Spellbinding Smothers: Emerald vs Black Swan

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Re: Spellbinding Smothers: Emerald vs Black Swan

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Emerald's face was buried deep between her foe's rather soft breasts. As the magician became more and more deprived of air she was soon convinced that they were the perfect pillows. "Mmmmphh...aammmme...jjjk..." She mumbled with the last of her breath, clearly not appreciating the luchadora's sense of humor. There wasn't anything she could really do about it though. And as Swan wiggled her chest, Emerald's face would slightly follow while her eyes slowly shut.

Finally the woman was knocked out, fast asleep against her foe's chest. As Swan lifted herself up Emerald could hear the crowd cheering. She was slightly roused but the magician was still very groggy. "Nnnng...not part...of the act." She huffed, trying to get some air back in her lungs now.
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Re: Spellbinding Smothers: Emerald vs Black Swan

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With Emerald's face buried in her breasts, the luchadora would give a smile as she wiggled her shoulders, smushing her tits against Emerald's face in order to really humiliate the green haired magician, making sure that Emerald was out cold before she would rise up! Swan would eventually slide off of her foe, a smile on her face as she rose to a stand and looked over at Emerald, watching the magician slowly wake back up, Swan shaking her hips side to side as Emerald gave a huff!

"Awww, well look who finally woke back up! You're back just in time for me to KO for the final fall!" Swan teased, stepping back and waiting for her foe to rise so the final fall could start!

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Re: Spellbinding Smothers: Emerald vs Black Swan

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A groggy Emerald shook her head. For a moment the magician was having trouble getting back into character after having been smothered senseless only moments ago. Slowly she sat herself up and pushed up onto her feet. She was a bit wobbly but she managed to stand back up. The green haired heavyweight was really starting to feel the fatigue build up. But she only had to hang in there for one more fall. "Hmmphh...that's not the grand finale I have planned." Emerald finally responded as she backed up into the corner. She would take a few moments to rest up and catch her breath before she felt comfortable getting back into the fight.

After a brief "intermission" Emerald would return to the fray with her hands raised. "Alright...time to put on a show!" Emerald announced, looking to lock up with the luchadora in front of her. She was planning to shove Swan into the corner and absolutely smush her, but there were still a few steps in between that and where she was now.
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Re: Spellbinding Smothers: Emerald vs Black Swan

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Things were coming down to the wire, Swan and Emerald would both move apart from one another as they got ready for the final fall in this match, the pair of them would get ready to compete for who would win the match, eager to triumph over the other! And once Emerald was ready, herself and Swan would meet in the center of the ring, both women rushing forwards and locking up with one another yet again as the final fall began, with Swan and Emerald each trying to push the other back!

"Nnnnngh... my final trick is gonna be to smother you silly and win the match!" Swan grunted, pushing against Emerald in an attempt to move the heavyweight, though she would soon need to switch gears! Swan decided to attempt to take Emerald by surprise, breaking the lockup and leaping up, attempting to wrap her legs around Emerald and pull her down into a triangle choke!

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Re: Spellbinding Smothers: Emerald vs Black Swan

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Emerald quickly gained the upper hand, using her weight to push Swan back into the corner. The heavyweight wasn't used to acrobatic foes though and was both taken by surprise and caught staring as her opponent leaped up into the air and swung their legs around her neck. Immediately Emerald grabbed her foe's thighs to try and pry them away from her. Swan's momentum quickly brought the magician to her knees. However moving the heavyweight against her will wasn't the easiest task and the green haired wrestler refused to fall further. Still though she was caught in a tight squeeze.

Struggling to deal with Swan's legs, Emerald just placed her hands against the ground to try and keep herself from slumping forwards too much. She soon raised one hand and would aim to bring it down against the luchadora's abs. She was hoping a quick strike would provide enough of a jolt to get her opponent to loosen her legs. She doubted it would do much to subdue her foe but she only needed a brief moment if she wanted to slip out of the hold.
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Re: Spellbinding Smothers: Emerald vs Black Swan

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Facing off with Emerald once more, Swan would find herself being forced backwards quite early, but the luchadora knew that she needed to be craftier rather than stronger in order to take down her larger foe, and so a quick attempt at a huricanrana would be what the masked wrestler went for! However, what Swan wasn't quite expecting was just how hard it would be to get Emerald off of her feet, as she would now find Emerald only going to her knees before catching herself, refusing to be yanked over fully!

