Managerial Complaints

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Managerial Complaints

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Over at LAW HQ, in the recesses of the building's higher floors, Dan DeFranco took refuge, going about his usual daily regimen of administrative and business tasks, and watching LAW programming during his breaks. Dan 'the man' had just finished allocating funding for the next ppv, sliding his laptop computer back towards the center of his desk and leaning back in his chair before letting out a long sigh.
"Yeeesh. I never enjoy the finance aspects of these events." He'd say to himself as he pulled out his phone and navigated to the LAW network to see tonight's card. He noted to himself the names that stood out to him. Among the wrestlers competing tonight, there was Karen Starring, Ducky Williams, Erin Quinn, Touka Akan-

And just as he had read her name, an email notification had popped up. It was a direct message to DeFranco from his secretary. Kyoko Akan was here to see him. And her visit, though expected, was not something he was looking forward to.

"Send her up. If you give her a wait time, she might get antagonistic." Dan replied. Having read Touka's name, he had a good idea of what this was about. He'd get up to unlock his office door before sitting down again behind his desk and kicking his feet up in anticipation of Kyoko Alan's arrival...
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Re: Managerial Complaints

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Kyoko wasnt kept waiting, nor should she. She was up and willing to barge in if needed since as she proved with Rebellion no one could actually stop her in security but thankfully she was told to head up immediately and she did marching upstairs in a hurry to talk to the man who was seemingly out to cause her such grief and worry. If he expected a cordial greeting he was going to be disappointed. If he expected the door being kicked open he got what he was waiting for. The door came out from Kyoko's boot with her staring directly at the front and looking around completely annoyed by the situation. Though surprisingly she just marched in and didnt scream.

"Dan...I know we haven't been on the best of terms since I helped trash a PPV set. But I paid every medical bill you ever threw at me and I haven't raised a fuss or sent you an angry phone call in months. In fact Id like to think ive been on my best behavior since then." Kyoko's hands would press on the desk and she would lean closer to the well built man in front of her. "So do you mind kindly explaining to me WHAT THE HELL YOUR DOING HIRING MY MOTHER TO LAW!!?"

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Re: Managerial Complaints

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DeFranco had expected Kyoko to roll into his office like a ball of fire. He raised his eyebrows in surprise as the Belly Queen proceeded to begin stating her case in a calm collected manner. He nodded in acknowledgement of Kyoko's recent good behavior. Of course, it was good in reference to how she was trying to treat him, not necessarily other members of the roster but he didn't belabor that point. When Akan transitioned into something of an outburst, he gripped the armrests of his chair and leaned back in contemplation.

"Yeah I appreciate you paying those bills. Of course, that doesn't automatically make everything cool again but I did notice you've been trying to get on upper management's good side, at least...." The man ran his fingers through his hair before leaning forward and placing his elbows in his desk, gesturing his way through the logic of his next statement.

"As for your actual concern, let's see.... I'm not sure if you're familiar with marketing departments but they like to capitalize on these types of opportunities. Your mother had been wrestling outside of LAW. You can probably imagine the appeal to fans of seeing a mother and daughter in the same wrestling promotions. Heck the Ashfords and others are doing it at this very moment in this very company. I'm not sure how you didn't foresee is trying to get her to sign." The well-dressed man finished with a shrug. He paused for only a moment before continuing.

"If it makes you feel any better, though, I really didn't expect her to make it past tryouts and exhibitions but she put in the work and overcame the hurdles of age and motherhood to be here. It's a two-way street. Instead of asking me what I was thinking when hiring her, why not ask her what she was thinking by signing the dotted line?"
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Re: Managerial Complaints

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Dan didn’t seem too bothered by her sudden outburst, though him moving away seemed to indicate he didn’t like his personal space being violated he didn’t raise his voice either. She scoffed at being accused of being just on managements good side, that was just common sense to not get fired or punished. Still he listed the reason comparing her to the Ashfords or other teams where mothers wrestle with there kids on the roster. Kyoko didn’t care about creating a wrestling family legacy in LAW, she had one major concern. She had the same feeling about her sister being here but she at least knew she could handle herself, Kyoko pointed a finger at the man in front of her her anger not subsiding.

