The Princess and the Idol: Rise vs Izzia

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The Princess and the Idol: Rise vs Izzia

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Smother match: Victory achieved through submission or rendering unconscious through a smother.

Rise stood in the gorilla position awaiting the fourth match of her LAW career. While she was happy to have the chance to perform often for the LAW fans she found herself wishing she could have a little more time to rest, she could still feel some of the bumps and bruises she had gotten in the matches she'd been in since starting at LAW. On the bright side her match for tonight was a smother match, which meant that even if she lost badly she wasn't going to get beat up or anything like that. With that mindset she came out to greet the audience with a smile, waving as she did so.
Rise ran down the ramp giving out high fives to her fans as she did so. Thanks to her fame as an idol she had a lot of fans even though she had never even won a match, something which she was very thankful for. As she entered the ring she began to take some deep breaths as she mentally prepared herself for the match up ahead. She had never personally heard of this 'Izzia Oskevic' person so she was quite interested to see what she was like as she watched her entrance.
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Re: The Princess and the Idol: Rise vs Izzia

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Izzia waited backstage, fussing with her hair and adjusting her skirt and top in front of the mirror as she prepared for her next match in LAW. Her fledgling wrestling career had had mixed results so far, but now she had a chance to rack up a quick win against a struggling opponent. This Rise woman might have had a strong fan following, but her record so far was unimpressive! Finally finished tweaking her blue hair and her attire, she turned to face the entrance.
Izzia Oskevic
Her music, Cosmic Ninja – Yeah Right, blasted from the speakers and Izzia set off striding out into the lights and executing a neat pirouette before posing with hands on hips at the top of the ramp, letting the audience drink her in. Then she set off down to the ring, hips popping left and right as she went, blowing kisses to the fans.

Diving under the bottom rope, she rolled neatly to her feet and stared down Rise with a smirk on her face.

"Hate to be the bearer of bad news," she crooned tauntingly. "But I'm afraid I'm going to have to add to your loss tally, fans or no fans."
Last edited by arktriumph on Sun Mar 15, 2020 12:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Princess and the Idol: Rise vs Izzia

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Rise watched as a pretty dark haired woman strut her stuff up to the top of the ramp, her eyes following Izzia as she walked down to the ring. When Izzia entered the ring she taunted Rise, claiming that she was going to give the idol another loss, which ticked Rise off somewhat. Granted she was probably right, but there was no reason to be such a jerk about it "Well maybe today's gonna be the day of my first win <3" Her voice sounded as sweet as honey but there was venom in the slight smile she gave Izzia. Rise then waited patiently for the bell to ring.

Once the bell rang Rise would dash out of the corner towards Izzia and would jump up at the last moment, throwing her knee forward to deliver a flying knee aimed at Izzia's chest. It was an opening move that Rise always tried to employ because it makes for a flashy start to the match.
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Re: The Princess and the Idol: Rise vs Izzia

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Izzia raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by Rise's response, not at all worried about this woman's credentials in the ring. She smiled sweetly, taking up a fighting stance as the bell rang.

However, she hadn't expected the aggression that was quickly forthcoming from Rise. One moment they were facing each other, the next Rise was racing towards her and Izzia barely had time to take a step back before the other woman leapt at her with a flying knee attack!

"AUNNGHH!" Izzia wailed in surprise as the blow connected squarely with her chest, sending her tumbling backwards until she hit the ropes, hooking her arms over the top rope to keep herself upright, taken totally off guard!

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Re: The Princess and the Idol: Rise vs Izzia

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Rise could tell that Izzia was not impressed by her comeback, but that was fine by Rise, it just gave her more motivation to make her statement come true. With that thought in mind she was able to deliver a flying knee to the Polish woman's chest with extra vigour that sent Izzia sprawling into the ropes "That worked? Uh, I mean, of course it did!" she said, pausing longer than she probably should have between attacks out of surprise.

Rise then went to close the distance between them and would throw out a kick aimed at Izzia's stomach, hoping to damage her further and possibly make it easier to pull off a big move.
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Re: The Princess and the Idol: Rise vs Izzia

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Although she'd been taken by surprise by the first move, Izzia knew a follow up wouldn't be far behind. She sucked in a steadying breath and shoved off the ropes, stepping to meet Rise as the woman tried a second kick aimed at Izzia's stomach.

Izzia attempted to catch Rise's foot in both hands, halting the other wrestler's momentum. If she succeeded, she would then spin towards Rise, ducking low and throwing out a kick of her own in an effort to sweep her opponent's other leg out from under her, hopefully sending Rise tumbling unceremoniously to the canvas!

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Re: The Princess and the Idol: Rise vs Izzia

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As Rise raised her leg to throw out a kick at Izzia's stomach the Polish woman stepped in closer and grabbed Rise's foot, shocking the idol. Rise balanced on one leg, wobbling slightly but otherwise unbothered thanks to her experience as a dancer. Or at least she was unbothered until the one leg she was supporting herself with was taken out from under her "Wah!" she yelled, before hitting the floor like a sac of bricks and landing on her ass.

Rise grunted in pain and rubbed her sore rear. She only took a second to soothe the pain however, as she had learned from experience that after something like this happened she should try and get up as fast as she could. Hoping to prevent Izzia from attacking her while she was getting back to her feet Rise would hook an arm around one of Izzia's legs and try and trip her up while at the same time trying to rise to her feet.
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Re: The Princess and the Idol: Rise vs Izzia

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Izzia let out a triumphant whoop as her leg sweep had the desired effect, sending the Idol tumbling to the mats in front of all the fans. The Polish Princess grinned for a second, taking a costly instant to bask in her swift counter.

Because although the move had worked, it was hardly a destructive one, and Rise recovered quickly. Before Izzia could press her advantage the Idol was already moving, and as she rose up, she hooked Izzia's legs with one arm!

"WAAGH!" Izzia yelped as this time it was her legs that were swept away and she went crashing to the canvas in a heap, taken totally by surprise and now with the tables turned!

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Re: The Princess and the Idol: Rise vs Izzia

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Rise's ploy to trip Izzia up worked, bringing the Polish wrestler down to the mat by sweeping her legs out from under her. Rise took the opportunity to clamber up to her feet so that she was now towering over the prone woman. Suddenly getting a flash of inspiration in her head the idol would smirk, turn around and bend forward, raising her rump into the air as she did so. Rise would then give her hips a tantalising shake before running away from Izzia, bouncing off of the ropes and jumping back, hoping to deliver a hip attack to Izzia's face as she got up.
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Re: The Princess and the Idol: Rise vs Izzia

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Izzia lay groaning for a moment, cursing herself for being caught so easily. She lost track of Rise in that moment as she started to struggle upright. She heard the patter of running feet and looked up in confusion, only to see the Idol flying towards her...

"GMPPH!" Izzia blurted in surprise as Rise's exquisite rear thumped into her face as the hip attack landed. Caught totally by surprise, the Polish Princess went down hard, with the Idol perched atop of her face in a dominant position! "GNNNGH! NGHH!" she would complain into Rise's backside, slapping at the woman's buttocks, legs kicking desperately as she tried to wriggle free!

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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