Brianna Mendez vs ChaCha Luana

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Brianna Mendez vs ChaCha Luana

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Standard Match: Winner to be decided via pin, submission, or knockout

Tonight Brianna Mendez found herself booked in a match against yet another newcomer to LAW. A combination of luck with opponents and her own skill had left the curvy, plus-sized wrestler to remain undefeated thus far in this promotion. And tonight, that undefeated streak was on the line! Backstage the Hispanic Heavyweight ran her fingers through her hair and eyes the entrance ramp in anticipation of her match tonight. Brianna knew nothing about ChaCha. On the inside, she remained cautious and thoughtful about how she'd take her fellow heavyweight on inside the ring. But on the outside, she persisted with an attitude of indifference and standoffishness. Mendez had a job to do tonight just like any other night: win. And she set out to do just that.
Brianna Mendez
The tanned barefoot woman emerged into the arena to the sound of her theme song sounding off on the speakers. To her surprise, there was some reception. Finally, a few cheers to accompany the boos. She had had the misfortune of having had to wrestle down cuter, fan-favorite girls in her past couple matches. Without meaning to, she had already built a bit of a reputation as a heel. Brianna would roll into the ring and push herself up to her feet. Her blue one-piece held her curves in place as she scaled the turnbuckles to face the crowd. She'd hop off the ropes and cross her arms before facing the entrance ramp. Brianna and the fans looked on with a curious expression as they contemplated exactly what type of wrestler and what type of opponent they'd find in ChaCha Luana
Last edited by winner3 on Wed Jan 15, 2020 7:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Brianna Mendez vs ChaCha Luana

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ChaCha could barely contain her excitement. She had a giant smile on her face as she waited for her time to come out. She skipped around in circles looking at Brianna's entrance on the monitor. She heard a knock at the door as a staff member would tell her it was time to go, which she responded with a thank you and a hug before heading to the back of the entrance ramp. She hums waving to anyone around. Finally, after a few moments of waiting, her music started to play

As her music played she would burst out, waving to the crowd who gave a mixed reaction, obviously nobody knew who she was but still she would wave, skipping to the ring as she would give high fives and hugs to everyone who would offer. She would even wave to staff members or announcers, before she would jump onto the apron, stepping in and running over to the ropes, waving to everyone. She then would walk over to the referee, shaking their hand smiling at them. Finally, she would go over to her opponent

"Brianna right? Talofa! My name ChaCha, nice to finally meet you!" She would shake the big girl's hand smiling, talking to her like she was an old friend she had known all her life. She giggles as she finished shaking her hand "Hope we can have a good match"

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Re: Brianna Mendez vs ChaCha Luana

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ChaCha's boundless energy and upbeat, cheery attitude were evident from the moment her theme song played and she emerged into the arena, making her presence known! The debuting middleweight seemed to be a sweet soul. She took the time to wave to the announcers and production crew during her entrance, and displayed enough agility to hop onto the apron of the ring! Brianna looked on with intrigue as she tried to get a read on her opponent. She shook ChaCha's hand firmly when she approached. There didn't seem to be any tricks, the cute bubbly blonde was just kind of like this.

"Heh, nice to meet you, too, kid. You keep being that cute and these fans won't want to see me work you over, heheh." Brianna answered, humoring the introduction. She noted the Chacha's grip strength, which seemed impressive for a new wrestler in her weight class. After the formality of the handshake, Bri backed up into her corner to allow the ref to start this thing off proper.

"Give me your best shot! I want to see what you're made of, ChaCha! I wanna see if you can keep up with me." Mendez would tease. She found herself warming up to ChaCha, already. As she adjusted her one-piece and cracked her knuckles in the corner, Brianna silently hoped to herself that she could find a friend in this opponent and give the debuting Filipina wrestler competition that would make her that much stronger!
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Re: Brianna Mendez vs ChaCha Luana

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ChaCha would smile nodding at Brianna "Oh don't worry, I'll be sure to give you a challenge." She would shake her hand back before going into the corner, letting the ref do their checks before the match, waving a few more times to the fans"

"Of course, well put on a great match for sure!" She would stretched smiling, preparing to go. The referee would do the final checks on the two before then calling for the bell, signaling the beginning of the match, along with what was about to happen.