Screw your marketing! I’m not interested in excuses for keeping her here. Look at this place, look at your roster, Juri, Karen Staring, Sandy White, this is a place of psychopaths and sadists. not good natured people like my mother.” Kyoko pounded the table again. “If you talked to her for one second you’d know what she was like, she’s too nice and too soft hearted to go to the levels she needs to put these people down when they mess with her. She can get hurt and hurt badly. I don’t know why she agreed to sign to this place, she didn’t tell me at all, I had to find out when someone congratulated me!

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Re: Managerial Complaints

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Kyoko's fierceness and emotions ran high in The Man's office. Contrary to previous instances of Kyoko having outbursts and episodes in and around LAW facilities, she acted for a seemingly just cause this time. Behind the fire in her eyes and her tone of voice, there was a loving daughter that was genuinely concerned for her mother's safety and well-being. This wasn't lost on Dan. He nodded in sympathy as he broke eye contact with Akan, closing his eyes for the gesture before expressing his empathy.

"You know, this is very sweet of you, Kyoko. I respect it. I do. I think this is the first time I've seen you so genuinely invested in another person's state of being. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone...." He said with a smile as he intertwined his fingers seemingly contemplating/preparing to say more.

"But I've got two rebuttals that you won't like. And I really need you to hear me out. Please take a seat. Relax. I'm going to be blunt with you on this." Dan would say, motioning to the chair in front of his desk, prompting Kyoko to sit if she felt so inclined.

"I'm not the bad guy around here. Most would say that LAW could do much worse than me as far as managers go. Celeste, for one, is much ruder and self-interested than me, for example. But you've got to understand this situation from my perspective. Firstly, a business perspective. Yes, your mom is cute as a button and she isn't out to do to these men and women competing at LAW what you or White or Starring or Jess Wright are doing to other wrestlers out there. While we do discourage them when these 'psychopaths' go too far, unsavory feelings and actions are an unavoidable part of wrestling. Every time a man or woman feels they aren't good enough or that they aren't getting all the good things they feel they deserve, they do may find themselves doing....questionable things to cope." DeFranco would shrug.

"Your mother knows this. She's no slouch. She's done some homework on LAW and she's been in and out of the ring for a while she was wrestling on independent circuits. If she didn't feel she could hold her own, she wouldn't have signed on the dotted line, shown up to tryouts, and made a commitment to being at LAW and possibly being subjected to the will of these villainesses, would she....? I can't just fire or turn away a woman that's earned the right to be here and actively chooses to do her job and show up to work, can I?"

"And that brings me to my next point, and this you can tell others if you're so inclined to Kyoko. I'm a good man, but I do believe in executing poetic justice where necessary. Isn't there something just ironic and fitting about you being so genuinely concerned - so extremely worried for your mother being around the same types of psychos that you've been compared to? Isn't it odd that for every instance of you abusing, kidnapping, and battering someone's sister, daughter, or mother, there's a trained, wicked heel willing to corner your mother and put her through all the same things you've done to people, if not more?"

Dan would raise his eyebrow. He knew that whether The Belly Queen showed it or not, he was lighting a fire under her, challenging her to look inward and accept the possibility that her mother signing and being put in danger could very well be karma acting in full swing.
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Re: Managerial Complaints

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Dan didnt seem scared of Kyoko yet, in fact he seemed almost touched by her concern, something that made Kyoko scoff in annoyance. What beating people up made her a monster? Regardless she sat down as Dan asked and let him speak, by the end she wished she hadn't as he quickly dressed her down. First associating her with the psycho's of LAW and then going on a tangent about how her mothers choices are her own. Which while true doesnt mean ehr choices are good, but Kyoko didnt raise much a fuss...until he went into his second point implying anything that happened to Touka would be her fault, as some sort of punishment for the things she does. Kyoko's eyes got violent again and she slowly sat up and leaned over the table staring at Dan again.

"Let me make one thing clear...if I found out you...or anyone backstage, brought my mom here as hoping she'll get beat up to torment me. I will take a sledgehammer to your balls an-" "Um hello? Is this Dan's office? I was told to report here.." Touka Akan knocked on the door, and immediately Kyoko's expression changed to one of shock as she gasped and stood up staring at the door, thankfully it was still closed so Touka couldnt see who was behind it.

