An perfect crime . Veronica Stark vs Lauren Fredericks

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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An perfect crime . Veronica Stark vs Lauren Fredericks

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Veronica Stark vs Lauren Fredericks with her tag team partner at ringside
Normal match
Win by pinfall , submission, dq or countout

Veronica was on an roll it seemed as so far she had won 3 matches in an row , and so far she had not needed to bribe anyone to win yet. The fact that she had tried , and failed escaped her mind just like how she had needed to cheat to win . Still who cared about the small details as she had an foolproof way to archieve success tonight. Since she was currently on the phone with tonight's referee as she said ''so we got an deal right. For 5000 dollars you will make sure that no matter what happens that I will walk away victorious'' After hearing the ref say she would she could not help , but laugh as she did not care who heard her as she then said ''well see you tonight''

After the call she would go to the gym to work out , and after an hour would go home to pick up her wrestling gear. After retrieving it , and eating diner she would drive back to the arena , and walk to her dressing room as she chanced into her attire which consisted of wrestling boots with an 3 inch heel as she wore an corset that covered up her torso as it was just long enough to cover her sex as her long legs were on full display.

After getting dressed she would make her way to the gorilla position , and once she arrived there she could not stop smirking.As this had to be her best plan yet to win an wrestling match without really having to try as she was so lost in her thoughts she was surprised when one of the crew members touched her shoulder as it seemed she had missed her cue as she rushed out as her entrance music was almost done as Elton John was about to sing the last part of the bitch is back.

With her music playing she would walk onto the ramp as she would pose for the fans as she got cheered in response for doing this. After an few seconds she would walk down as every few steps she would turn to tease an nearby fan as she posed for them as she was certain their would be plenty of pictures of her being shared tonight as the ring announcer said ''making her way from Riverdale , New York.Standing at around 135ibs , It Veronica Stark''as she slipped under the bottom ropes to get into the ring as she would stand up to wait for her opponent to arrive
Last edited by anime_hentaifighter on Thu Jun 18, 2020 9:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: An perfect crime . Veronica Stark vs Lauren Fredericks

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"She is a cheatin' little brat Lauren. I am comin' to the ring with ya to make sure she doesn't pull any tricks on ya." Peggy said with her hands on her hips. Peggy was in her green swimsuit, gold pads and green boots looking as if she were ready for action herself.

"Yeah, I saw the match from backstage. I will be glad to have you out there Pegs I will get her back for that low blow she pulled off against you last time out." Lauren said, clad in her own blue one piece swimsuit, white kneepads and white boots. Lauren finished lacing up when she left the locker room with her tag team partner to make her way to the ring.

"Standing at five feet seven inches.... weighing in at 177 pounds.... Lauren Fredericks!" The announcer called out as Lauren emerged with Peggy at her side. Lauren looked serious as she focused on Veronica while Peggy was shouting and pointing at her. Peggy stayed outside the ring, hanging out around Lauren's corner while Lauren climbed up the ring steps and through the ropes to stand in the ring raising her hands in the air before focusing on Veronica.

"I am gonna make you pay for your little trick against Peggy a few nights ago Veronica!" Lauren vowed as she flexed her arms stepping to the middle of the ring.

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Re: An perfect crime . Veronica Stark vs Lauren Fredericks

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''What the hell is this''thought Veronica as she would pale as her opponent arrived on the entrance ramp , and she was accompanied by someone she knew.As the spoiled brat would glare as she looked at Peggy as she knew the other wrestler would likely think something is wrong should she not attempt to bribe Lauren , but when she heard the blond vowing to defeat her she knew it would likely be turned down as she looked at the ref who just gave her an nod as she turned to call for the bell.

This would allow her to say ''was going to offer you an deal that could help you out , but suspect like with the redhead you are to stupid to accept. So with that in mind let's get this party started''as she tried to slap Lauren across the face as an few seconds later the ref would call for the bell , and turn around not having seen an thing.

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Re: An perfect crime . Veronica Stark vs Lauren Fredericks

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"Yeah I was warned about you ya little...Oomph!" Lauren said as the slap connected whipping her head around to the side. Lauren was enraged by this lunging forward as the bell rang, extending her arm as she tried to clothesline Veronica down to the mat! "You are going to pay for that you annoying little bratty snob!" Lauren growled as she lunged forward hoping her payback strike sent Veronica packing to the ground.

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Re: An perfect crime . Veronica Stark vs Lauren Fredericks

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Veronica had manage to slap the heavyweight across the face , but it had seemed to be an mistake as it had infuriate her more then hurt her.Still she was lucky that she had some extra help on her side as the ref would look shocked that Lauren would attack her so quickly as the spoiled brat got knocked down with an clothesline as she quickly got in Lauren's face as she yelled ''what are you doing. Can't you wait until the bell had rang before attacking ms Fredericks.''

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Re: An perfect crime . Veronica Stark vs Lauren Fredericks

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"Then ring the damn bell!" Lauren shouted back at the referee as she waited for the bell to ring, eyeing Veronica down on the mat. Once the bell rang Lauren stepped forward to pull Veronica up by the hair and shove her into the corner, Lauren wanted to move in, grabbing the top rope with her hands and hammer Veronica with knee strikes over and over to smash the torso of her opponent and keep her on the defensive. Lauren knew about Veronica's tricks and was on guard, knowing that keeping Veronica from controlling the tempo would be key to her victory.

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Re: An perfect crime . Veronica Stark vs Lauren Fredericks

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''Wow deaf are we''thought Veronica as she was glad the referee had interfered as this allowed her an few seconds to get to her feet. However Lauren would not wait much longer as she pulled the brunette to her feet by her hair , and then shove her into the corner as the referee was quick to yell ''hey stop that. I am going to give you to the count of 10 to stop before I disqualify you''as the ref would do an quick out as she then said ''1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9'' in order to help Veronica to an quick win should Lauren keep going.

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Re: An perfect crime . Veronica Stark vs Lauren Fredericks

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Lauren stopped and shook her head in disbelief. "Are you kidding me!?" Lauren howled as she stepped up to the referee getting in her face. She was so frustrated that she forgot all about Veronica!

"Are you going to let me actually wrestle her or should I stand here and wait all day for her to do something?" Lauren said in disbelief.

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Re: An perfect crime . Veronica Stark vs Lauren Fredericks

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''Are you talking back to me miss? Because I won't stand for an wrestler showing me no respect , and it not my fault you don't seem to remember the ropes. When an wrestler has grabbed or can touch the ropes with her hands or body then the other wrestler has to back up to allow them to leave their current situation''replied the Referee calmly as Veronica just glared as she had hoped to see the blond be disqualified. However it seem that the ref was not going to help her win that obvious as she would settle for attacking the heavyweight while her back was turned with a axe handle to the back of her head.

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Re: An perfect crime . Veronica Stark vs Lauren Fredericks

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Lauren just rolled her eyes and was about to turn around when Veronica attacked her from behind! Lauren went down to her hands and knees with a groan shaking her head as the strike momentarily dazed her leaving her wide open for more offense by Veronica!

Meanwhile outside the ring Peggy was pacing with her hands on her hips, shaking her head. "Ya daft ref, Veronica can attack from behind while you actively distract her but Lauren can't fight proper!? Are ya kidding me?!" Peggy shouted voicing the frustrations of herself, her tag partner and the fans.

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