Sasuke was in the gorilla position, waiting for his cue until he heard it and walked out to the entrance ramp, Receiving more cheers than boos! Normally he gets more boos or at least a mixed reaction but not today as the majority of the crowd cheered much louder than the people that booed him. This cause Sasuke to grin a bit as he was getting the respect he felt he deserves. Through, he really didn't care if the crowd cheered him or not but sincerely didn't mind if they did especially what his older brother told him about getting the crowd on his side.
Sasuke began his descend towards the ring, walking down with all confidence and strive in the world! Once, he made it to the ringside, he climbed up the steel steps, and enters the rope by the middle rope. Once in the ring Sasuke head to the center and his strikes his signature poses for the cameras as it gets a very good pop from the fans!