Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Aurora Lund - Tables Turmoil!

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Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Aurora Lund - Tables Turmoil!

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Cheyenne Black Rock v. Auroroa Lund
Match Type:
Tables Match
Rules: The winner must put the loser through a table to win.

"CHEYENNE! You're gonna kick some granny ass tonight!" shouted Deanna Duncan, smiling proudly.

Cheyenne Black Rock stared at her smaller partner quietly for a few moments before finally saying, "What?"

"Granny ass, you know... because your opponent. She's, like, old and stuff," said Deanna, gesturing vaguely. "It's less clever if I need to explain it, you know."

The Native American continued to stare at Deanna with an expression of befuddlement before ultimately crossing her arms over her chest and then saying, "I will take her as seriously as any opponent."

"Right, but I mean... why are we plucking them out of an old folks home, am I right?" said Deanna, rolling her eyes with a smirk.

"...Are you through?" asked Cheyenne.

"Yeah, yeah. I just got one more. Do you think they'll let her wrestle with her walker?" asked Duncan, hands on her hips, giving a mockingly concerned look.

Cheyenne resumed giving her partner a strange look before taking a deep breath. "My match is about to begin," she stated bluntly.

"Cooool, cool cool. I'll be right behind you. I'm going to see if they'll give me a microphone in case she doesn't have her hearing aid in," said Deanna, snorting out a laugh at her joke.

Sugar & Spice by Icon For Hire began to play as a spotlight shone on Cheyenne Black Rock, looking on at the ring imposingly as Deanna Duncan trotted out behind her with a big smile on her face. Without much fanfare or glitz, the Chieftess walked down to the ring as Deanna followed behind, hips swaying to Cheyenne's music. Casually, Cheyenne walked up the ring steps and shoved down the top rope as she stepped up and over it before walking over to her corner, arms crossed over her chest as she awaited her opponent's arrival in this Tables Match!
Cheyenne Black Rock
Deanna Duncan

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Re: Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Aurora Lund - Tables Turmoil!

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Aurora was a rather recent addition to LAW but she was a veteran of the ring. Having joined this league because of her niece and of course the rivals she had...but those weren't the only reason. She wanted to keep wrestling against whatever tough young newcomers there were out there and LAW seemed to have plenty of them.

Tonight she was facing off against a certain Cheyenne Black Rock. She didn't know much about the woman, but The Legend herself was intrigued by the woman for the simple fact of LAW seeing her fit as an opponent for her. After her opponent and her tag-along had made their way down to the ring, soon after...the music of Aurora Lund would play out of the speakers and the veteran stepped out onto the ramp.

The blonde powerhouse would walk down towards the ring, throwing a glance towards Deanna as she would climb up the steel steps and then push down the top ropes and climb into the ring over them. Walking up towards the center of the ring and glancing over at her opponent. She'd then back up and go to her corner where she'd lean against the corner turnbuckle. When the all clear was given by the referee the blonde would step out of the corner and walk up towards the center of the ring with her hands on her hips.

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Re: Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Aurora Lund - Tables Turmoil!

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Deanna Duncan on the outside gave Cheyenne a coy look as Aurora came out, and then when the blonde made a look at her, she waved right at her. Addressing her partner, the Diamond said, "Wow, total GMILF, entirely so."

"I don't know what that is," answered Cheyenne. "You do not need to tell--"

"And grandmother I'd like to... you know, fancy," said Deanna, trying to be subtle about it.

"She is attractive, yes," replied the Chieftess as she looked across the ring at Aurora with a serious expression on her face. "Deanna, you do not need to--"

"Yo Granny!" shouted Deanna, cupping her hands around her mouth, making it clear that she was speaking to Aurora. "Got that big GMILF energy going on! Big ups!" Then, she threw Aurora a double thumbs up while Cheyenne gave her a sideways glance. Deanna looked at her and shrugged. "What? Hot recognizes hot, right?"

"I am prepared to start the match," concluded the Native American, walking to the middle of the ring.

"Okay! Go get 'em Chey!"

When Black Rock got to the middle of the ring, she waited for the bell to ring before raising her arms up, preparing for a test of strength with her opponent. "Ignore my friend," added Cheyenne, her expression relatively neutral considering the statement.

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Re: Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Aurora Lund - Tables Turmoil!

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Aurora would glance back towards Deanna as she spoke out, she wasn't really used to being called GMILF. While some had called her MILF for the past few years. Still, she appreciated the sentiment nonetheless. Shrugging her shoulders as Deanna then shouted out and gave her those two thumbs up, Aurora would simply raise her hand up and respond with a thumbs up towards the observer.

