Marzia Servelli vs. Hanabi Kawai [D] - Submission Match

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Re: Marzia Servelli vs. Hanabi Kawai [D] - Submission Match

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Marzia didn't even blink. She had to watch Hanabi with the eyes of a hawk, the hairs on the back of her neck standing up as every nerve in her body was tense and ready to fire at a moment's notice. She was sure that if she so much as took her eyes off the purple-haired girl for a few seconds, she would make her pay for it. She had shown herself more than capable of keeping Marzia on her toes, and Marzia couldn't let that happen - this was the moment that would decide the outcome of the match.

She tried to steady herself, refusing to let herself be pushed over, as she narrowed her eyes and clenched her teeth, focusing all her attention on staying on her feet. As Hanabi went back, Marzia's heart jumped for a moment, feeling the weight give way and sending her an all too unwelcome reminder of what had happened the first time they had locked up in the ring. But she wouldn't let herself be taken down. This time, she knew better - and, in fact, she knew she could turn it to her advantage!

As Hanabi went back, Marzia held fast to her hands to try and let herself be pulled along with her, thus allowing Hanabi to do the work of manuevering for her and allowing the Italian to conserve her energy. As she fell forward, Marzia stuck out her leg, looking to slam herself into Hanabi with a kick aimed at her stomach!
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Re: Marzia Servelli vs. Hanabi Kawai [D] - Submission Match

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Hanabi saw Marzia eye-to-eye, that intense gaze she knew far to well, after all, when you're in competitive sports it can't be helped. Those eyes would be anything but intimidating for the wrestler in a normal situation, but there, when her fight-or-flight instincts ruled her head, things where different. As she then opted to make the small italian girl trip the same way she did at the start of the match, the rookie felt light headed when she saw her opponent's stance weaken and weaver.

That little feeling of superiority however was cut short when she felt Marzia's sole in her stomach, she just used her own momentum to get the opportunity to kick her. The attack hadn't even been that hard on her because of her distance, even so, it was more than enough to make the rookie fall in a seated position.

In Hanabi's point of view, what happened was that she suddenly saw the other wrestler catch up to her and then send a leg up, followed by a sudden impact on her bottom. Now she was in the ground, slightly dizzied and totally vulnerable for the next move of the other wrestler.

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Re: Marzia Servelli vs. Hanabi Kawai [D] - Submission Match

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Perhaps it wasn't the strongest of blows, and Hanabi was certainly solid. But at the state they were in, anything counted, and even a simple strike could put forth enough power to take Hanabi's legs out from under her. She fell back, her footing crumpling beneath her as she dropped to a seated position on the ground. Marzia, too, had been pulled forward, using the momentum of Hanabi's fall to guide her closer without having to expend the energy. Even now, as the Italian landed beside her, she needed to push herself up off the canvas with both hands on the mat as she gasped for breath, her face red and traced with sweat. The only thing keeping her going was her willpower; she needed to do whatever she could to win the match!

Looking up, Marzia pushed herself back to her hands and knees, looking up at Hanabi from where the purple-haired girl sat before her. Slowly, on shaky arms, Marzia pushed herself back up to rest on her knees, facing her. She sucked in a deep breath, knowing that this would be the moment to make everything count.

Leaning in toward Hanabi, Marzia looked to pull an arm around her neck to drag her down, letting the top of Hanabi's head fall against her chest. Then, she wrapped her other arm around Hanabi's back to compress her from either end, sandwiching the girl's torso between her arms. As she held her breath, she went to roll herself backward, letting Hanabi drop to the ground from a front chinlock!
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Re: Marzia Servelli vs. Hanabi Kawai [D] - Submission Match

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To say that at this point Hanabi was like a fish out of the water would be appropriate, she just sat there empty stared until Marzia came and hugged her head, bringing her forehead to her perky breasts. This might have been a strange move for her, but then she had no capability of thinking clearly, and even if she had, the moment she felt her other arm on her back, and then the feeling of falling, she snapped out of it.

Unfortunately for her, she really wasn't able to do much to keep herself from going down, another blackout. seconds later, she regained conscience only to see what her opponent had in store for her.

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Re: Marzia Servelli vs. Hanabi Kawai [D] - Submission Match

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Marzia was rather self-conscious when it came to her curvy build, but at this moment in the match she was well past the point of concerning herself with such things. She was being fueled by her determination and will to win alone, and it was that which guided her to pull Hanabi closer to her into a front chinlock, as she secured the position. Then, dropping backward, Marzia sent the purple-haired girl down, her face impacting the canvas!

