Yuna Matou vs. Black Swan - Smother Match

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Yuna Matou vs. Black Swan - Smother Match

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Match Type: Smother Match
Rules: Victory by smother only
Yuna could hardly have anticipated how successful her newfound career in LAW had become. Before she signed with the promotion, she was a single mother trying to get by and support her family through the unlikely, but not unwelcome, discovery of apartment wrestling. And practically overnight, she had shot up to being one of LAW's hottest new talents! The strong showing she'd given in her first match had gotten her booked for many more, and more and more fans were flocking to cheer her on. All this attention was overwhelming for Yuna, who was faced with more fame and praise than she could ever prepare herself for.

And yet, she couldn't complain either. Not only was she getting more money than she had ever seen in her life, but she took pride in the thought that, even at 40, she was still capable of gaining this much attention with both her body and her abilities. She certainly wasn't a young athlete at the prime of her life, like many of her competitiors - but to the fans, that didn't matter. Yuna, as far as anyone was concerned, still had it. And she would accept that! It had gotten her this far, after all - and now, it had landed her in a contest perfectly suited to her tastes; a smother match! Yuna had defeated more than a few opponents by smothering them in her time, and she was happy to do that again!

"Coming first to the ring, from Tokyo, Japan! Standing at 6'1, weighing in at 232 pounds, YUNA MATOU!"
Yuna came down the ring with a proud smile on her face, as she waved and blew kisses to the fans cheering her on. If they believed in her like this, Yuna thought, she would win it for them! Using the ropes, Yuna lifted herself into the ring, taking her place and waiting on her opponent to make her entrance.
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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Black Swan - Smother Match

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Black Swan was hardly a woman who paid much attention to new prospects at LAW, as the luchadora was constantly focused on improving and challenging herself to go further and further, with little time to take notice of wrestlers joining the promotion! However, in rare fashion, Swan had paid quite a bit of attention to the woman that she was facing tonight, as Yuna Matou was a woman who was very much catching to the eye, and the apartment wrestler and single mother had made quite an impact during her debut match in LAW! In short, she was someone that Swan had an eye on, and would now be given the chance to test herself again!

And the match type was something that was quite pleasing to Swan, the luchadora always eager to put her assets to good use, pausing in the locker room to turn around and check her thick rear end in the mirror, doing the same with her sizable chest! And with everything looking good, the luchadora was quick to make her way out of the locker room, heading to the curtain and bursting onto the entrance ramp, making her entrance!
Swan burst from the curtain with a smile on her face, practically bouncing with each step and stopping to pose for the crowd, showing off quite a bit as she slowly made her way down to the ring, greeting and interacting with as many fans as she was able on the way down! But eventually, as she made it down to the ring, her attention would turn from the fans to her opponent, Swan hopping up onto the apron and flipping over the ropes into the ring, a smile on her face as she walked up to Yuna, taking a quick lap around her while looking her up and down!

"Whew! Man, I've faced some hot women before, but you might just take the cake. And not to mention bring quite a lot of it yourself." Swan mused, pausing and giving Yuna's massive rear end a playful slap! "But I gotta say, it's nice to be against such pretty face! Especially one that looks like it'll fit so perfectly in my ass!"

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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Black Swan - Smother Match

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Waiting in the ring as she watched Swan make her entrance, Yuna leaned back against the ropes, getting a good look at her opponent as she came down the ramp. Compared to Yuna's more sedate presentation, Swan definitely made an entrance with a lot of flair, not only from her exotic costume but from the impressive display of athleticism as she hyped up the crowd before flipping into the ring. Not, of course, to say that Yuna wasn't eye-catching; her curvy build alone got plenty of attention from Swan, as the luchadora was admiring her as she strafed around!

Yuna chuckled as she looked on at Swan, grinning wider, as she decided to pose for the hungry eyes of her opponent as well as the crowd with a hand on her hip. Her ass jiggled as Swan's hand slapped against it, and she only smirked in response, arching her brows to the younger woman. "My, my...someone's excited, isn't she? I'm flattered...but you'll soon come to realize, I hope, that I can put that weight to good use."

Adopting a more competitive air now that the two had begun taunting each other, Yuna took a step back, crossing her arms. "After all, I believe we do have a smother match on our hands! And I can only wonder how you can expect to compare on that front. I hope you didn't come here just expecting to get an eyeful - but, if that's what you want so much, I can happily oblige." She leaned in a little, wiggling her hips to accentuate her words.
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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Black Swan - Smother Match

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Circling around Yuna, Swan's eyeing of her opponent would get a cheeky response from Yuna herself, the busty heavyweight posing for the masked woman, letting Swan spank her rear end, causing her cheeks to jiggle in eye-pleasing fashion! Yuna was quite the pretty woman, but was quick to build confidence for herself, first re-assuring Swan that she knew how to use her weight, before wiggling her hips, and questioning how Swan could hope to compare to her in a smother match!

"Oooh! So you're not sure how I am gonna manage a smother match eh? Well I tell you what, how about you just sit back, relax, and after I wake you up you can tell me how you thought I did!" Swan said with a smirk, backing up a bit before turning around and giving her ass a spank in Yuna's direction, showing off for her heavyweight foe that she was quite curvy herself!

"Either that, or you can just go ahead and wedge your face in these cheeks now and save yourself the embarrassment of having me toss you around the ring first!" Swan said, a smile on her face as she further challenged Yuna, the luchadora bouncing up and down eagerly as she waited for the bell to ring and begin the match!

