Well, here it was. All it took was an unholy willingness to bend her body and mind past the breaking point for most women, a complete lack of regard for the rules or human decency, and a scrap in the LAW gym. But here she was. In a title match. Long had she plied her trade in the musty backwater gyms of the American midwest, finding no glory. For most people, having a wrestling family would have been a boon if you wished to ply your trade by grappling with beautiful women. But to her, it was a burden.
No one in Jessica's family ever won anything. They had all wrestled for their entire lives, but none of them had come close to getting a championship. She wasn't entirely sure that she had even seen her father fight for a championship belt, let alone win it. And all her useless brothers might not have even stepped into the ring, given how useless they were. The Violent Violet had spent more time in the ring than she had outside of it at this point, as had all the other members of her family, yet there weren't here.
It was only her here now. She was going against the champion tonight. Jessica breathed in deeply. She had already stretched out and gotten loose, but she wondered if she was truly ready. Her arms were thick and strong and her legs were curvy and powerful. But tonight, she would not only have to be physically formidable but emotionally stable. There was so much on the line for her tonight, and if she lost control she was going to lose the match for sure. There was a monkey on her back, but she was not going to let that get her down.
She made her way to the arena, thinking about her gameplan. As far as Jessica could tell, Lillian was undefeated, which did not provide her with an obvious path to beat her. That was fine. Jessica was more than happy to do her own thing. The champion was strong, but Jessica was strong too, and Lillian was going to find out just how strong she was when Jessica buried her under a pile of power moves until Lillian could not get up from a ten count.
Jessica's purple eyes peered around the curtain. Full house. It was a pay-per-view after all, and Jessica was determined to put on a show for them. The Violent Violet was not loved, far from it. But Lillian was not the nicest woman either, and they would not love Jessica save if she went forward with a massive display of strength.
Little sister there's blood on the tracks...
Jessica's dark music swelled over the arena as Jessica made her appearance. She flipped off the crowd as she walked down the ramp, and slid under the bottom rope. It was traditional to stand in the corner, but Jessica wasn't feeling that. She was standing pat in the middle of the ring, hands on her hips.
Bring out the pre-ex champ, she thought.