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Re: Managerial Complaints

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Dan's musings understandably earned him plenty of Kyoko's ire. Even if there may have been some truth in his words, it was easy to see just how many ways he had set Akan off. Scrutiny and helpful/constructive criticism weren't the types of feedback that Kyoko (or if we're being honest, much of the LAW community) handled with any degree of grace or maturity. But to imply that Kyoko had this coming, to dissect and analyze this turn of events from a position of power before her as GM and CEO. That lit a fire under his guest. And as a result, right away, Kyoko became aggro! He locked eyes with her as she abruptly rose up, got in his face and threatened him. And almost right on schedule, Kyoko's audible threats would be cut off by Touka's knocking.

"Ah, right on time!" Dan uttered while looking directly at Kyoko with a smug grin on his face. "Touka Akan....please come on in. Your daughter Kyoko and I were just in the middle of a cordial conversation. Please grab a chair. I should count myself lucky to have the pleasure of welcoming you both into my office. I'm sure it's not every day someone at LAW gets to share an encounter with the two of you at once. Can I get you anything? Water, perhaps?"
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Re: Managerial Complaints

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Touka opened the door as Kyoko stared at it wide eyed. She had been caught completely off guard by this turn of events, and needless to say she was left with little in terms of what to do about the whole thing. As soon as her mom and her locked eyes both of them turned to smiles as mother and daughter let out a squeal of happiness. Closing the gap Touka pulled her eldest into a loving hug, almost missing what Dan had said.

"Oh its so good to be here and see you again. I know your busy but you dont visit often enough for me." "Yeah..sorry mom, I really want to but-" "Oh no need to apologize to me I know your busy, I just miss the days you were always close. Besides.." She then turned to the GM. "Its good to know youve done well enough here and you certaintly couldnt do that attached to my hip. Sorry Mr. Dan I got a bit carried away there." She said taking a seat, Kyoko reluctantly taking the seat she had before. "Water will do just fine for me thank you. Im really glad to be here, Alot of places tend to look down on me because I lack the wrestling finesse, my grandfather was one but I decided to let that tradition take a backseat...of course it seems it gets to all of us eventually. But anyway I think you wanted to finalize some things on my contract correct? And wanted me here to make sure there were no misunderstandings on it."

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Re: Managerial Complaints

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"Yes. Yes I did." DeFranco nodded in his chair before getting up and casually walking towards his in-office water cooler. While pouring a drink for Touka, he'd smirk while trying to make casual conversation. The cuteness of the mother-daughter dynamic they had going on was well worth noting. Especially given Kyoko's sadistic tendencies.

"Of course. I'm happy to hear that the tradition found its way back into the family lineage. Of course, being a businessman in wrestling, I'm happy about that. But it makes me happy as a fan of the sport, as well. Here you are." Dan would say as she came back over to his desk to hand Touka the plastic cup of water.

"Funny that your daughter should visit during this planned meeting of ours. Not that I have an issue. But I should ask you just to avoid any legal repercussions. Are you alright with your daughter Kyoko being present while we iron out further details of your contract, Touka?"
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Re: Managerial Complaints

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I suppose it was a tad inevitable. Even on my late husbands side the wrestling stuff grows but still to see Kyoko shine so brightly regardless always puts a smile on my face. Anyway I’m sure it’s no bother if she is here. Afterall I think she should know a thing or two, would help me get squared away.” Touka said proudly as she was given a glass of water. Kyoko’s face seemed a lot more sullen though she tried to hide it. At least if her mom said no she could storm off and vent later. Now she was stuck watching her mom sign into trouble without her being able to say much despite really wanting too.

Well...I’m sure I can help look it over..though are you sure mom. I’ve seen veterans your age who start to fall behind and this is a kind of uphill kind of business.” She said expressing just the front of her issues without really getting into it but Touka didn’t notice the real intention. “Oh don’t worry about me. I’m not here to become a main eventer. Or at least planning on it. I just want to see where I can go. I’m willing to bet I can make some progress.

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