Micaiah Wilson vs. Yumi Imai - Packing a Punch

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Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Yumi Imai - Packing a Punch

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Right after sending Yumi down with a fisherman's suplex, Micaiah went for the bridging pin, and the referee started counting. But, Yumi managed to kick out at two, and Micaiah grunted as she let go of Yumi's body, getting herself off of her. Of course, she didn't plan to stop her attack on her opponent as she would pick herself up, looking to grab onto Yumi and pick her up.

First, Micaiah would make sure that Yumi would be standing on her own feet right before her before she bent down, looking to tuck her head between her opponent's legs. She would grab onto Yumi's thighs before lifting her up. She would have Yumi facing away from her before having her body falling down onto her back, her front on her back. From there, she would try to swing Yumi's body forward, trying to send her crashing down into the mat with an Alabama slam!
Alabama Slam

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Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Yumi Imai - Packing a Punch

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As Yumi managed to kick herself out of a bridging pin at the 2 count. Micaiah decided to capitalize on her attack towards Yumi. She would pic Yumi up and tuck her head between her opponents legs only to lift her up in the air by grabbing her thighs. Yumi's body facing the opposite direction Micaiah would then swing Yumi's body forward slamming her to the mat in the middle of the ring.

"GAH?!" Yumi would gasp as the impact certainly took some wind out of her.

Yumi laid on the mat a little dazed from the impact breathing a bit heavy trying to recover some of the air she lost. Certainly not the most favorable position for a new wrestler in the ring. Leaving Yumi to wonder what her opponent has planned next.
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Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Yumi Imai - Packing a Punch

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Sending Yumi down onto the mat with an Alabama slam, Micaiah sneered at her opponent, thinking about hurting her while she was down. Placing her hands on her own hips, the Canadian would walk around her downed opponent, moving next to her head before she planted her foot right on her head, grinding her heel against her head onto the mat. This action would net her quite a heat from the crowd.

"You fuckers are booing me?!!" Micaiah yelled to the crowd, flashing middle fingers to them. "A bunch of stupid sheep, all of you!!! Just wait until I fuck her brain out, then you big babies will start cheering for me again!!" She would keep grinding her foot against Yumi's head, somehow busy engaging the crowd that she thought that her opponent wouldn't do anything to retaliate against her.

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Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Yumi Imai - Packing a Punch

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Yumi still dazed from the slam Yumi laid on the mat to try and recover some breath but Micaiah was not about to let up on her advantage and proceed to place her foot on her opponent's head, this didn't bode well with the crowd and was follow by and array of boos across the arena.

While Yumi's opponent was distracted by the crowd and interacting with the she was still grinding her foot on Yumi's face. Yumi would manage to recover a bit, she would then attempt to push off Micaiah's leg to get her foot of her face.

"Get off?! That stings you know!"

If successful she would try to capitalize with a combo of jabs to her opponent's face to stagger her a bit.
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Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Yumi Imai - Packing a Punch

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Micaiah was busy getting the crowd riled up that she was unable to see Yumi getting her foot off her head. When her foot was pushed off, Micaiah clicked her tongue and prepared herself for another beating on her opponent, but her opponent managed to get up and hit her with a few jabs to her face.

"Arghh!! Ughhhh!!"

Micaiah staggered back after taking those jabs to her face, scrunching her brow in pain as she tried to regain her bearing. She brought her hands on her face, trying to soothe the pain. "Y-you l-little bitch!!" Micaiah snarled, trying to retaliate with a swipe of her forearm, hoping that she could at least hit her opponent right in her face with it.

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Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Yumi Imai - Packing a Punch

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After managing to get back up and hitting Micaiah wth a.few jabs, things were looking up for the cute redhead.

"Well that's rude?! Didn't aylnyone teahlch you manners?!" Yumi voiced to her opponent

Yumi would then try to hit another staggering combo but Micaiah had other plans and decided to counter by hitting Yumi straight in the face with a forearm swing.

Leaving her surprised while her opponent gets another opening.
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Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Yumi Imai - Packing a Punch

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Micaiah managed to retaliate by hitting Yumi with her forearm swing. Smirking at the newbie, she retorted, "Manners are for scrubs! Being a goody two shoes won't bring you anywhere!!" Taking advantage of her opponent being staggered, she would close in and grab her by her head before sending her running towards one of the corners with an Irish whip.

And right after that, if she managed to send Yumi towards the corner, Micaiah would run after her, looking to hit her with a corner splash, hitting her with her own body in other to weaken her some more.

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Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Yumi Imai - Packing a Punch

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Yumi staggered by her opponent's forearm attack she was grabbed by her head and irish whipped towards the corner ropes.

After Yumi impacted the corner ropes she would lay there trying to recover her breath rather helplessly. Micaiah would then decide to capitalize by running towards Yumi in the corner and hitting her with a body splash effectively knocking more wind out of lungs. Yumi still managed to stand on the ropes by a thread by holding on to the rooes. Breathing heavy not sure what her opponent had coming next.
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Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Yumi Imai - Packing a Punch

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Right after sending Yumi towards the ropes, Micaiah then ran towards her and hit her with a corner splash, weakening her even more. Smirking arrogantly, the Canadian then looked at her opponent's face as she stood before her before she decided to hit her some more with a few knife edge chops right across her breasts, looking to hurt her even more while leaving some marks on her body.

"Come on! You're making this boring to me!" Micaiah taunted her opponent as she would then land her last chop right at Yumi's chest. Then, she would cap it off with a knee strike right into Yumi's exposed belly, looking to have her losing her breath even more.

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Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Yumi Imai - Packing a Punch

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After Yumi was staggered by the body splash she would continue adding insult to injury by hitting Yumi in the corner with a few sharp chops to the chest, clearly putting a red hue across her each chop stinging more than the first.

"Stop it that stings?! Ref where's the re-oooff?!" Yumi would yell and try to get the official's attention only to be shut off with a knee strike to Yumi's midsection, Yumi's eyes bulged out from impact as this left her in a rather unfortunate predicament against Micaiah.
Lilan's Onslaught of Divas

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