strategically. She would try and get Michiko down low for a takedown.

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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Mystik [D]

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Though she was confused by Mystik's tactics at first, once the two of them joined hands and went for the lockup, Michiko found herself in a far more familiar environment. This, she thought, was something she could adapt to and expect. But that familiarity wasn't going to get her to let her guard down. She still took on a wide-based, fixed stance, her eyes narrowed and locked in on her foe's as she leaned closer and pushed at her with all the strength she could manage. Their bodies drew close, but they never quite touched; Mystik met Michiko with an equal response, evening out the balance between them. Michiko had to admit, the two were well-matched. This would, hopefully, give her a better idea of what she should come to expect.

Soon enough, Mystik let go, drawing back away from the lockup. Michiko, too, took a short hop backward to create more distance, though she kept her stance at the ready. "If anything's useless," she taunted, "it's your own tactics! If you can't best me by brute force, perhaps you're picking the wrong battles?"

Mystik, however, wasn't going to keep it at brute force. She soon changed her approach, attempting to dive in from the narrow range between them to take Michiko's legs out from under her. Thinking quickly, the lilac-haired girl hopped to the side, dodging out of the way in the hopes that Mystik's own momentum would carry her forward and off her feet. "Hah-!"
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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Mystik [D]

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Mystik flailed wildly as she realized her opponent was a bit too quick for her and she wound up flat on her stomach, "The horror, the horror..." she muttered as she tried to stagger back up, yet another book quote, this time from Heart of Darkness. Mystik managed to get to her feet and into a fighting stance. No one told her this was going to be easy.

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