The Italian felt the tremors going through Hanabi's body and her own, as the mat shook from the impact. But she wasn't done yet. This was a submission match, and Hanabi still had yet to submit - though Marzia would be changing that, if she had any say in the matter! Clenching her teeth, Marzia rolled over to get into position. She wrapped her legs around one of Hanabi's arms to keep it still as her hands reached out to grab her by the head, pulling back on it to stretch Hanabi's neck and back with a Crippler Crossface!

Marzia's brow was focused in concentration, and sweat ran down the edges of her face. She was counting on this!
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Re: Marzia Servelli vs. Hanabi Kawai [D] - Submission Match

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Right after opening her eyes once again to the blinding lights of the ring, she tried to get up, but she was interrupted when she felt one of her arms being wrapped, and before she was even able to turn her head, she felt another grip on her neck and her enemy's weight in her back. She wasn't knowledgeable in wrestling moves or their names, so she didn't know what a Crippler Crossface was. Even so, her pain right there, she did knew about that.

She felt her torso and back stretch in a bad way and her throat get closed out of oxygen, it wasn't that she couldn't breath, it was more about how much it hurt to breath like that. She swung her arm back and forward, in a futile attempt to release herself, the only thing she was able to do like that was to wear herself down, it didn't took long for Hanabi to relax and stop.

If Marzia could see the rookie's face, she would've seen a similar visage to that of an angry child, eventually though, she relaxed her features, almost in a defeated kind of way she breathed out slowly, and then, she tapped several times on the canvas with her free arm.

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Re: Marzia Servelli vs. Hanabi Kawai [D] - Submission Match

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This was it. It was all counting on this. Marzia's body was sore, and now, as her muscles bulged with the pressure she was putting on her opponent as she dragged herself back, she felt the burn set in. Her fingers wrapped tighter around Hanabi's face, refusing to let go, even as the joints in her knuckles bulged and creaked under the strain. She ground her teeth together, sucking back a groan, as she put every ounce of effort and determination she had in her body into hanging on.

If Marzia was going to win, she needed to win this now. She ached all over. If she let one bad hit past her guard, or let Hanabi get her into a hold, it would all be over for her. She couldn't take any more. Even if Hanabi escaped from this hold, right now, Marzia had expended so much of her energy just to maintain it that she would be helpless to resist any further damage. Marzia had bet everything on this move, and she needed it to count.

And, soon enough, everything broke.

Marzia felt the tension in Hanabi release as she tapped her hand against the canvas, signaling her surrender. Immediately thereafter, Marzia, not wanting to drag things out, let her go. As soon as she did, the soreness hit her. She fell forward, clutching her stomach and gasping for breath as sweat ran down her brow. When she looked back at Hanabi, those words she got in came through pants for breath.

" really kept me...on my toes out there..."
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Re: Marzia Servelli vs. Hanabi Kawai [D] - Submission Match

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After tapping out, Hanabi was hoping that Marzia would release her pronto, and she had luck, because the italian girl was nice and didn't dragged this more than she had to. The moment she was released, she freed a howl of pure joy as she layed on the canvas, she took her sweet time getting up, looking at her opponent while she spoke to her about how much she worked up a sweat for her.

"You too, that was... wow" The purple-head was trying to get her breath back, eventually, Hanabi and Marzia where in better shape, and the rookie got close to her opponent intending on congratulating her.

"You sure wiped the floor with me today Marzia-chan. Congrats" she seemed honest with her about being happy for her friend, but then a creepy smile formed in the rookie's lips, it didn't seem malicious, nut it was kind of intimidating. She spoke with a sweet, playful voice, like a small kid waiting for Christmas

"Next time, I won't lose..."

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Re: Marzia Servelli vs. Hanabi Kawai [D] - Submission Match

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Marzia didn't have any reason to keep Hanabi in the hold for much longer. As soon as Hanabi tapped out, Marzia was quick to release the pressure and fall to her knees, catching her breath. She was weary, and the tension was let out of her in a flash as soon as she didn't need to keep it up. She respected Hanabi, too, and she didn't want to hurt her. In truth, she was honored to face such a worthy opponent.

As she caught her breath, Marzia looked up at Hanabi with a warm smile. She wasn't concerned any more. A sense of relief came over her - she felt like this match had rekindled her own self-confidence. Not only that she won, but that she was able to pull through against an opponent who truly tested the limits of her skills. It proved to her she was doing something right.

"Don't sell yourself did a good job." Marzia got back on her feet, offering her hand to guide Hanabi back up as well as she gave it a squeeze and shook, a warm smile spreading over her face. "I'm're gonna go far."

She nodded to the purple-haired girl, proud to have had such a great match against her. But for now, all they could do was to head backstage, giving the floor over for the next match.

Winner by Submission: Marzia Servelli
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