Lillian Byrne(c) vs Jessica Wright - Last Woman Standing Match

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Lillian Byrne(c) vs Jessica Wright - Last Woman Standing Match

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Last Woman Standing Middleweight Championship Match: No Disqualifications. Victory to be determined via knockout or tko via failing a wrestler failing to answer a ten count.
The winner will become or remain L.A.W.'s Middleweight Champion

Last edited by winner3 on Wed Feb 12, 2020 1:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lillian Byrne(c) vs Jessica Wright - Last Woman Standing Match

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Well, here it was. All it took was an unholy willingness to bend her body and mind past the breaking point for most women, a complete lack of regard for the rules or human decency, and a scrap in the LAW gym. But here she was. In a title match. Long had she plied her trade in the musty backwater gyms of the American midwest, finding no glory. For most people, having a wrestling family would have been a boon if you wished to ply your trade by grappling with beautiful women. But to her, it was a burden.

No one in Jessica's family ever won anything. They had all wrestled for their entire lives, but none of them had come close to getting a championship. She wasn't entirely sure that she had even seen her father fight for a championship belt, let alone win it. And all her useless brothers might not have even stepped into the ring, given how useless they were. The Violent Violet had spent more time in the ring than she had outside of it at this point, as had all the other members of her family, yet there weren't here.

It was only her here now. She was going against the champion tonight. Jessica breathed in deeply. She had already stretched out and gotten loose, but she wondered if she was truly ready. Her arms were thick and strong and her legs were curvy and powerful. But tonight, she would not only have to be physically formidable but emotionally stable. There was so much on the line for her tonight, and if she lost control she was going to lose the match for sure. There was a monkey on her back, but she was not going to let that get her down.

She made her way to the arena, thinking about her gameplan. As far as Jessica could tell, Lillian was undefeated, which did not provide her with an obvious path to beat her. That was fine. Jessica was more than happy to do her own thing. The champion was strong, but Jessica was strong too, and Lillian was going to find out just how strong she was when Jessica buried her under a pile of power moves until Lillian could not get up from a ten count.

Jessica's purple eyes peered around the curtain. Full house. It was a pay-per-view after all, and Jessica was determined to put on a show for them. The Violent Violet was not loved, far from it. But Lillian was not the nicest woman either, and they would not love Jessica save if she went forward with a massive display of strength.

Little sister there's blood on the tracks...

Jessica's dark music swelled over the arena as Jessica made her appearance. She flipped off the crowd as she walked down the ramp, and slid under the bottom rope. It was traditional to stand in the corner, but Jessica wasn't feeling that. She was standing pat in the middle of the ring, hands on her hips.

Bring out the pre-ex champ, she thought.
Last edited by LtLukas on Wed Mar 18, 2020 2:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lillian Byrne(c) vs Jessica Wright - Last Woman Standing Match

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Lillian paced backstage, boots clicking on the floor of the locker room as she moved back and forth, eyes narrowed and mind far from the present, thinking about what lay ahead of her in a few minutes time, yet another title match with her belt on the line. But what ran through her head was not thoughts of the outcome of the match, be it a win or a loss, but what ran through the champion's head was ideas and scenarios of what she planned on putting her foe through, how she wanted to make her suffer.

It had been several days since their brawl in the LAW arena's gymnasium, but Lillian hadn't forgotten even one second of it, and she had worked hard in her training, her regiment increasing in intensity as she prepared. And now tonight was the night that it would be put to the test, as her and Jessica would fight until one of them was no longer able to rise, the perfect kind of match in Lillian's mind.