When Cheyenne walked up to the center of the ring and then told her to ignore her friend, Aurora would tilt her head a little. " Don't worry, it's fine. She's full of energy, she said, hot recognizes hot right?" Aurora joked as she would see her opponent raise her arms up.

The bell would ring and with it Aurora would raise her own arms up into the air and clasp them together with the young Native-American woman's, her green eyes would stare deeply into her opponents eyes as she would wait until she felt pressure from Cheyenne before she'd try and hold her at bay.

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Re: Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Aurora Lund - Tables Turmoil!

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Offering Aurora a more sincere look, Cheyenne simply replied to the blonde, "All to her detriment, usually." The Native American would then grasp hold of Aurora's arms, grappling with her and added, "We have other things to focus on right now." With a roll of her shoulders, Black Rock would then begin to try applying her strength against Aurora, attempting to push her back.

Her gaze hardened as she stared right back at Lund. She wanted to test the woman's strength and get a feel for just how strong she actually was. The younger woman was content to do just that, throwing more and more of her impressive strength against her foe.

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Re: Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Aurora Lund - Tables Turmoil!

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Offering her hands to Chyenne the two of them soon locked hands and the test of strength was on it's way. She started to feel the Native American push and try and test the strength of the Legend, however Aurora would stand firm and tough like a mountain. She didn't back up as the two continued to struggle against one another.

" You're right about that..." Aurora spoke out as she would suddenly push forward! Ramming her body into Chyenne's as she would try and bully the Native American back a step, trying to force her back towards the turnbuckle!

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Re: Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Aurora Lund - Tables Turmoil!

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Cheyenne Black Rock held her ground, testing to see what the older blonde could do. Then, she felt her well-muscled form battling against her, trying to push her towards the corner with more strength. With a grunt of exertion, the Chieftess scowled before she was able to stop being pushed back after a few paces.

"You appear to be stronger than you look..." stated the Native American calmly. And then, she would push her own power towards Aurora, hoping to push her back now instead with a great deal of strength on her own! "I am too."

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Re: Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Aurora Lund - Tables Turmoil!

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Aurora pushed into Cheyenne as their buxom frames pressed against one another, generous pale breasts pushing against dark skinned breasts. As Aurora started to push Cheyenne backwards she would smirk a bit, getting her to back up a good few steps until the Native American managed to brace herself and put a stop to Aurora's advancement.

Suddenly, Cheyenne began to bully her way forward....forcing Aurora back a step and then another, reclaiming her lost ground soon enough. Aurora would then put a stop to it, pressing her feet down against the canvas bracing and stopping Cheyenne's push. " You weren't are stronger than you look." Aurora let out as she would try and take a step forward, looking to bully Cheyenne backwards again as her strong muscles would flex.

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Re: Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Aurora Lund - Tables Turmoil!

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Cheyenne was having success--the younger girl was pushing Aurora right back until they went to a stalemate. She had a tiny smile on her face when Aurora complimented her, only for her to focus right back up when Aurora began to forcefully push her back yet again, putting even more effort into it! Black Rock began to go backwards, her own muscles bulging as she fought back against her, being able to slow her opponent's push!

Deanna on the outside merely looked a bit surprised that her partner had found a match in this older woman. She frowned before jogging around the ring until she was in a better vantage point of Aurora before shouting, "Yo Granny! Do they have weight lifting classes in your nursing home or something!?" Duncan would smirk cheekily, if only to try to and distract or throw off Aurora to help her partner.

The Native American would notice that Deanna was attempting to put her loud mouth to good use and then would throw all of her strength into a shove, hoping Aurora would be distracted enough and be unprepared for the mighty shove she tried to unleash on her.

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Re: Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Aurora Lund - Tables Turmoil!

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Aurora started to once more push the younger girl backwards, as the blonde was managing to bully Cheyenne closer towards the ropes, slowly but surely. Though her attention was of course soon thrown off a bit as Deanna called out from outside of the ring, once again the louder of the pair seemed to have some words to say, cockily calling out.

It did serve as a bit of a distracting as Cheyenne then surged forth with renewed strength, pushing into her and forcing Aurora backwards, slowly but surely Aurora was being pushed backwards. Taking a step back and then another and another...

However, the mighty veteran would brace her feet and put a stop to it! Digging her feet into the mat as she and Cheyenne pressed against one another. " I see how it is..." Aurora let out as she would then try and shift her stance and throw her leg up, aiming to nail Cheyenne in the gut with a knee strike.

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