ChaCha would walk to the middle of the ring, looking to meet Brianna in the middle for a stand off, she would stare of with her smiling "Hope I don't hurt you too much with this one." She would then attempt to grab the big girl, shockingly able to lift her up like she was a lightweight, before then slamming her down onto the mat with a huge body slam. If this worked the crowd would erupt with surprised cheers, ChaCha springing backwards in a ready stance for anything Brianna would follow this up with, her smile look much more confident

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Re: Brianna Mendez vs ChaCha Luana

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Brianna was eager to meet her opponent in the center of the ring. When the bell rang and the ref gave the okay, she casually emerged from her corner. The sound of her bare feet hitting the mat grew more intimidating as she approached the taller wrestler. Seemingly unfazed by ChaCha's size or confidence, Brianna would chuckle as Luana boasted about her opening move. Bri was willing to humor her foe. No one in the history of her career, in or out of LAW was able to lift her in a match. The heavyset heavyweight had never been worn down to the point where a stronger girl could lift her, and most women in the middleweight weight class or lower had a staggeringly slim chance of hoisting her up even if she was completely limp and unable to fight back.

And yet all of those precedents were shattered in mere seconds when this rookie blonde with seemingly boundless positive energy lifted her in quick fashion and floored Mendez with a Scoop Slam! The thud of the slam echoed like no other the ropes of the ring vibrated intensely after Brianna's back hit the mats. Her eyes widened and she rolled onto her hands and knees with a distraught expression on her face. She tried to take in the moment and understand what just happened. Fans erupted in cheers upon seeing just what ChaCha was capable of!

"N-no one's ever done that to me..." Mendez would utter with an incredulous tone, seemingly shellshocked. She'd shake it off quickly, however, and rise to lock up with ChaCha!

"Alright, I'll take you seriously. I'm never letting you have a freebie, again!" Bri would assert as she tried to wrap an arm around ChaCha's head and pull her in for a Side Headlock Takeover to ground the brawny blonde and rest the weight of her upper body on top of the rookie to keep her on the canvas and under control!
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Re: Brianna Mendez vs ChaCha Luana

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ChaCha grins at the eruption of cheers, waving to the crowd smiling happily, before turning back to Brianna and doing a small flex. She was obviously rather strong, I mean she had trained her body for a good few years, but even so this so far was the biggest moment of her career so far.

"Surprising right?" She grins at the shocked expression on her face before motioning for her to bring it before they locked up, this time Brianna would flip her over in a side headlock. ChaCha would grab her arm as the weight of her, although she was able to slam it a moment ago, was pushing into her body and crushing her. ChaCha knew she had to get her off before something bad happened

She would attempt to get to her hands and knees before slowly making her way up in the headlock, attempting to make it back to a standing position. If she was able to do so she would attempt to slip her head out of the big girls arms, wrapping her arms around her waist trying to bring her down in a wrestling back hold. If this worked although unlikely, she would attempt to then lock in a headlock of her own on the big girl, trying to not let her have an inch

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Re: Brianna Mendez vs ChaCha Luana

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"Surprising" was indeed the word. Very few women in the back could lift Brianna in a match, let alone slam her outright at the start of one. This shocked Bri and the crowd. This was a moment the heavyweight Hispanic gal would be sure to remember for the rest of her career. It took a few seconds for her to regain her composure. ChaCha had time to bask in the limelight and the cheers. Bri could only recoup and approach again, hoping that ChaCha had overplayed her hand and lead with her greatest asset. Mendez pressed in with the hope that the Filipina wrestler's raw strength did not compensate for her inexperience!