"Awww, come on! Would you just fall ov- UUGH!" Swan began to complain, only to let out a sudden grunt as Emerald threw a quick shot to her stomach, slamming the air out of the luchadora with the blow! Swan would gasp before her legs went weak, causing her to fall off of Emerald's shoulders and land on the mat with a thud, trying to recover her lost air as fast as possible!

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Re: Spellbinding Smothers: Emerald vs Black Swan

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Now on her knees, Emerald had just stopped herself from what would have been a fairly painful fall. "Sorry dear. But stars don't fall~" The magician responded after slamming her fist into her opponent's stomach. Soon the luchadora's legs loosened around her and Emerald could take a breath. "Much better!" Emerald declared. "That was worse than one of those straight jacket escapes."

With her opponent on the ground, Emerald need to make a move fast. It wouldn't be the most spectacular maneuver but Emerald would try to pull Black Swan into a seated position before wrapping her arms around their neck. She'd press her chest firmly against the back of their head as she tried to squeeze. "Alright folks. Before my next trick I jusssst have to get my assistant into position." She'd explain as she tried to leave Swan breathless in her grasp.
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Re: Spellbinding Smothers: Emerald vs Black Swan

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Swan gave a low groan as she would attempt to pick herself up off of the mat, catching her breath after she had been nailed in the stomach and dropped by Emerald, only for the magician to keep on top of her, picking her up to a seated position! And with a quick motion, Emerald would get down quickly, wrapping her arms around Swan's neck and locking in a tight sleeper hold, her breasts smushing against Swan's back as she attempted to squeeze the air out of the masked wrestler!

"Gack! Nnnngh... ggrrggh... too tight..." Swan hissed out, her hands grasping at Emerald's arm as it cinched tighter and tighter around her neck, completely squeezing the air from her! The luchadora had to act fast, and her first instinct was to take one of her arms and throw it backwards, aiming to nail her foe with several elbows to the side until she let go!

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Re: Spellbinding Smothers: Emerald vs Black Swan

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With her arms wrapped around Swan's neck, Emerald thought her foe was as good as putty in her hands. "Gotcha! Now time for the magic to ha...aaaah!" She started to taunt before she was hit in her rib by elbow after elbow. While she might have been on the larger side, the magician was not too used to taking hits. And these caught her by surprise. After letting out a pained gasp Emerald's hold on Swan loosened. Once the third elbow nailed her in the side Emerald was ready for a change of pace. She would release the hold and shove Swan roughly forwards.

"Ugh you're supposed to go with the main act's lead, not rough her up." Emerald whined as she backed up and got onto one knee. She held her rather sore ribs while she wobbled up to her feet and got ready for another go at Swan. Hoping to get to her feet before Swan, Emerald would charge forwards. She wanted to really use her size to her advantage and surprise her foe with a clothesline
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Re: Spellbinding Smothers: Emerald vs Black Swan

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With Swan held hostage by her dazzling foe, the luchadora would fight against Emerald as she was choked, the heavyweight clearly looking to put Swan out in a fantastical way before she would claim her victory, but the luchadora wasn't quite done yet! Swan would find herself fighting out of Emerald's hold by throwing a few elbows to the sides of the woman who held onto her, until she was released and pushed forwards, the luchadora slowly pushing herself back up to her feet as she turned to face Emerald!

"Nnnngh... That's because... I'm the main act!" Swan would suddenly cry, leaping up as Emerald ran forwards and attempting to wrap her legs around the heavyweight's head! Swan would go for one more big move to take Emerald off guard, attempting to flip her over and throw her to the ground with a sudden huricanrana to surprise her and take away her momentum!

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