Fearsome Clash! Xiomara Tempest vs Sohara Mitsuki!

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Fearsome Clash! Xiomara Tempest vs Sohara Mitsuki!

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Pinfall Match - Victory can only be ontained via pinfall

Xiomara smirked backstage in her basic, but alluring, grey and black pantsless and sleevless body suit. Hair tied back, boots tied, Xiomara was more than ready for her third match in LAW. In fact she was downright ecstatic. Her first two bouts in LAW were one sided as hell in her favor, with the exception of some redistance from Honoka, though Xio refused to aknowledge that. So needless to say she was looking to increase thst dominant streak. “Heh. If I play my cards right I may even get a shot at that blue haired bimbo.” She said to herself referring to Aoi. The current lightweight champion who Xiomara had aspirations to face and destroy. In any case the cruel Monagaque girl heard her entrance music play.

Sauntering out with a confident strut and smirk on her face Xiomara spread her feet apart and rose her hand into the air with a smirk. As she did so the boos rained down upon her due to her actions in previous matches. Smirking Xiomara sauntered down the ramp basking in the hate from the fans as she did. Hopping onto the apron she blew a mocking kiss to the crowd before using the top rope to raise herself up and through the gap in between the top and middle ropes. Landing on her feet she would strut to a corner and hop up posing once more much to the fans distaste who continued to boo her thought Xio didnt care. Hopping down from her perch she looked wt the ramp with a smug smile waiting for her opponet to come down.

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Re: Fearsome Clash! Xiomara Tempest vs Sohara Mitsuki!

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Sohara wearing her signature attire and her mask on.

"My second matchup I gotta do better this time around! I'll need to be strategic if I wanna come out on top"

She bowed her head and prepared for her entrance. Soon enough Sohara heard her theme playing and the announcer called out in Japanese.

[This contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing from Mexico...Soha..ra!!! Mitsuki!!!!]

At the mention of her name the brunette haired girl ran out with an intense confidence. Wearing that mask it was hard to predict what she was feeling behind it. A number of the crowd cheered at her appearance as her brown hair was rather flowing kind of like a sail in the wind to say the least. She would rile up the crowd raising her hands in the air and run in her wrestling tights unintentionally getting the audiences attention. Sohara certainly wasn't shy or timid but she wasn't the embodiment of sexuality she seemed to be for the attire she was wearing, it seemed she was just in it for the wrestling it seems. She would continue to walk to the ring. Nodding to the referee the brown haired girl stood in one of the corners of the ring as she stared her opponent down who had a bit of a darker demeanor to her personality.
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Re: Fearsome Clash! Xiomara Tempest vs Sohara Mitsuki!

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As her opponet came down Xiomara without even realizing sneered in disgust and even a bit of anger. The girl before her was clearly a face, loterally everything about what she was wearing, her demeanor, actions, clearly wrote she was a goody goody two shoes. Worse yet, what made Xiomara upset to an extent, was the fact that this stupid face was like a light reflection of her. It didnt take an idiot to see they had a similar hair style, and body shape, their styles appeared to be similar and their both lights. ‘Damn tbe onky freaking differences is that im a little bit taller and dont dress like I work for tips.’ She thought to herself while glaring at Sohara already ramped up to beat the face, and as far as she was concerned all this extra frustration and annoyance with her opponets apperance would only aid Xiomara in her endeavor to beat down the other lightweight. “Hope your ready to have that knockoff spiderman mask ripped off your face when I beat you!” Xiomara taunted out to her opponet, knowing how greatly luchadors treasured those previous masks of theirs.

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Re: Fearsome Clash! Xiomara Tempest vs Sohara Mitsuki!

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Sohara would look directly at her opponent as she wouldn't reply to Xiomara's remarks only remain silent giving off a rather stoic vibe in the arena. She would look straight at her opponent as she heard what her opponent said she had every intention of taking off her mask, but bared no response to it not intentionally ignoring her but rather oddly enough not trying to show any emotion in her demeanor.


The bell rang and the match started, Sohara running out of the gates charging towards Honoka she would attempt to hit her with a clothesline. Sohara seemed determined in this bout rather focused since it wasn't her first one in LAW anymore, which kept her engaged in the fight.
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Re: Fearsome Clash! Xiomara Tempest vs Sohara Mitsuki!

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Xiomara growled as her masked opponet completely ignored her jab and retained that damn stoicism that was already pissing her off. ‘Uptight bitch.’ Xiomara thought to herself while gritting her teeth as the bell rang starting the match. Dashing forward Xiomara watched as her opponet attempted to go high for a clothesline. Smirking deviously Xio would go low attempting to both simultaneously dodge the clothesline and tackle into Sohara’s legs for a double legged takedown to bring her to the mat.

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Re: Fearsome Clash! Xiomara Tempest vs Sohara Mitsuki!

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Sohara was certainly fired up and going for the attack as she went in for the clothesline but Xiomara being the veteran she is managed to dodge the attack and counter with a tackle towards Sohara's legs."What?! Oh crap?!" Sohara would think to herself as she fell to the mat and banged the back of her head pretty hard leaving her with a mild concision completely out of position unsure of what her opponent was planning next
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Re: Fearsome Clash! Xiomara Tempest vs Sohara Mitsuki!

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Xiomara smirke sadistically as she heard the impact of her opponet’s bead on the mat following ber successful takedown. Climbing on top of Sohara Xiomara smirked evilly down wt the girl beneath her while using one hand to press down against Sohara’s chest to keep her down. Raising her other arm up in a fist Xiomara smirked down at the masked wrestler evilly. “This’ll be run.” She said savagely before throwing her fist down to punch Sohara in the face. If her blow connected she would pull back and repeat the action sending multiple punches to Sohara’s masked face.

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Re: Fearsome Clash! Xiomara Tempest vs Sohara Mitsuki!

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Sohara was on the mat after that clothesline everything seemed off to her. As Xiomara went ahead and continued the assault with a classic ground and pound. That first fist connected with Sohara's face staggering her while she was down which could only spell bad news as Xiomara proceeded to continue with a bevy of punches to Sohara's face. It looks like Xiomara had the intention of knocking out her opponent early. Sohara was still pretty dazed and tried to raise her arms up in an attempt to lessen the incoming blows but to no available as it seemed Xiomara's fist were rather targeted from the start leaving her at Xiomara's mercy so early in the bout.
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Re: Fearsome Clash! Xiomara Tempest vs Sohara Mitsuki!

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Xiomara smirked succesfully managing to mount and push her opponet down while getting a successful first smash against her face. Raising her fist again with a sadistic smile Xiomara would begin smashing down more and more fists down on Sohara. And enjoying every single moment of it, even as the girl beneath her put her arms up to try and defend herself it couldn’t ruin Xiomara’s mood. Stopping her assault she would pry Sohara’s arms away before going to try and grab the masked girl’s head to lift it up before swinging her own down for a headbut on the downed luchadora

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Re: Fearsome Clash! Xiomara Tempest vs Sohara Mitsuki!

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As Sohara laid there being pounded by Xiomara her opponent decided to stop the assault only to pull her head right back up and force the impact with a headbutt straight to the forehead to really try and daze her masked opponent. Sohara laid there helpless as Xiomara sat on top of her midsection ready to put her through the ringer.
Lilan's Onslaught of Divas

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