Ritsuka and Romani: The beginning of a Fateful match

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Re: Ritsuka and Romani: The beginning of a Fateful match

Unread post by Void-Effect »

She smile and she lay there, before felt a crack to her neck as she lay there "Thanks doctor, it felt much better than before" She said with a smile before slowly get up

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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Roy (abracy)
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Re: Ritsuka and Romani: The beginning of a Fateful match

Unread post by Roy (abracy) »

He sits down next to her as he relaxes "So...now that you're going to fight Mashu tomorrow I'm curious about something...do you want to win over Mashu or do you want her to win over you" He chuckles a little

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Re: Ritsuka and Romani: The beginning of a Fateful match

Unread post by Void-Effect »

She think before smile "Win or lose doesn't really matter to me, at long as I get to fight her" She said with a smile in her face as she stand up and stretch a bit

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Re: Ritsuka and Romani: The beginning of a Fateful match

Unread post by Roy (abracy) »

"Hm, I would have thought so." He would have added an extra thing to the matter but he decided that he shouldn't say anything about it "I would have given you acupuncture but I use it less for relaxation and more for actual alternative medicine for treating certain illnesses. I'll be giving Mash her Chiropracting tomorrow before the match since it IS rather special as you can attest"

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Re: Ritsuka and Romani: The beginning of a Fateful match

Unread post by Void-Effect »

She nod her head, with a smile "Alright, see ya doctor, I'll head to bed" She start leaving with a smile as she get up and start walking away before turn around "Thank you for giving me this opportunity" She said with a smile before bow then start leaving

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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Roy (abracy)
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Re: Ritsuka and Romani: The beginning of a Fateful match

Unread post by Roy (abracy) »

Romani nodded "Goodnight Ritsuka and no problem. I always wanted you and Mashu to meet together and now I'm able to, it definitely makes me quite happy. Also hopefully we'll have more time to talk about you later" He waves goodbye to her

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Re: Ritsuka and Romani: The beginning of a Fateful match

Unread post by Void-Effect »

She wave goodbye too as she start to walk back to her room and go to sleep

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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