All the loneliness and rage she carried through her life had changed her, and she was a honed and focused competitor now, sparing no thought for her opponents aside from how best to make sure that they knew that she was the champion for the reason. And as she watched Jessica making her way down to the ring, the brunette knew that she had to once more perform, taking a few deep breaths before grabbing her belt and making her way to the entrance ramp, hardly pausing before she stepped out onto the ramp!
Lillian was no fan favorite, but tonight the crowd was relatively split, as Jessica and her both had less than favorable reputations, but were still widely acknowledged based on skill. And Lillian was ready to test her skill against her foe's, climbing into the ring and handing the referee her belt, eyes locked on the woman across from her, staring Jessica down as she waited for the bell to ring!

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Re: Lillian Byrne(c) vs Jessica Wright - Last Woman Standing Match

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Jessica knew that this moment would come. There she would be, standing in the ring, waiting for the champion to come down. After the bell rang, Jessica would put on the match of her life and win the belt, never to relinquish it. Such an image appeared to her in her fantasies, and Jessica clung on to them for dear life. How it happened was unclear, nor did it really matter. It was only a short time ago that they were brawling in the LAW gym, and now Jessica was performing on a pay-per-view. Had she been pressed, that isn't how she would have planned it out, but Jessica was an opportunist. It was only through her anger and pride that she got this match, and she hoped that anger and pride would be enough to win it.

"Hope you enjoyed that belt. Because it is going to be mine tonight, I fucking promise you that." Jessica snarled. Her arms were down. It was easy to intimidate little lightweights who were just here to promote their modeling careers, but it was a different matter entirely to cow the champ. Jessica was just the type of person to try, though, as she let it be clear exactly how much strength she had in her arms. Her fists were clenched, and a snarl was on her face.

This was everything that she had worked for. The bell rung, and she was sprinting at Lillian like a desperate woman running to salvation. When she reached the critical moment, she soared into the air with both legs extended forward for a missile dropkick. Tonight, Jessica was not holding anything back, a fact that she was going to make evident to the champion and to the world.

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Re: Lillian Byrne(c) vs Jessica Wright - Last Woman Standing Match

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In what seemed to be a somewhat interesting observation made by onlookers and followers of LAW, Jessica Wright and Lillian Byrne didn't seem to be that different from one another, the two women having some striking similarities in their outlooks on the competition in LAW and their own standing. Anger seemed to power both women and both made little friends on their way to where they were today, but despite such similarities the two seemed to have, it was those similarities that put them where they were today, standing across from one another in the LAW ring and getting ready to bludgeon one another till a winner remained standing.

Lillian's eyes never left Jessica, and the challenger's flexing caused the champion to give a wry smile, as she was all to familiar with the form of intimidation that Jessica was trying to pull on her. Lillian had faced a fair number of women in her time as a wrestler, with all different types of clashing persona's, but this was one of the rare times someone had tried to instill any sense of fear into her.

Heh, is that so? Funny, because I remember Karen promising me the same thing. And before that, I remember Tina promising me she'd be keeping the belt, but... here we are." Lillian said with a smug smirk, for once seeming to have a more relaxed attitude as her foe took the aggressor role, but there wasn't much time for any sort of cockiness from the champion as her challenger launched into action the second that the bell rang, rushing towards her and leaping up for a dropkick!

Lillian's expression shifted from relaxed to tense in the brink of an eye, as she crossed her arms in front of her body, managing to block Jessica's dropkick at the last second, though the force sent her staggering backwards before falling to her ass, arms stinging from Jessica's sudden strike!

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Re: Lillian Byrne(c) vs Jessica Wright - Last Woman Standing Match

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Jessica knew Karen and Tina. Or at least, knew of them. They were fierce women, entirely deserving of winning the belt off the woman standing in front of her, but they had found themselves unlucky in coming up a bit short. Jessica was not them though. She was cut of a different cloth. A cloth that was stained with her own blood, sweat, and tears. As she soared through the air she promised herself that she would not greet the fates of those women, but would rather carve out a destiny unique to her, one wherein she won the belt through a relentless display of force.

