"So you doing alright?" Ella smiled more "Your last match with that cat guy was pretty-"
"Don't need to talk about that!" Lilah blushed as her partner laughs, getting the reaction she was waiting for "Oh come on, not like it was the first time? You didn't seem to have an issue with it when I di-" Ella was cut off by Lilah sitting up and grabbing her cheeks, making the girl jump "I'll focus on the match, for now, Ellie, but when we're done I'm going to give you ten times more punishment than that kitty could~" She smirks with Ella simply giving a smile back, Lilah letting go of her lovers face patting it gently before the two left to head to the ring

The two girls' music started to play as Lilah and Ella walked out, doing their routine of posing as they walked to the ring. The two would slide in, with the two doing their pose in the corner, Ella hopping onto the ring post, Lilah going next to her. They posed and both of them stayed in the corner, waiting for their opposition