Rain "Triumph" Colbert waited eagerly in the back stage area, itching to get back into the LAW ring once again. His short career had been a comedy of errors so far, but the bumbling playboy was unconcerned. He could get things back on track against his next opponent. Any man who fought in a maid's outfit was probably going to be a total weakling and an easy win for the billionaire. Rain thought of the maids back home with amusement. He'd put this Daniel person in his place. He adjusted his snug-fitting briefs around his bulging package and made sure his long cape was flowing nicely for his entrance.

Removes cape before the fight begins
His music
Placebo – Pure Morning thumped from the speakers and "Triumph" strode regally out before the crowds, eyeing the fans from behind his cowl mask. He strode confidently down to the ring, cape swishing behind as he went. He clambered onto the apron, ducking between the ropes and unfastening his cape, tossing it to the referee. Then the billionaire turned around to face the ramp, planting his hands on his hips as he waited for the "French Maiden" to face him.