Double debut hentai: The Red Devil vs. Minerva Cartmill

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Re: Double debut hentai: The Red Devil vs. Minerva Cartmill

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Upon seeing the block turn her punches into nothing more than amusement for Minerva, the Red Devil reached forward and grasped one of the teacher's arms tightly. With her grip secured, the Red Devil dug her feet into the ground and started pulling her opponent forward, to launch her into the ropes. However, Minerva's momentum did not last long, after taking a long step forward, Minerva dug her foot into the ground, stopping herself and gripped back onto the Red Devil's arm, transferring the momentum to her attacker.

Suddenly, the blonde wrestler found herself yanked forward by the arm, unable to stop the momentum her own attack first created. As her legs carried her forward, her grip on Minerva came loose and soon the wrestler crashed into the ropes at the edge of the ring. The ropes stretched, stopping her momentum for a second before kicking back like a compressed spring, sending the Red Devil running right back towards her foe, who, by now, was likely more than ready for her.

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Re: Double debut hentai: The Red Devil vs. Minerva Cartmill

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Minerva would have bin the one who was send running had she not dug her foot into the canvas to prevent herself from being Irish whipped into the ropes. As that simple move allowed her to transfer the momentum towards the masked wrestler as she would twist around , and then send her fellow blond running towards the ropes as she watched as the Red Devil ran towards the ropes .

As she saw the other wrestler run towards the ropes she would take a deep breath as she would attempt to grasp the incoming wrestler by her shoulders. As she would then turn her body as she tried to toss the Red Devil onto the canvas with an simple hip toss to knock her down so she could go for an submission move.

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Re: Double debut hentai: The Red Devil vs. Minerva Cartmill

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With her whip reversed, the Red Devil was left running straight back into her opponent from the ropes. As she got close, Minerva grabbed onto the wrestler's shoulders with a quick twist of her body she hip tossed the Devil to the mat. The Red Devil grunted as her body hit the ground, needing a second to recover, just enough time for Minerva to lock in a submission hold if she moved quickly. The simply hip toss, however, wasn't going to be enough to keep her down forever so if the teacher delayed, the Red Devil would attempt to roll away from her immediate reach.

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Re: Double debut hentai: The Red Devil vs. Minerva Cartmill

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

After reversing the Irish whip it was the Red Devil that was send running towards the ropes as the blond only had to grab onto her opponent's shoulder , and then twist her body so she could hip toss her fellow blond onto the canvas. The grunt that asked the masked wrestler's lips was enough to make her smirk as she got behind her opponent as she went to apply a one armed sleeper hold as her free hand would slide down her opponent's body until she found her breasts so she could fondle them.

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Re: Double debut hentai: The Red Devil vs. Minerva Cartmill

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Following the hip toss, The Red Devil quickly found herself locked into a powerful hold as Minerva's arm slid over her throat. She was quick to move her own hands to try and fight off the choke, but to add insult to injury the teacher latched right onto the Red Devil's tits, kneading it with a firm grip. A moan left the Devil's mouth, as she continued using her arms to try and keep the choke at bay whilst slowly rising to her feet. With breaths heavy from the pleasure she would slowly try to straighten herself out.

Once on her feet, the Red Devil would grip onto Mineva's arm with both hands, trying to use it to throw the girl over her head and down onto the mat!

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Re: Double debut hentai: The Red Devil vs. Minerva Cartmill

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

After she had thrown the other blond onto her behind with an hip toss , Minerva would wrap her arm around the red devil's throat as she began to slowly choke her with one arm. The other was using to fondle her opponent's breasts as Minerva took pleasure in working over the masked wrestler's breasts. Especially once she got the other wrestler to moan in response to what she was doing as she would keep going when she felt her fellow blond grab onto her arm as she tried to lean backwards to make it more difficult to be thrown.

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