Chopping down the giant (Punishment Squad vs. Orgia Xenia)

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Chopping down the giant (Punishment Squad vs. Orgia Xenia)

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Lilah hums preparing for the match, making sure her boot was tight enough, she would glance up noticing her partner smiling at her. She would silently look at them while Ella gave her a smug grin "What?"

"So you doing alright?" Ella smiled more "Your last match with that cat guy was pretty-"

"Don't need to talk about that!" Lilah blushed as her partner laughs, getting the reaction she was waiting for "Oh come on, not like it was the first time? You didn't seem to have an issue with it when I di-" Ella was cut off by Lilah sitting up and grabbing her cheeks, making the girl jump "I'll focus on the match, for now, Ellie, but when we're done I'm going to give you ten times more punishment than that kitty could~" She smirks with Ella simply giving a smile back, Lilah letting go of her lovers face patting it gently before the two left to head to the ring


The two girls' music started to play as Lilah and Ella walked out, doing their routine of posing as they walked to the ring. The two would slide in, with the two doing their pose in the corner, Ella hopping onto the ring post, Lilah going next to her. They posed and both of them stayed in the corner, waiting for their opposition

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Re: Chopping down the giant (Punishment Squad vs. Orgia Xenia)

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Origa bounced in place while she waited in the gorilla position and pondered on what her current match entailed. Origa would be having her first ever handicap match against a tag team called the Punishment Squad. When Origa first heard about this she asked her manager why, and all they said was that it would make her all the more imposing if she beat two people at onece, but Origa was skeptical.

She was skeptical because she was going against the team with the name punishment squad. That wasn't a name Origa had confidence with, especially with her growing and unwanted reputation of being a complete and utter erotic jobber this match seemed more and more like one designed for her to fail. She shook these thoughts away when she heard her music begin and Stepped through the curtain and made her way to the ring.
When Origa made it she would step through the ropes see her opponents at the opposite corner. they looked like two dominatrix's and the way they acted towards each other sent shivers down Origa's spine and caused a brief blush to flash across her cheeks. she forced it down and stared as impassively as she could towards her new opponents and then the ref came in to announce the match.
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Re: Chopping down the giant (Punishment Squad vs. Orgia Xenia)

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The two would look at the big girl as she made her way to the ring, a bit surprised by how big she was. Ella would smirk at Lilah who would just ignore her partner teasing as they would keep and eye on Orgia. She cracked her neck and Ella would do a few stretches, the two tossing their hat's to the apron.

Once the teams were in the referee would announce the match rules, explaining it would be a Hentai Tornado handicap match, with the only way of victory being to make your opponent stay down for a ten count after a hentai move. The two girls would smirk hearing this, as this was pretty much their collective strong suit. As the referee would then do their checks, the match would finally begin, Ella approaching with Lilah staying back to let her girlfriend have some fun

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Re: Chopping down the giant (Punishment Squad vs. Orgia Xenia)

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She really should have expected this.

When she heard the refs announcement about what kind of match she was in Origa's stomach took a plummet but really she should have expected this. More and more people wanted to the a seven ft two giant get dominated and management was all too happy to oblige to such requests, the fact that it was a tornado match meant that both of her opponents could be in the ring at the same time. The ten count stipulation was strange though, why not a simple three count?

Whatever the reason was Origa had no intention of making this easy for the squad and would step forward towards Ella and dash forward in an aggressive lockup with her. intent on not letting her partner get behind her, Origa would forcefully turn Ella in whatever direction her partner went to keep an eye on her. however she was so focused on not letting Lilah get behind her that Origa paid less attention to the girl she was currently engaged with.
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Re: Chopping down the giant (Punishment Squad vs. Orgia Xenia)

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Ella would smirk approaching the giant before then suddenly being shoved closer to their corner, Lilah quickly reacting as she would move out of the way, however the big girl seemed so focused on Lilah that Ella attempted to turn it in their favor right away, attempting to roll onto her back and kick her into the corner with a monkey flip

If this worked she would kick Orgia into the corner, she would attempt to get back up with a smile, pulling her by the hands away from the corner. She would attempt to get a bit rough, stomping on Orgia's chest a few times while holding her arms

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Re: Chopping down the giant (Punishment Squad vs. Orgia Xenia)

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Origa was so focused on keeping Lilah in her line of sight that besides holding onto her was hardly paying any attention to Ella, even as they both approached the corner. This shortsightedness would bite Origa though as Ella would take advantage of this situation and send the amazon tumbling into the corner with a monkey flip.

