Debute match! A Japanese kunoichi vs a Japanese hero! (Abigail Shinobu vs Michiko shimizu submission match)

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torra shinjiro17
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Debute match! A Japanese kunoichi vs a Japanese hero! (Abigail Shinobu vs Michiko shimizu submission match)

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Sounds of flips and stretching can be heard in the locker room. Abigail Shinobu was doing some last minute flips. "Ok Abigail time to show these people a good show, time to show them my grandfathers training....." She said as she was on her toes while doing a pose with her hands and her other foot that was in the air. After a few minutes she was called down. "Well.... let's go..." She said as she took a deep breath and began to walk down to the ring.

As she walked towards the ring she waved to the crowd as she does some fancy flips and landing on the ring while doing some nujitsu poses which amazed the crowds a little.

While she drank some water this was a good time to think about who she's up against. All she knows is that she's up against a woman named michiko Shimizu and she was a hero. "Who ever she is she sounds awesome! I can't wait for this!" She said eagerly.

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Re: Debute match! A Japanese kunoichi vs a Japanese hero! (Abigail Shinobu vs Michiko shimizu submission match)

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Michiko had been told that her next match was going to be a submission match against a debuting opponent, and that was enough to get her attention. It'd be something different, she thought to herself - both in terms of facing someone she wasn't sure what to expect from, and in approaching the match knowing that a submission was the only way to win. While she normally concentrated on power attacks to display her strength, Michiko knew a few things about submissions as well. She hoped they'd be enough to give her the edge she would need here.
With the sound of music playing, Michiko jumped out onto the entrance ramp, striking a pose - one hand balled into a fist and resting on her hip, while the other faced out towards the crowd. A few fans, recognizing her from her previous matches, let out a cheer, and as Michiko proceeded to the ring, she slapped high-fives with those extending their arms over the barricade. A grin on her face, she hopped into the ring, taking her place across from Abigail.

"You're new around here, huh?" she said. "I don't know who you are...but you can think of this as a test! If you're to enter the real competition here in LAW, we'll see how well you can stack up against me!" She lowered herself into a stance, with a smirk on her face. "You ready?"
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torra shinjiro17
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Re: Debute match! A Japanese kunoichi vs a Japanese hero! (Abigail Shinobu vs Michiko shimizu submission match)

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Abigail looked and saw her oppenent. Michiko and she looks like those superheros that she used to read alot about in mangas. She looks awesome! Abigail watched her high five the audience and her fans and struck a pose, then she climbed into the ring and talked to her. Abigail heared what she said and noded. "Well if this is a test, then I am ready, I am my grandfathers best pupil I'll show the results his training, I'm ready!" She said as she gave her a bow in respect and got into a pose.

Soon the bell rang begining the match and Abigail circled her to look for a opening, a blind spot or weakness to use in her advantage. After a minute or two she decided to strike with a chop to her chest to see her reaction to her speed.

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Re: Debute match! A Japanese kunoichi vs a Japanese hero! (Abigail Shinobu vs Michiko shimizu submission match)

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Facing off against an unfamiliar opponent, Michiko had no idea what she could expect from Abigail. But from her response, she at least seemed like a good enough sport about it, excited to face the challenge the lilac-haired girl had prepared for her. She grinned, nodding in agreement before she mirrored Abigail's own bow in a gesture of respect. If she was this invested in proving herself, then this looked to be a thrilling match indeed. Michiko couldn't wait to see what Abigail would bring to the table.

As the bell rang, and Michiko got into a stance, she began to stand on guard, strafing around Abigail and looking for the right opportunity. She saw as Abigail readied her attack, and she got ready to guard. However, while Michiko thought she had decent enough reaction time, Abigail was on another level! She had barely thrown her arms up to defend herself before the flat of Abigail's hand caught across her hefty bust, causing her to stagger back with a groan. Her back bucked away from her opponent as she stumbled, creating distance between them.
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Re: Debute match! A Japanese kunoichi vs a Japanese hero! (Abigail Shinobu vs Michiko shimizu submission match)

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Abigail chop hit her hefty bust and this surprised and amazed her at the same time. This made Abigail smile. But she knew she had to keep going in order to win this match. Abigail started to have flashbacks of her training with her grandfather and the other students and friends, she thought of a way to attack again so she aimed for a roundhouse kick to her stomach. If it hits that is.

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Re: Debute match! A Japanese kunoichi vs a Japanese hero! (Abigail Shinobu vs Michiko shimizu submission match)

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Abigail's strike had hit its mark, and for a moment Michiko was left stunned, stumbling back from her. She was intent on pushing the advantage, looking to inflict further damage on the lilac-haired woman as she went this time for a roundhouse kick. This time, though, Michiko had a counter readied. As Abigail's leg flew by her, she attempted to reach out, looking to grab her by the ankle before her kick could hit her stomach. If that worked, Michiko would try to pull her off her feet, getting in position for an ankle lock.
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Re: Debute match! A Japanese kunoichi vs a Japanese hero! (Abigail Shinobu vs Michiko shimizu submission match)

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Abigail thought she had this in the bag but well she would of thought it would of been too easy if it all went her way. Cause michiko mamages to grab her foot before she could kick her. She looked surprised! "Whoa!" She was tripped and her foot was trapped in a ankle lock.

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Re: Debute match! A Japanese kunoichi vs a Japanese hero! (Abigail Shinobu vs Michiko shimizu submission match)

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It had been close, for sure. Abigail was definitely fast; Michiko had seen that in her already. She had needed to act quickly just to prevent this kick from landing. But now that she had, Abigail was at her mercy! Manuevering the girl's leg into a better position for her to take advantage, she jerked back on it, going to pull her off her feet, before she twisted at the joint. Abigail was a quick one, she thought - but Michiko would have to see how well she could move with her legs weakened! Gritting her teeth, she leaned back further, putting her back into her efforts to compromise her opponent's footing.
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Re: Debute match! A Japanese kunoichi vs a Japanese hero! (Abigail Shinobu vs Michiko shimizu submission match)

Unread post by torra shinjiro17 »

Abigail felt michiko pull and twist her leg making her cry out a little. While struggling she was thinking long and hard on how to escape. Soon she thought of a idea!! She suddenly used her other foot to launch a kick at her head! Giving her enough time to escape. While her ankle was hurt she didn't let it distract her too much, she learned to ignore most pain.

"Whew your good!" She said to her as she got up and waited for her to get up too

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Re: Debute match! A Japanese kunoichi vs a Japanese hero! (Abigail Shinobu vs Michiko shimizu submission match)

Unread post by CaptainL »

Working at her opponent's leg, Michiko was intent on inflicting more damage and making sure it would be harder for Abigail to rebound any time soon. She wasn't prepared to end the match this way, but at the very least it could give her an advantage the rest of the way through; hopefully, Abigail would remember this. But eventually, it would have to break, and that came soon enough, as Abigail kicked off the ground, her foot plowing into Michiko's chin.

Wrenched away from the debuting wrestler, Michiko fell backward as her head kicked up with a crack, slipping off her footing before she came crashing down to the mat. Even with her upended this way, though, Abigail remained a good sport, commending Michiko on her efforts. She could always appreciate having a respectful foe to contend with - Michiko's strength and skill meant a lot to her, and hearing it validated by her opponent, even if they were both trying to win, was only emboldening her further. She was sure this would be a good match.

"Thank you!" Michiko pushed herself back to her feet, grinning to Abigail before she struck a pose - even if she had gone down, Michiko still meant business, and she wanted everyone present to know. Then, she came charging back in, running at Abigail to try and bowl her over with a shoulder charge.
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