Audrey Hunter vs. Ayame Akan - Hunting the Wolf

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Audrey Hunter vs. Ayame Akan - Hunting the Wolf

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

Audrey Hunter's performance in LAW had been less than stellar, with her last match ending with the most humiliating defeat that she ever had in her life. All those losses definitely planted a few seeds of doubt in her, though she quickly shrugged them off as she planned to continue wrestling and keep trying. She knew that she would definitely make things better for herself, and tonight, she had decided that she would bring the change for herself by winning the match.

Donned in her blue leotard, Audrey was in the gorilla position, waiting for her time to make her entrance. Many had been calling her a 'has-been' due to her many losses, but she wouldn't allow them to discourage her as she would make sure that she could emerge victorious at the end of this match. And soon, after waiting for a while, Audrey was told to make her entrance, and wearing a confident smile, the blue-haired mature woman made her way out to the ramp as her music was played.
Audrey Hunter
Receiving a lukewarm reaction from the crowd, Audrey would walk down the ramp, trying to keep herself in good spirit despite many thinking that she might lose this one too. Still, her losing streak didn't change the fact that she was a veteran in this field, and if one looked into this logically, she had a much better chance to leave the ring victorious. Still, she also knew that she was no longer a spring chicken and many thought that she might have little difficulty keeping up with the younger talents here in LAW.

Soon, Audrey reached the ring, and after trying to get the crowd to rally behind her, the blue-haired mother then slipped into the ring, warming up and doing some light stretches, showing off her own curvy body in the process. It was a fact that many among the crowd appreciated. So, she would be in the ring, waiting for her opponent to show up. From what she had heard, her opponent for tonight was a young talent named Ayame Akan. Audrey planned to be the one to leave the ring as a winner no matter who her opponent would be.

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Re: Audrey Hunter vs. Ayame Akan - Hunting the Wolf

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After her stellar debut she was soon scheduled for another match. This one against a well known vet, and mother to two other wrestlers on the roster, which she thought was pretty cool. She had heard plenty about this women’s history on the ring. Though she had heard a few people in the back mutter about her being a ‘has been’ she ignored them as just being jealous. Better a has been then a never was and she felt it important to respect those that came before. Ayame’s music came on and she followed suit in making her entrance. Surprised she got such a positive reaction right out of the gate she gave a big smile before heading down the ring high fiving some fans before she practically pounced on the ring entering to face her opponent. The women looked great for her age and Ayame was eager to see what she was capable of. “Hello Ms. Hunter, get ready to face the future of wrestling.” She said with a playful giggle before offering a hand

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Re: Audrey Hunter vs. Ayame Akan - Hunting the Wolf

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Audrey waited for her opponent to arrive, and when she did arrive, Audrey noted at how young she was from the look of her. Unlike her, she was definitely in a good shape, with fully-defined abs and beautiful figure. Still, despite everything, Audrey was determined to win and defeat this youngster, however bright-eyed and talented she might be.

"Well, I'll be the judge to see how good the future of wrestling is..." Audrey said, smiling at the younger woman before she accepted the handshake. "Give me your best shot, sweetie," she said before she stepped back, preparing herself for the match. Soon, the referee would get between them and see whether they were ready or not.

Once the referee had ascertained that the two of them were ready, she would call for the bell, starting the match between Audrey and Ayame. Breathing out to calm herself down, Audrey would take a stance, bringing both her arms up as she offered her younger opponent a test of strength. She wanted to see how good her opponent was with her strength.

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Re: Audrey Hunter vs. Ayame Akan - Hunting the Wolf

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Shaking hands with the veteran she made it clear that she wouldn’t back down or make it easy on her but the Wolf didn’t expect or want that. She wanted to bring Audrey down herself and had the best she brought her the better. Once they were away from each other and the ref explained the rules it was go time. Ayame moves in again and when she Audrey wanting to lock up she does so expecting no foul play. And wanting to show off her power to the vet she began to press into the women with a determined glare

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Re: Audrey Hunter vs. Ayame Akan - Hunting the Wolf

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Now engaging her opponent in a test of strength, Audrey would try to push against Ayame, her arms flexing as she began to exert her strength. Her boots skidded against the canvas as she would try to gain an upper hand over the younger woman. Audrey's eyes would meet Ayame's, showing her determination as well, wanting to tell her opponent that she would not be defeated here without a fight. "Grgghhhh... I-I will not lose...!" Audrey growled out, trying to overpower her opponent with her strength, though if Ayame was as strong as her physically, they would enter a stalemate.

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Re: Audrey Hunter vs. Ayame Akan - Hunting the Wolf

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Ayame pusher against the big women. Feeling her determination in her muscles, she had a lot of power befitting her body. From a distance it looked cute and cuddly, up close she was feeling that it was more defined hen it showed itself to be. That didn’t mean Ayame was getting overpowered, she was a big strong women herself and more then capable of overpowering her. And she was certainly trying to push back no matter what she did. Working to try and bring her back she met Audrey’s power head on. “We’ll long that confidence lasts!

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Re: Audrey Hunter vs. Ayame Akan - Hunting the Wolf

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Audrey could feel the push from her opponent, and after entering a stalemate, she started to feel that she was being pushed back. "Eerghhh..." She grunted in exertion, hoping to push back against Ayame. She was slowly losing her ground, and she knew that she might succumb to her opponent's strength eventually. "N-no way... ghhhhh..." She gritted her teeth as she tried to push back. At the moment, it was clear who was the stronger one between the two, and while Audrey was no slouch in terms of physical prowess, she was older and way past her prime.

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Re: Audrey Hunter vs. Ayame Akan - Hunting the Wolf

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Audrey’s power was impressive but up against a powerhouse who was young and in her prime, it seemed experience wasn’t going to win out. Ayame started to bring her opponent backwards despite her best efforts, and judging by Audrey’s shock this wasn’t part of her plan. This only encouraged Ayame to strike pushing onward on her flabbergasted opponent to assert control getting close and then trying to bring Audrey to her knees. “Way.” If she would succeed in forcing the vet to kneel before Zod she would then jump bringing both of her knees on top of her kneeling opponent and send her down to the mat with the full weight of her body on her.

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Re: Audrey Hunter vs. Ayame Akan - Hunting the Wolf

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Slowly, it became clear that Audrey was outmatched by her much younger opponent, and soon enough, she was forced down onto her knees by Ayame. She gritted her teeth, clearly frustrated by this turn of event. It was clear that she couldn't stand a chance against someone who was much younger than her, at least in terms of physical strength.

And then, Ayame decided to bring Audrey down onto the mat, getting her knees up onto her, and Audrey squealed as she was brought down. "Aahhh!!!" She grunted as her back hit the canvas, and due to this, she was put into a very vulnerable position, with her unable to defend herself against whatever her younger opponent had in store for her.

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Re: Audrey Hunter vs. Ayame Akan - Hunting the Wolf

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Overpowering the veteran in the early going Ayame didn’t waste too much time after that moving after the women, dropping her to the mat and preventing her from getting the chance to get the lead in this fight. “Guess that one goes to me.” Ayame said, going to proceed with her offense as soon as possible. Grabbing her leg she would start to bring her upside down, pulling her leg over her neck and stretching the women down and forcing her into another submission that bent her back and leg with her own body. Keeping her trapped as long as possible as she wore down the veteran.

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