Sasuke Jackson vs Samantha Carter [Debut]!

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Re: Sasuke Jackson vs Samantha Carter [Debut]!

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Sasuke would buck his hips underneath Samantha to get her off him. But this would caused her to fall forward as her breasts pressed his arms that were protecting his face. Though, Sasuke would still buck his hips to tries get Samantha completely off of him! "GET OFF!"

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Re: Sasuke Jackson vs Samantha Carter [Debut]!

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''Make me''screamed Samantha as she held onto Sasuke's body as he tried to buck her off. Her breasts rubbing against his arms as she hoped that should she endure it long enough that her opponent would stop trying.

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Re: Sasuke Jackson vs Samantha Carter [Debut]!

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Sasuke would keep on trying to buck Samantha off of him until he finally bucks her off of him! But he used quite a bit of his energy to get her off.

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Re: Sasuke Jackson vs Samantha Carter [Debut]!

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Samantha would hold onto her opponent's body for as long she could , but in the end she would be bucked off Sasuke as she would rise to her feet as she would get into an defense stance to continue the match.

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Re: Sasuke Jackson vs Samantha Carter [Debut]!

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After finally getting Samantha get off of him, Sasuke took some time to getting back, as he used quite a bit of energy to buck Samantha off. But after a while Sasuke was able to regain enough his energy to get to his feet where he found Samantha had already on her feet in a defense stance. So, Sasuke rushed towards her, looking like he was going for a punch, but in reality he was going for a spear to deal massive damage to the redhead!

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Re: Sasuke Jackson vs Samantha Carter [Debut]!

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

Samantha would watch as Sasuke got to his feet as she wondered what he was going to do next as she took an defensive stance at first. As she was unsure what the other wrestler would do when she saw him spring towards her with his fist pulled backwards as she would leap to the right when he got closer as she hoped to attack him when he missed with his punch ,

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