Smothering match
First to smother the other wrestler unconscious wins
Elisabeth had just chanced into her wrestling attire which consisted of an blue and white dress , matching stockings and white heels with an pair of white wings attached to her dress as she wondered if her sister would be watching. Still knowing the blond bimbo she considered that unlikely as she just hoped to do an better job then in her debut. As she did not want that slut to keep mocking her for the next two weeks about how she had lost in her first two single matches should she lose tonight.
As she heard the alarm on her phone go off she knew she had to leave the lockerroom as she made her way to the backstage area as she had to be their early. Since unlike in her debut match it would be her who would be walking down to the ring first as she stepped into the gorilla position with an few minutes to spare as she went over how her entrance would go. As she had decided to just keep it simple as she would wave to the fans while she walked down to the ring when she felt someone touch her shoulder. It was one of the crew members who was working backstage who told her that within an minute or so she would be up. So she waited near the currents , and when she heard ''fly away now''come out of the speakers she pushed the curtains aside as she walked onto the stage.
The fans would recieve her warmly as they gave her an loud applause as in return she would waved at them as she made her way to the ring. As with each step she would feel just an bit more nervous as the announcer would began to say ''Making her way to the ring , Hailing from Porto, Portugal. Weighing in at around 130ibs , it's Elisabete Silva'' as she would begin to climb up the steel steps. Raising the top rope she would step between the top and middle one as she climbed into the ring as she would wait for her opponent to arrive.