An smothering encounter. Elisabeth vs Ms Ishtar

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An smothering encounter. Elisabeth vs Ms Ishtar

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Elizabeth Silva vs Ms Ishtar
Smothering match
First to smother the other wrestler unconscious wins

Elisabeth had just chanced into her wrestling attire which consisted of an blue and white dress , matching stockings and white heels with an pair of white wings attached to her dress as she wondered if her sister would be watching. Still knowing the blond bimbo she considered that unlikely as she just hoped to do an better job then in her debut. As she did not want that slut to keep mocking her for the next two weeks about how she had lost in her first two single matches should she lose tonight.

As she heard the alarm on her phone go off she knew she had to leave the lockerroom as she made her way to the backstage area as she had to be their early. Since unlike in her debut match it would be her who would be walking down to the ring first as she stepped into the gorilla position with an few minutes to spare as she went over how her entrance would go. As she had decided to just keep it simple as she would wave to the fans while she walked down to the ring when she felt someone touch her shoulder. It was one of the crew members who was working backstage who told her that within an minute or so she would be up. So she waited near the currents , and when she heard ''fly away now''come out of the speakers she pushed the curtains aside as she walked onto the stage.

The fans would recieve her warmly as they gave her an loud applause as in return she would waved at them as she made her way to the ring. As with each step she would feel just an bit more nervous as the announcer would began to say ''Making her way to the ring , Hailing from Porto, Portugal. Weighing in at around 130ibs , it's Elisabete Silva'' as she would begin to climb up the steel steps. Raising the top rope she would step between the top and middle one as she climbed into the ring as she would wait for her opponent to arrive.

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Re: An smothering encounter. Elisabeth vs Ms Ishtar

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There were few things that enticed more to Ishtar than smothers. The crowd loved them, she loved them, no matter what it was a win-win situation. Her love for them wasn’t a secret, so it wasn’t surprising to find herself booked in a smother match, the more the merrier.

A soft humming could be heard on the backstage as the blonde was preparing herself for the match, changing on her casual white leotard, she finished things up by putting on her protections on her knees and elbows, finishing things up by tying up her boots. With a final glance at the mirror checking that her hair was in order, she exited towards the entrance.
She made it just in time to watch her opponent’s entrance, she stretched and warmed up her body as the staff told her to be ready to make her appearance, getting a nod from the blonde.

“And now we’ve Miss Ishtar! Coming from A Coruña, Spain. Weighing about 151 lbs”

Her music played as her name appeared on the titantron, the curtains rose as she stepped out. Loud cheers from the crowd accompanied her, as she stopped at the entrance before pointing her finger towards the audience, pumping them up as she made a hand gun-shape “Bang!” She pretended to shoot, before starting to walk down towards the ring as she waved at them.

She was used to this, but she always felt excited each time, relishing from the attention and shouting of the audience. She got on the apron with a jump, making a spectacle as she slid between the ropes with slow and sensual demeanour, swaying her hips a bit in the process, gaining some cheers of approval. Next, Ishtar looked at her opponent for tonight, her dress was kinda gaudy and cute, just like her. Putting on a feigned, yet compelling smile she approached at her in an easy-going way.

“Nice to meet you, I didn’t expect to find a neighbour so soon” She greeted her in Galician, it wasn’t that different to Portuguese to begin with, so the other girl should have understood what she said just fine. Porto bordered Galicia, her homeland, so it was fair to call her neighbour. She turned around, showing her back to the bluenette, while placing a hand on her hips.

“I hope you’re ready to get more than you’ve asked for” her eyes pointed at her rounded rear, before turning her gaze again on Elisabete’s with a wink, teasing her. Trying to get a nice reaction from her insinuation.
Last edited by MsIshtar on Tue Nov 03, 2020 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: An smothering encounter. Elisabeth vs Ms Ishtar

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''Damn she looks amazing''thought Elisebete as she could not deny that the blond she was about to face was gorgeous. Still something about her seem to put her on edge as she heard her say something in Galician as she had to think for an moment what the blond was saying. However since if was not that different from Portuguese it was easy to figure it out as she replied back ''right back at you as it good to know I can have an decent conversation with someone around her. As besides my sister I have not meet anyone who speak the same langues as us''

Still an few seconds later the pleasantries were over as Ms Ishtar brought her attention on the woman's amazing ass as she just smirked back as she rubbed her hands over her own as she replied ''then we think alike as I was thinking about introducing your face to my best asset to win tonight's match Ishtar''as she waited for the bell to ring.

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Re: An smothering encounter. Elisabeth vs Ms Ishtar

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It seemed her choice of language startled Elisabeth, in a good way. The blonde always worked to make a good first impression, though rarely it was due to good sportsmanship or something of the sorts which she considered to be kinda dull, but rather knowing them a little bit more before they started grappling with each other. Curiosity one might say.

As Ishtar turned, letting her opponent get a nice look of what might be possibly her doom, she noticed a grin that drew across the brunette's face, getting the reaction she expected, much to her amusement. She was pretty confident in her looks and smothering assets after all!

Although she expected the woman to be a bit more embarrassed. Was she experienced in this kind of match perhaps? The blonde pondered for a second before letting the thoughts slip away from her mind, not that it really mattered, she intended to win anyways. Then, she heard her lovely opponent’s reply.

“Your sister, hmmm? If she’s half as charming as you I wouldn’t mind meeting her. But, soon enough we’ll have something more than words going on Lisa”

She said cheekily, but something caught her attention as she saw Elisabeth’s hands trailing down her back and fondling her own goods, eliciting a playful giggle from the blonde. Upon hearing the bluenette’s future plan her eyes sparkled, thrilled to compete with this woman and find out whose face would be buried in booty at the end of the day!