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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Black Swan - Smother Match

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Swan, it seemed, had accepted Yuna's challenge, turning around to do some showing off of her own. It caused Yuna to look at her with her brow raised curiously, her arms folded, as she kept her gaze fixed on her foe. While she wasn't as large as Yuna, Swan did have curves to call her own, and she seemed excited about using them! If she was this enthusiastic, Yuna thought, this would truly be an interesting match.

"My, you certainly talk tough. I can't wait to see how well you back it up...if you mean it, this should be fun indeed." Satisfied with what she was seeing from Swan, Yuna raised her hands, going to lower herself into a stance as she came in closer to prepare herself.


And with that, it was on! Yuna had been studying Swan as the two of them prepared for the match ahead of them. She could see that Swan was eager and excited, never settling down much, and from the high energy of her entrance she was sure that athleticism would carry well into the match. Considering Yuna wrestled a slower-paced style that relied on her strength and size, she was prepared for both of them to approach things quite differently. She suspected that if she went right into things, Swan would catch her off guard with her quick reflexes, so for now Yuna elected to stay back, watching and waiting to see what her opponent's first move might be.
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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Black Swan - Smother Match

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With Swan and Yuna both having showed off their curvy frames, the middleweight luchadora and heavyweight apartment wrestler turned pro were ready to get things started with one another, Yuna sounding quite excited for the match ahead! Swan was equally as eager, and as she saw Yuna get down into her ready stance, the luchadora would stay bouncing on the balls of her feet, a more relaxed stance, but one that would surely let her take advantage of her speed, what was sure to be the greatest asset she had!

And with both women standing at the ready, the bell would soon ring, signaling the beginning of the match and spurring Swan into action, the masked wrestler eager to make the first move!

"Alright, hope you're ready Yuna!" Swan eagerly cried out as the bell rang, before the luchadora would take off, darting towards her foe as quick as she could possibly go! Black Swan looked to quickly close the distance before leaping up and shooting both feet out, trying to strike first with an impactful dropkick, aimed right at Yuna's voluminous chest!

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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Black Swan - Smother Match

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Yuna knew she couldn't outpace the Black Swan on foot. She was going to have to wait for her to come her way, and from there to capitalize, using her own momentum against her. Sure enough, it was Swan's high energy and mobility that she played to in her first move, coming barreling toward Yuna at full speed. The heavyweight, however, stood ready for her, tossing her hair back, as she turned to her with a smirk on her face.

Yuna leaned back, keeping herself away from the incoming collision, and held out her arms to grab Swan by the legs, attempting to pull her out of the air. If this worked, she would use her newfound hold on her legs to whirl her around with a giant swing! "Going somewhere?" Yuna teased, before letting Swan fly for the ropes!
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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Black Swan - Smother Match

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With the match having officially begun between the two of them, Black Swan was the first one to act, immediately launching herself at Yuna and leaping up, thrusting her legs out to try and deliver a big dropkick to her foe to start the match off! But while Swan was more than prepared to make the first move, Yuna was more than prepared to counter it, as she would step just out of range and grab hold of Swan's legs, getting a good grip on them as she plucked the luchadora out of the air, before starting to spin her round and round!

"Aaaaahh! Hey, hey, do over! Do ov- Waaagh!" Swan protested as she was swung around in the giant swing, the luchadora picking up quite a decent amount of speed before Yuna suddenly let go! Swan was flung across the ring, the luchadora letting out a squeal as she soared through the air, before crashing into the corner of the ring, ending up seated on her ass against the turnbuckles, in a bad spot to start out!

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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Black Swan - Smother Match

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From Swan's showboating prior to the match, Yuna figured she knew what to expect from the luchadora. A lot of flips, a lot of showy moves. Certainly, these could be devastating if they hit. But if Swan was putting that much momentum behind her, it could easily be countered to make her wipe out just as hard. Yuna would use her slower and more methodical approach to her advantage, waiting for the right moment where Swan would make herself vulnerable. Then, Yuna pulled her right out of the air, grabbing her by the legs to whirl her around!

She smirked to herself at hearing the masked girl's protests, but paid them no heed. "Sorry, hon, you'll need to do better than that!" She threw Swan into the corner where she landed with a thud, slumped against the post. Yuna looked over with her hands on her hips, surveying the situation. Swan, it seemed, was set up well for a classic stinkface. Yuna could potentially end the match now if she wanted to. But it had barely even begun, and she hardly knew what Swan was willing to put forward when victory was on the line. Where was the fun in that?

Moving over to where her opponent had landed, Yuna grabbed Swan by the arm, going to pull her to her feet. She winked at her with a smile before whipping her into the ropes, looking to build up momentum so that her next move would prove even more forceful - as when Swan came back her way, Yuna would swing her hip out to strike her with it!
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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Black Swan - Smother Match

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Swan had been expecting quite a few things from Yuna at the start of the match when the luchadora would launch herself towards her foe, but what she was definitely not expecting was for the heavyweight woman to dodge her dropkick, before snagging her legs! Swan would let out a cry of dismay as she was swung around and around and around, before being suddenly released, flying into the corner of the ring and colliding hard with the corner post, slamming hard before landing on her ass, leaned against the turnbuckles!

In a match such as this, the position that Swan was in was quite a poor one for the luchadora, as it looked as though Yuna had been given a free opportunity to smother the luchadora! But Yuna would abstain for now, instead plucking Swan off the canvas and whipping her towards the ropes, causing the luchadora to bounce off of them and be shot back towards the heavyweight, who was ready and waiting to swing her hip out into Swan!

"Uuuugh!" Swan let out a gasp as Yuna's thick rear end slammed into her stomach, knocking the wind out of the luchadora and doubling her over, leaving her stumbling away, trying to collect herself!

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