That force was mitigated but not entirely stopped. Lillian threw up a defense which meant that Jessica's powerful kick did not meet Lillian's soft torso but rather the hardness of her arms. She cursed as she plunged to the ground, but she had thrown herself forward with such reckless abandon that the literal momentum was on her side, allowing her to bounce up quickly and continue the charge forward, in an attempt to get the figurative momentum on her side as well.

The Violent Violet hunched down and threw her shoulder forward. She was putting her body on the line with such a bold spear, but this was the champion. Jessica would not allow herself to do anything less than the maximum in an effort to get the belt.

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Re: Lillian Byrne(c) vs Jessica Wright - Last Woman Standing Match

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Lillian's smug demeanor was not without reason, as she had taken on some of the toughest women that LAW had to offer and had beaten each and every single one that had came to her, with one exception that lingered in the back of her mind. But Jessica was far more ruthless than either of the two, willing to do anything that it took, as evidenced from the brawl that she was willing to start in the gym in order to get at the champion, leading them to this moment!

But Jessica would indeed start things off strong, literally throwing her entire weight into a dropkick, blocked by Lillian at the last second but still sending her falling to her rear, the champion scrambling to stand! But while she was getting back to her feet, Jessica had bounced back up and continued to bullrush the champion, diving forwards and throwing her shoulder towards Lillian's stomach, this time connecting flush!

"Aaaagh!" Lillian howled as Jessica speared her, the champ's legs flying out from under her yet again, as she hit the mat hard, landing on her back with Jessica on top of her, breathless and stunned!

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Re: Lillian Byrne(c) vs Jessica Wright - Last Woman Standing Match

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Jessica surged forward, each footfall coming with the gravity of a woman whose burdens weighed upon her like the sinners of Dante's Inferno in the seventh circle of hell, condemned to walk in circles with great capes of lead for committing the horrible transgression of violence against nature itself. She stampeded through and landed on top of her opponent, primed to unleash an unnatural amount of violence against the champion.

She was silent, as her task must be undertaken with solemnity. Punches rained down on her like fire in hell. The Violent Violet was living up to her moniker as the ground and pound was coming in hard and fast. The crowd howled their displeasure at her. They had come to see a wrestling match, not a brawl, but Jessica valued beating the pulp out of her opponent more than she valued whether or not they were getting their money's worth.

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Re: Lillian Byrne(c) vs Jessica Wright - Last Woman Standing Match

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Jessica's shoulder slammed into Lillian's gut with enough force to both take the breath right out of the champion and knock her legs out from under her, the brunette wrestler hitting the mat with a loud grunt as Jessica landed atop her! Lillian was somewhat in shock after she was taken down so easily, but was rocked back to her senses as Jessica postured up, before beginning to throw blow after blow towards her, raining down strikes as Lillian crossed her arms over her face, shelling up to defend herself!

"Gah! Nnnngh... fuck off!" Lillian hissed from underneath Jessica, blocking a series of painful punches with her arms, absorbing the sting in an area she deemed more expendable than her face! Still, she didn't plan on letting Jessica rain down punches for too much longer, as she attempted to get a leg up in between her opponent and herself, before attempting to give a quick thrust and kick the purple haired woman off of her!

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Re: Lillian Byrne(c) vs Jessica Wright - Last Woman Standing Match

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Jessica was a machine. Her arms were the pistons of some great and horrible engine whose inputs were childhood trauma and whose output was an endless capacity for violence. Even after Lillian got her arms in, Jessica kept the blows raining in. Even the tightest of defenses cracked eventually, and Jessica thought that she had the power to keep pounding until Lillian's arms could not stand it any more. Her purple eyes were focused solely on the attack, on punching Lillian until she was unconscious.

Then something strange happened. Lillian was able to get her foot up, and Jessica found herself flung off the champion. She rolled backwards to give herself some space and then popped up, placing her hand on her hip and flipping the hair from her eyes. "Some fucking champion you are," Jessica spat, as she crouched into her stance to make herself ready once more.

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