Minerva Cartmill Vs Jenner Sky - Schooling The Rookie

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Minerva Cartmill Vs Jenner Sky - Schooling The Rookie

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Minerva Cartmill Vs Jenner Sky
Erotic Hentai Match.
Erotic best of 3 via submission rules or Ko.
Standard LAW Ring Erotic style.

Jenner would look at her self in the mirror as she would dry her self off after a warm shower, she was still trying to work out how she had let her self get roped into a match type she had never or contemplated doing ever in her career.

"Too late now I guess I better get ready..." She would think to self as she would go to grab her bag to get he stuff out but would find a note inside as she would take her gear realizing it had been changed without her knowing, the note simply read "hey have fun in your match also I changed your gear to match them haha :p love Shego <3" Jenner would lay the gear out finding a new black heavy Gi with a red belt with her name sown Into it, then there was a new set of gloves to match them of the outfit so far, thou Jenner would look thou the bag but did not find any pants just a very small thing, she would look at the back of the note checking she had not missed anything but found a p.s. "I got rid of the pants for a nice sexy thong and I changed the Gi to be better fitting, have fun Shego xxx" Jenner would crush the note with a groan of the frustrated.

Jenner would get dressed bit by bit thou when she put her Gi on she found it was tight her breast would be pushed up, thou the thong felt like it was not even there as she would continue putting on the rest of the outfit, she would tighten her belt up onto her wast then slide her kneepads on and her footpads then lastly putting her hair up then her gloves before looking at the mirror seeing her self thou art first she felt silly but soon she would honestly feel somewhat sexy. "God damnit Shego your such a pervert.."

It was soon time for Jenner to head out to the ramp as the fans would cheer some were clearly taken back by her new outfit, Jenner would head down the ramp to the ring trying to keep her rear covered as she would blush as people would snap photos and call out at her.
Jenner's Erotic OutfitImage
Last edited by LawHell on Mon Apr 06, 2020 11:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Minerva Cartmill Vs Jenner Sky - Schooling The Rookie

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Minerva was excited for her upcoming match , but hated the fact she knew next to nothing about who she be facing besides that she would be facing someone who would be debuting just like she would. Now since her upcoming match was an hentai variety the blond had decided to wear wrestling boots , purple pants that would be ripped near the top , a purple bra and a white jacket as she still had her glasses on at the moment.Taking the time to put in her contacts the blond would wear a fake pair of glasses to the ring as she left for the backstage area.

Minerva would ask for a microphone as she wanted to address the fans before her first match of 2020 , and once she was handed one she could start to walk down to the ring as before she had even pushed the curtains aside she would hear hot for teacher by Van Halen coming out of the speakers.Halfway down the ramp she would be introduced as the announcer said ''now entering from England.Weighing in at 154ibs , it's Minerva Cartmill '' as the blond was now face to face with her opponent..

Bringing the microphone to her mouth she would then say ''well it took them long enough , but I finally was booked for a match in 2020. Now I got no clue who my opponent is , and likely she must be some newbie to be put in the ring with me. It won't chance the fact that I am going to give it my all , and end the year right with an victory''

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Re: Minerva Cartmill Vs Jenner Sky - Schooling The Rookie

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Jenner was would climb into the ring but within moments hear the other than start to play but then stop to hear the voice of Minerva's voice and her speech, Jenner was already feeling nervous about this match but now she had a very well and clearly a confident opponent before her.
"Look at her...so confident...and very beautiful.I'm going have to work hard.." Jenner would think to her self as she would sort her outfit out ensuring it was sat right thou she was still not used to how tight and revealing it was.

Jenner would continue to stretch and get ready waiting for her opponent to meet her in the middle of the ring as the fans would enjoy the view of both fighters and cheering them on, Jenner would look around a bit before heading to the middle of the ring.

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Re: Minerva Cartmill Vs Jenner Sky - Schooling The Rookie

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Minerva would look at Jenner as she listen to what the other woman had to say as she just smiled in response as she replied back ''well we will find out who will be right. Still I am going to give it my all to prove it will be me''as she would follow Jenner's lead as she did some stretching as she waited for the referee to call them to the center as an second later the bell would be rang as the match was under way.

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Re: Minerva Cartmill Vs Jenner Sky - Schooling The Rookie

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Jenner would move fast going in for a low grab to try catch Minerva's leg to see if she could pull her to the ground with some force, if she was successful she would try mount the woman throwing some light punches as she would try pin her arms down with her legs. "Emm sorry this is my first time like this"
She said blushes a bit but also hopeing she was going the right way with the match so far. With people still watching them both.

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Re: Minerva Cartmill Vs Jenner Sky - Schooling The Rookie

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Minerva would cry out as her leg was caught as she was pulled to the ground as she lay their for only an second before trying to get back up. However an second was all Jenner needed as the other woman would mount her rather quickly , and land some punches as the blond woman tried to block them as good as she was able in an attempt to protect herself.

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Re: Minerva Cartmill Vs Jenner Sky - Schooling The Rookie

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Jenner would grin as she would move and reposition her self trying to wrap the woman up into a tight triangle hold as she would kept hold of Minerva's wrists thou she definitely had a lot more feeling thanks to the lack of clothesing that she had on in her outfit.

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Re: Minerva Cartmill Vs Jenner Sky - Schooling The Rookie

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Minerva was in trouble as she felt her opponent's legs around her neck as her wrist was within the other woman's grasp as the blond was unable to go anywhere. As the best she was able to do was wiggle in place as she tried to slip free from Jenner's grasp.

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Re: Minerva Cartmill Vs Jenner Sky - Schooling The Rookie

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Jenner would feel the woman work to get lose as she would battle to keep her in place by trying to roll over to the side then onto her back to move the body positions of Minerva at the same time, so and if she was successful she would continue to try to apply the knock out hold on to the woman. Thou Jenner girl would be weakend as she felt still exposed along with the rubbing of there body's together.

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Re: Minerva Cartmill Vs Jenner Sky - Schooling The Rookie

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Minerva was in an tough spot as she knew she had to escape out of the hold she was trapped in or else she be in huge trouble. However their was one negative aspect she had not expected to happen when she got caught , and that was the fact their bodies were rubbing together.Or more importantly her upper body rubbing against Jenner's lower body as she tried to grasp onto anything to push herself off against her opponent.Not really seeing what she would grab onto should she succeed.

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