"Gotcha!" Brianna would snap as she lunged in and slipped an arm around ChaCha's head and neck to secure her in a Headlock. The full-figured heavyweight was able to quickly transition into a Headlock Takeover, sandwiching ChaCha between her own frame and the mats below! She'd hold ChaCha beneath her for a few minutes, allowing the opposing blonde to expend energy working her way up off the canvas, slowly, to her knees and then to a standing position! The crowd roared when ChaCha turned the tables and secured a Headlock on Brianna this time! But Brianna was ready!

"Nuh uh! Not so fast!" Mendez boasted as her head was forced into that bountiful chest! ChaCha was plenty strong, but Brianna was brawny in her own right! She placed a hand against Luana's bare back and shoved her opponent hard in the direction of the ropes, setting her up for an Irish Whip! If Brianna was successful in this endeavor, she'd attempt to catch ChaCha after she ricocheted off the ropes and hoist the middleweight up before falling forwards and on top of her with a huge Sitout Spinebuster! Should Bri manage to stay a step ahead of ChaCha, the sound of the rookie's back hitting the mats would echo throughout the arena and Bri would place an arm on the girl's chest and flex her bicep with her free arm as the referee checked ChaCha's shoulders before counting!

Last edited by winner3 on Mon Feb 24, 2020 9:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Brianna Mendez vs ChaCha Luana

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ChaCha would bite her lip as she tried to keep the headlock on the big girl, however, this wasn't meant to be as the big girl would force her way out, breaking the hold before sending her into the ropes. ChaCha would then nearly be tossed up, before being slammed down with a spine buster. She would grasp her lower back as she hit the mat. She was then pinned by the big girl, however, ChaCha wouldn't stay down so easily.

Also right after the referee hit the mat for a one count, she kicked out, attempting to push Brianna off her, spinning to get back up onto her knee, smiling and wagging her finger saying "Tsk tsk" Standing back up motioning for her to bring it, smiling at whatever reaction she had to this reaction. She would attempt to show off the strength again, this time with a test of strength, trying to lock up with the big girl before attempting to push her back. The two would then attempt to test one another strength

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Re: Brianna Mendez vs ChaCha Luana

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Bri was eager to reclaim some momentum! She could feel that her Spinebuster hit with impressive enough force. The Hispanic wrestler smiled as she pressed her hand down on the scantily-clad beauty's chest to pin her! But ChaCha surprised the fans and Brianna as well when she showed herself to be lively enough to kick out early, barely granting Mendez a one-count before she spun around and rose up with some spunk and gusto, wagging her finger to put a cherry on top of her denial of Bri's victory just now!

"You're cute, you know. But I can't stand showoffs." Mendez would say with one eyebrow twitching, communicating her bittersweet feelings of frustration and fondness for ChaCha's attitude. When the deceptively strong Filipina offered to lock up, Bri could tell exactly where this was going. She'd raise her arms and attempt to intertwine her fingers with Luana's to humor her with this Test of Strenght! Mendez had every intention of feeling out just how strong ChaCha really was! She'd dig her heels in and push forward to try and overtake her foe! However, if Bri felt herself being pushed back towards her corner, she'd try and turn the situation around! She'd allow herself to come within a few steps of her corner before shifting from pushing to pulling! Mendez would try and punish ChaCha for showing off by pulling her in for a Belly to Belly Suplex and throw her backward and overheard, into the turnbuckles to chastise her!
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Re: Brianna Mendez vs ChaCha Luana

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"Sorry can't help myself" She would giggle at the girl's annoyance, but none the less locked their hands together and start pushing against the big girl, the two fightings against one another. ChaCha would once again be getting the upper hand as she pushed against her and although it wasn't easy, she would begin to push her back more and more to her corner, but this would end up being what Brianna was looking for. ChaCha would get too eager and end up falling into the trap, and into the big girl's arms as she was grabbed then tossed, slamming into the top and middle turnbuckle before landing on her upper back.

Upon impact she would let out a gasp, trying to roll back onto her side to recover, panting as she tried getting back up. She had obviously been hurt by the move and seemed to be quietly scolding herself for getting so eager and ending up in the situation, but either way, she would try to pull herself back up.

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