MIO vs Dana Ashford - Iron Woman Match

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MIO vs Dana Ashford - Iron Woman Match

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Hentai Iron Woman Match - Match goes on until the time limit is up
Time limit: 60 minutes (8 pages)
Victory Condition: Wrestler with most score at the end of the match wins.
Scoring System: Submission and Orgasm

MIO's theme began to play on the speakers, and soon enough the raven haired girl with the twin braided tail made her arrival in the arena. She's dressed in a one piece black and neon green swimsuit for a change for this occasion, but that only seemed to make the crowds' reception towards her even warmer. Looking a little embarrassed at first, Mio eventually made her way to the ring and gave the audience a few shy hand waves before she settled herself in her corner.

Her eyes were then focused on the entrance as she's waiting for her opponent to make her entrance. As usual, despite her excitement already stirring up inside her, the raven haired girl looked relatively calm. The change of attire did make her look a little flustered than usual, as the material felt a bit tight on her skin compared to her usual clothes. She tried not to be bothered too much with it, though, knowing that the outfit most likely wouldn't even last until halfway of the match.

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Re: MIO vs Dana Ashford - Iron Woman Match

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Dana was preparing herself for this match that was slated for her. This would be her first hentai match here in LAW, though she was certainly experienced in erotic matches, though she somehow slowed down after having children. Not that her husband actually minded, as he was pretty open-minded regarding this. And Dana herself was actually looking forward for this, hoping that this match would be a fun one for her to experience and to watch at home at later time.

And so, as her music was playing, Dana stepped out to the ramp, showing off her mature body for the crowd to see. Clad in her usual one-piece leotard, Dana would make her way down to the ring where her opponent, Mio, was waiting for her.
Dana Ashford
Speaking of her opponent, Dana noted that the girl looked very cute, and the veteran was looking forward to have her way with her once the match started. Soon, Dana reached the ring, and she would climb into the ring, joining her opponent in the ring. Putting on her motherly smile, Dana observed Mio closely, and her expression lit up when she noted that the girl was indeed cute. And her skintight outfit also put quite a charm on her that Dana couldn't simply explain with words.

"Oh my," Dana started. "Aren't you a cute one? Hehehe~ I can't wait to gobble you up and have you all by myself..." Dana said, cooing as she looked at Mio with hunger in her eyes.


Re: MIO vs Dana Ashford - Iron Woman Match

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Mio's excitement was growing as she watched her opponent's arrival. Larger opponents were like a norm for her nowadays, so the size difference between her and Dana only made her more eager to tussle around with the woman rather than being intimidated. It probably helped that her opponent seemed like a nice person, even if the raven haired girl already knew that initial impression could easily been blown away once the match progressed. Regardless, a part of her already falling a little for Dana's teasing, as evident by the meek expression she showed to the woman upon hearing her words.

"Um... I'll be... in your care, then..." she replied.

The ref then called both of them to the center of the ring to explain the rules as part of the match's formalities. Mio herself seemed to be paying attention more to Dana's figure rather than the official. Her opponent had motherly expression, but her arms looked like they could easily trap and squeeze her lithe form for as long as she wanted. Her legs looked even more fascinating, and Mio couldn't help but to shudder a little as she imagined how it'd feel to be trapped by those toned limbs for a moment. Then there's also the bountiful assets of Dana that could easily turn the raven haired girl silly in various ways... something that filled Mio's head with a few thoughts that brought faint shades of pink on her pale cheeks. If it wasn't for the ref's voice breaking her train of thought, she probably could have stuck staring at Dana and fantasizing about what the woman might do to her for a quite a while!

Even as the bell rang, Mio's focus wasn't quite all there yet, although she did raise her arms up instinctively, even if a test of strength between her and the bigger woman might not the best way for her to start the match.