Origa would land into the corner upside-down and her legs would get tangled in the middle ropes, something that she immediately set to fixing so she can stand up again. Ella would have none of this though as she proceeded to grab Origa's hands and pull them away from the ropes and then began to send stomps to her chest

"OOO!! AHH!! UGH!! The amazon shouted with every stomp of Ella. however, as this was happening Origa had finally untangled her legs. Pulling her arms towards her chest she attempt to make Ella stumble forwards so that she could send a powerful kick with both of her legs to the girls chest. should the attack succeed Origa would immediately roll over and stand to face her. However Origa had lost sight of wherever Lila was as this was happening.
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Re: Chopping down the giant (Punishment Squad vs. Orgia Xenia)

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Ella grinned as she stomped away on the colossal girl's chest a few times, even grinding her foot into her chest just to get a reaction out of her before she then would be forced back by a massive kick to the corner. She would simply chuckle as Lilah would sneak around behind Orgia

Lilah would attempt to suddenly grab the big girl, attempting to wrap her arms around her waist to hold her in place. If this worked then Ella would run and hit a sidekick. Hoping to make the big girl bend over leading to her attempting to lift her up, along with Lilah lifting her as well, into a piledriver!

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Re: Chopping down the giant (Punishment Squad vs. Orgia Xenia)

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Origa kept her eyes on Ella as she stepped away from the corner and back to the ring. She circled her for a couple of seconds before she realized that she was missing one more opponent. Then she felt the arms wrap around her waist as Lilah made herself known.

The dark giant growled and immediately began to tear away the hands that were on her and even was about to send an elbow to her head but Ella sent a powerful kick to Origa’s midsection and all the air she had exploded out of her.

She was then bent forward and had her head placed between Ella’s legs. Origa wondered what she was doing, then she felt the arms of her partner grab onto her legs while Ella wrapped her arms around her waist again. With wide eyes Origa was lifted up by both of them into a piledriver and then dropped.

When her head hit the mat Origa bounced up to her knees dazingly for a second before falling to the mat. Her hands cradling her head, it was too early to knock her out with such a move but it did stun her.
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Re: Chopping down the giant (Punishment Squad vs. Orgia Xenia)

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The two squad members would smirk at each other, as Ella would kick Orgia's stomach again. This would happen a few more times before Lilah would pull her off, leading to Ella smirking at her and the two exchanging a quick kiss, just to taunt Orgia. The two would then attempt to pick up the big girl and toss her into the corner, Lilah then throwing Ella to the corner to hit a running dropkick.

If the move connect they hoped the big girl would fall into a seated position, which would make Ella grin as she grab her shorts and pull them into a wedgie "Give it a nice big smooch for me Orgie~" She giggles before then smushing her butt into Orgia, giving her a humiliating stinkface! Lilah would smile as Ella laughed shaking her hips violently on the girls face, at one point just sitting full weight on Orgia's face

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Re: Chopping down the giant (Punishment Squad vs. Orgia Xenia)

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Origa felt each kick that hit her but was too busy focusing on her aching head to try and stop it. When Ella's partner finally pulled her off Origa was just beginning to get enough sense to look up at them as and blush when she saw them get intimate with each other. The crowd seemed to agree as they gave a loud cheer to them as they did so.

They eventually separated and got to work on yanking Origa back to her feet. They first sent Origa careening into the corner where she landed back first against the turnbuckle she didn't remain standing for long for Ella was then thrown after her in a powered dropkick straight to Origa's tanned breasts, sending the giant to the canvas leaning against the bottom and middle turnbuckle.

When the giant opened her eyes she saw the backside of Ella looming over her and watched as the girl wedgie her pants to show off most of her ass, then proceeded to drop it on Origa's face. "MMM! Mmm!" Origa's face was battered side to side as Ella shook her hips and Origa began to lose air when the full weight of her sat on her face. Oria's arms would try their hardest to lift the girl off of her and her legs would kick around in an attempt to find a foothold.
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