The blonde nodded to the ref, signaling that she was ready to begin the match and...


The bell rang across the stage, the show was on! Ishtar took a stance as she raised her arms, even though the match just started her expression was relaxed and focused, she began approaching her opponent trying to enter a lockup with her, she thought that she might have an edge in strength over her and wanted to test her out!

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Re: An smothering encounter. Elisabeth vs Ms Ishtar

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''It depends as my sister is pretty much your textbook example of an slut. It why she is mostly into the hentai scene as while I am the more serious wrestler who enjoys an bit of lewd every once in an while''replied Elisabeth as she wondered why her opponent had shorten her name to Lisa , but figured that was an question for an later time.

As an few seconds the bell would be rang as the purplenette would circle around her opponent a she looked for an opening as her arms were raised as she wondered who would make the first move.

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Re: An smothering encounter. Elisabeth vs Ms Ishtar

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“Eh?...” The blonde raised her eyebrows in surprise, who calls her own sister a slut? Well, there are siblings of many kinds she supposed, not that she would ever call her brother or sister anything like that though… But then what Elisabeth just said made her stood there awkwardly silent for a second before all of a sudden burst out laughing, amused greatly, cracking a bit her friendly mask.

“Serious, hmmm? I’m sure you’ll look very serious once you’re kissing my ass!” She taunted sarcastically with a cheeky smile. The blonde didn’t guess Elisabeth’s confusion, but Lisa was just a cute abbreviation of her name, there was no more meaning behind it. Sadly, it wouldn’t make much of a story.

After the bell rang, both women circled each other, looking for the right moment to strike. But a staring contest would get them nowhere, so Ishtar would try to get the initiative by reaching Elisabeth’s hand and grasp it firmly, if she was successful she’d irish whip her towards the ropes. Her idea being to make her bounce towards her only to be met with a vicious clothesline!

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Re: An smothering encounter. Elisabeth vs Ms Ishtar

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''I know it not normal for family to insult each other , but the bitch actually takes pride in the title. Besides it not like she does not insult me as she normally describe me as the fat ass who enjoys rolling around in foot products''replied Elisabeth as she would watch as the blond began to laugh in response to what she said.

However what she said next was not really that funny to the Portuguese wrestler as she would reply back ''you must have an amazing imagination as what you just said will never happen. As all that would happen is you ending up kissing my ass ''as she would feel Ms Ishtar grasp onto her arm as she tried to adjust her balance as she would grasp onto her opponent's arm as she tried to send the blond running inside of her.

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Re: An smothering encounter. Elisabeth vs Ms Ishtar

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Another awkward silence followed through, the blonde certainly didn’t expect that kind of reply, it was almost like Elisabeth here had read her thoughts as she didn’t directly say anything, well most probably what she read was her expression, that or… was she an esper?!

“Eeeeeh? Your family seems… kinda unique” The blonde tried to shrug it off, either way she didn’t want to dive further into it.

Next, her remark seemed to not sit so well with the purplenette, Ishtar laughed softly after hearing her declaration.

“Oh? I have a lot of amazing things on me, not just my imagination… You’ll see...” She said teasingly with a wink, Elisabeth certainly might need to shape up or her fate would be kissing booty by the end of the match!

When things went to the action part, the blonde got a hold of her opponent trying to send her in for a run, but with a successful maneuver from the Portuguese she redirected the momentum and Ishtar’s irish whip would turn against her as she started running to the ropes!

Not one to let things wear her down, the blonde would try to use this to her advantage as she bounced on the ropes, going faster towards Elisabeth and once she was close enough, would try to close their distances with a jump aiming to dropkick her in the chest!

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Re: An smothering encounter. Elisabeth vs Ms Ishtar

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Now Elisebete was not able to read minds , but after having seen so many people look at her in surprise and shock about how she talks about her sister it was easy to guess what people were thinking. As she just smiled at how the blond tried to act polite with calling her family unique as the purplenette just replied ''it only me and my sister who act like that towards each other. Still as much as we hate the other we also need each other at the moment''as she circled around the blond for now.

After an few seconds she would just smirk as it seems her comment had struck an nerve as she was about to reply when the blond made an run towards her. Then when she felt her opponent pull on her arm when she got close the Portuguese wrestler would counter as she was able to send her opponent running towards the ropes in an move that would backfire. As before she knew it the other wrestler had rebounded off the ropes and was running towards her as she did not even have the time to bring her arms up to protect her when she got knocked down by an dropkick to the chest.

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Re: An smothering encounter. Elisabeth vs Ms Ishtar

Unread post by MsIshtar »

"Sister's hate-love, mmh? Lovely, I'm sure she'll enjoy this match..." She said wickedly with a smirk, awfully confident in herself.

After some pleasantries and a bit of back and forth both women were ready to rumble as they were trying to grapple each other, the blonde’s plans of sending Elisabeth for a run with an irish whip turned against her as she was the one who ended up running!

Even though things didn’t look good, she tried to take advantage of the situation by running full speed ahead, bouncing on the ropes and lunging at her unprepared opponent with a dropkick! Ishtar felt the shivering impact on her boots as Elisabeth flew away and landed on the floor. Ishtar would also fall to the matt after the jump, but she was kick on her feet, reaching towards the fallen purplenette and would try to get a hold of her legs, if she were successful she’d get in front of her while tangling her legs with her own, applying a figure four leglock she’d aim to stretch her limbs and weaken her in the agonizing hold!

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