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Re: MIO vs Dana Ashford - Iron Woman Match

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Dana giggled after seeing how polite the girl was. She certainly couldn't wait to get her hands on her once the match started. Soon, the bell was rung, and Dana would prepare herself to have her way with the girl. She saw that Mio had raised her arms in preparation for a contest of strength, and Dana saw no problem with that as she would step forth and lock herself up with Mio in the contest of strength.

"Try your best, my dear. Let's see if you can withstand this..."

Dana would push against Mio, exerting her strength to overpower her. It should be clear that Dana was heavier and physically stronger than Mio, and it certainly wouldn't take an expert to see who would gain an upper hand from this exchange. Of course, Dana was treating the whole situation like a predator playing with its prey, confident in her own superiority over the girl.


Re: MIO vs Dana Ashford - Iron Woman Match

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Mio was easily pushed by Dana the moment they engaged each other in the lockup, but she did try her best to stand her ground, even she barely produced any result to say the least. It felt like she's trying to move a boulder that wouldn't really budge despite her effort.The raven haired girl grunted as she was driven backwards, and if anything, her attempt to lean forward as much as she could only seemed to get her face closer to the woman's chest without her fully realizing it just yet as she's looking down.


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Re: MIO vs Dana Ashford - Iron Woman Match

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Dana would continue pushing against Mio, smiling all the while as she saw that her head was rather close to her chest. This gave the mature woman an idea, and she would like to do something about it. After a little while, Dana would stop pushing, but instead of letting herself be pushed, she would grab onto Mio's head with her arms before bringing her face first between her breasts, going for a breasts smother.

"Hope you love hug~" Dana purred as she would make sure to bury the girl's face in her deep cleavage. She knew that she would be having trouble breathing with her mouth and nose covered by her flesh.


Re: MIO vs Dana Ashford - Iron Woman Match

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Mio felt something was off as at some point she was actually pushing Dana backwards a little. By the time she thought about it, however, the woman's trap was already sprung as her head would be pulled into the tall beauty's cleavage for a breasts smother!

"Mmmpphh...!" the raven haired girl let out a surprised yelp that was muffled by the chest of her opponent, and she'd start squirming cutely in a futile attempt to free herself. "Nnnggg..."

Mio tried to pull herself and push Dana away, although her struggle also caused her face to be rubbed against the woman's covered breasts a little. Unfortunately, there wasn't much she could do at the moment given the situation. If anything, the sensation seemingly starting to pacify her resistance little by little, although it could be argued that Mio was simply losing strength from the smothering.

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Re: MIO vs Dana Ashford - Iron Woman Match

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Dana's smile widened as she trapped Mio's face between her breasts, smothering her. She would make sure to secure her head with her arms as she kept the girl's face buried in her cleavage. She could tell that Mio was slowly losing her strength as the smother hold prevented her from breathing. Of course, with this match being an erotic one, she wasn't content with just breasts smother.

So, after holding Mio in the breasts smother for a while, Dana decided to bring her down, falling forward, bringing Mio down onto the mat with her being on top of the girl. Using her own weight, she would try to flatten her against the canvas, and she knew that it would leave the girl pancaked between her body and the mat.


Re: MIO vs Dana Ashford - Iron Woman Match

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Mio felt her body being pushed backwards and soon enough her lithe frame crashed onto the mats with Dana's larger frame right on top of her. Whatever muffled grunt the raven haired girl was swallowed by the thud that's produced by their fall. Mio's lithe form almost looked as if it's buried completely under her opponent, and it didn't help that she's barely able to move for a while as the crash left her stunned temporarily.

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Re: MIO vs Dana Ashford - Iron Woman Match

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Flattening Mio under her weight, Dana would then pick herself up so that she could see how the girl was doing after taking her whole weight. Still smiling, Dana would then pull Mio closer as she would take a seated position on the mat before placing the girl on her lap. She thought that the girl might be breathless after being pancaked under her, and from there, she would start groping her tits with one hand while the other would travel down to her crotch as she would begin massaging her sex.

"Let mama fix your boo-boo~" Dana purred as she would start having her way with the girl, kneading her breasts and playing with her crotch at the same time.

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